
Secret Spirit

A college girl who has supernatural powers loves anything ghost-related. She falls in love with a dangerous spirit whose job it is to kill anyone it encounters. They both deal with consequences relating to life, death, and the fact that one is dead and another is alive.

FoxLover_0615 · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Chapter 4 - Bloodthirsty

Ezra -

Hayden Micheals. I don't like him at all; it's always the popular kids that are like this.

My house is surrounded by cops and caution tape. So I'm stuck staying at Antonio's place, but that also means I have to endure the pain of not being able to walk while also hearing Antonio and every girl he brings into his room for five days.

How can a man like Antonio get a girl? Not only did I think he was... But Antonio is just annoying in general.

I lay on the couch and started contemplating whether or not what I'd done at the party was reasonable or not. Seeing a bunch of random people coming into the mansion was not on my agenda. I was planning on staying in my room until it died down, but then I saw her.

She was back. Why was she there? At my door, cosplaying in a bunny outfit? We haven't seen each other in years, and to me, she looks hotter than before. Maybe that outfit is messing with me, but why does she look different?

I mean, she looks the same, but there's just a hint of sexiness. God, I feel like such a weirdo when I have thoughts like these.

I wanted to talk to her, but I couldn't right now. Just looking at her was causing me to act differently. I knew this would happen sometime again, but I just didn't expect it to be now.

I was warned by this stupid guy that I would become bloodthirsty, but he never explained to me why.

It turns out that strong emotions cause the dead to become crazy and try to kill people. As well as excessive hunger, but that's just if you don't eat after a month. And now that I've become just like them, I'm starting to hate myself even more.

This wasn't a new feeling; I've been trying to learn to control myself whenever I feel angry or sad. But it's ten times worse whenever I like someone.

Killing someone then wasn't something new. I did it once before, when I thought I had found my killer. He looked just like the guy who almost ran me over, but once I found out it wasn't, I felt bad, but killing this bitch didn't.

She made people believe that I stole ten thousand dollars from her during my first year. In return, I was labeled a thief, which was one of the reasons I was hated by everyone.

Tiffany had it coming.

After that incident, I felt a little bad about what I did, but not totally because it was deserved. Death has never been something liked or hated. All I could say is that the person who died probably had it coming.

Just like Tiffany did

I was sitting on the couch with Antonio as he comforted me, saying it was meant to be and also wanting to throw a party for a successful and worthy death.

Antonio thought of me becoming another god of death, just like him. But again, with the word God, why is he saying I could become one? An almighty being rules over everything in existence.

"Why should I want to become a death god?" I asked

"Well, not just any god, but a death god, to be specific. You want to get revenge on the people who ruined your life, blah blah, main character shit, but how about trying to, I don't know, kill bad guys?" Antonio suggested, the eyes on his mask looking away shyly.

Antonio can be special sometimes, which I'm cool with, but he just told me to start assassinating random people just because they kill others. Look, they have nothing to do with me, so let's die.

And besides, it all started with her. So genuinely, I couldn't care less.

"You insane, I'm not doing this all because this is a weird thing you're into." With a disgusted look, I backed away from him.

He groaned and stood up.

"FINE! Since you are making me do this, if you kill at least one person, I will tell you where that stupid girl is." Antonio bargained, even though I could tell he was so annoyed.

"Wait, you will tell me where she is! Hold up; that sounds like stalking." I was excited at first but felt worried about the stalker vibes it gave.

"Oh my god, you will get a chance to meet the love of your life and reject it? You're going to make me go insane," Antonio whined.

"Look, I might do it, but can't I kill an animal instead, like a roach or a rat?" I suggested.

"NO! It must be a human," Antonio shouted.

Killing people is disgusting and weird. I didn't want to, but I have to, or else I'll go through a never-ending cycle of hell.

"There's a college close by; trust me, there must be a bunch of people there that surely deserve it," Antonio explained, making me sigh.

"Yo, if somehow something happens to me, I'm blaming you," I warned him.

He took me to a college campus that I recognized. This was my dream to go here. I've always loved anything technology-related and even wanted to become a game developer. Sadly, I had to go too soon and couldn't fulfill my dream.

But I'm here now, right where I belong. My vision went blurry when I saw everyone around me. It was so hard to keep my cool and just be normal. Why, just why now?

Inside the campus, I see Antonio getting a few waves from some students.

"Wait, they can see you?" I asked

"Yeah, cause I'm not dead," Antonio responded as if it were obvious.

"The hell, then how does this whole death god thing work?" I asked

"Exactly, it's confusing. Now shut up before you make me look weird," Antonio said to me.

Antonio is not good-looking; he's annoying, skinny, and short. So why do I see guys dapping him up, girls practically flirting with him, and even teachers loving him as if they think he's this perfect guy?

It's not jealousy, just confusion.

He noticed my weird look and commented on it. " What? you jealous?"

Again, not jealous, just confused.

"Who are you supposed to be here?" I asked him, hoping to get some clarification about his whole perfect facade.

"Just the sexiest nerd in existence," Antonio cockily answered, making me roll my eyes.

If girls consider him sexy, then how come I'm not considered handsome?

"Don't worry, Ezra; you're handsome too. I know some amazing rebels who'd love to date you." Antonio tried cheering me up.

I wanted to respond back. I couldn't. I saw him as the one guy who caused all of this misfortune to happen to me during my high school years. The one guy who I most definitely hoped to see

Why is he here? With the amount of sh*t he has done, I'm surprised he is not in jail. He is definitely the reason I am dead. Without a doubt, he is somehow involved.

Hayden Micheals. I don't like him at all; it's always the popular kids that are like this.

I went to him and stood behind him whenever it came to this stuff. I'm usually concerned about it, but not right now. I've been starving myself for too long, and I am done.

Hayden has done so many unspeakable things to me. Now it's time for

Tiffany may have been a spoiled rich girl, but she didn't deserve this.

"Um. Yeah, she did." Hayden turned around with my response.

What the hell? Did he hear me or something? Why does he look so tense?

Did I give him PTSD or something? Whatever now is not the time for distractions.

A way for a ghost to eat the soul of a living person Of course it will kill them, but hey, it could always be considered a heart attack, but it could also be painful if you rip it out of them too slowly. Which is what I'll do for him.

I put my hand on the back of his head, trying to prepare myself for when I grab his soul. Concentration is the key when it comes to grabbing a soul, because it could slip out of your hands and either fall to heaven, hell, or back into the body. Well, I think so, but I don't even know if heaven or hell even exist.

As I got a hold of Hayden's soul, I prepared myself for painful and loud screams when suddenly he started running away, taking me with him. I couldn't let go of his soul. It sucked at me like glue and pulled me back every time I tried to let go.

Suddenly, a girl came out of nowhere in front of us and hit me in the head with a bat. I was freed, but that still hurt.

My back was facing the ground while I was holding my head in pain. An Asian girl with black and purple hair stood over me.

"Sorry, um, but I can't allow you to kill someone unless I've given them a specific spiritual item or animal." The girl informed me and left me there.

She suddenly teleported away as I sat up. Antonio walked to me

"Oh, so I see you met Mina. Yeah, her job is to just make sure that before people die, they are given something special, but you might see it in a weird color," Antonio explained.

"Why is she so violent?" I asked

"She just wants to do her job. You know any mistakes made when doing their job can result in a more violent punishment." Antonio shocked me.

I held my stomach in pain.

All I want to do right now is kill him. I'm not even doing it for hunger anymore; this is my revenge.

"Do you know where Hayden is?" I asked impatiently.

"Who?" Antonio asked

"Hayden Micheals. Look him up or use your magical powers to track him down," I demanded.

"I can't do that," I interrupted him.

"So then what the hell can you do besides being aroused by the death?" I asked rudely.

"I can track the spirits and gods like Mina or you," Antonio told me, which made me groan.

"So then take me to that crazy bitch," I shouted at him, angry at this point.

He snapped his fingers, and a path appeared, directing me to where she was.

I saw Antonio get taken away by some students and saw an opportunity for no distractions.

I went through the ceiling all the way up to a dorm room. The door was highlighted with a ghostly blue color, and I entered right away. Upon entering, I saw Mina inside, sitting on a chair while staring at Hayden.

Mina was smiling, and to be honest, she doesn't seem to be happy in general, so I thought it was kind of cute.

There was a light blue bunny on Hayden while he was sleeping.

Mina noticed me, and her smile went away when she saw my smirk.

"Well, now that you're finally here, hurry up and kill him already," Mina so nonchalantly remarked.

I asked her why she cared, but she just brushed me off and tried to hurry me.

I stood in front of him, taking a deep breath, but from the corner of my eye, I noticed a picture of Hayden and Spirit.

They looked like best friends. But what was even more important was that Spirit wasn't holding Oreo.

She brings Oreo with her almost everywhere she goes. I didn't know they were so close.

If I killed him now, what would she think? How would she feel?

I don't want to hurt her. I guess Hayden gets to live a little longer, but how can she be friends with him?

Another one for whom I don't understand why they're so special Why is it him? Who am I going to eat?

Mina gave me a bag with random souls. I ate it immediately, then Mina telepathically sent me outside of the dorm while her eyes were still on Hayden.

Oh well, he'll die not too long from now anyway.

This chick is so weird.