
Secret Of The Nightmares

."Why I'm supposed to suffer like this?" He was drowning in the deep ocean struggling to breathe. But it seemed he was trapped in the time lap. Every day brought a new trial for him and he entered a never-ending misery when he shut his eyes at the night as his nightmares about his past dragged him into the darkness but he wasn't aware that his nightmares had a secret which he wasn't aware of. Park Jimin Fanfic

Rida_Kanwal · Kinh dị ma quái
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20 Chs

17. The Truth Untold

Her heartbeat was rising with every second. Her hands were shaking her vision was getting faded because of the tears her eyes were shedding. She couldn't imagine her life without him. Chaerin used her all energy for the last stroke and finally, she had been succeeded to break the door lock.

She threw the hammer on the floor saw the broken mirror few pieces were covered in blood she ran towards Jimin without even realizing that a small piece of the broken mirror had poked her bare feet. Jimin was still sitting in the same position for one hour his eyes were opened but there were no tears in them. Chaerin came closer to him carelessly threw herself beside him. Her lips weren't able to move or she was lacking the words she couldn't understand but all she could think at the moment was Jimin.

She sighed in peace when she checked his both wrist. Jimin had a minor cut on his finger but he hadn't hurt himself. She embraced him convulsively no other sound was to be heard but a deep sobbing. Slowly all the pain he was feeling was now disappeared when he felt the warmth of her warm body.

Jimin saw the wound on her feet he detached himself holding her hand he brought her to the bed and then headed towards the wardrobe took the first aid box and came back to her. In the meantime, Chaerin just glanced at him. The room was filled with the deep intense silence neither Chaerin wanted to say anything nor Jimin had words to speak. The only sound they both could hear was the sound of their heartbeat echoing in thier ears.

Jimin put her feet on his lap and put an ointment on her wound. She wasn't able to feel any pain or perhaps it was Jimin who had the power to heal her pain glancing at his miserable face she was asking the Deity why he was making him suffer like this?.

She could sacrifice herself if it would've been possible to get his happiness instead.

"Is it hurting?" Jimin asked in a raspy voice dressing a bandage on her feet. He then looked up at her. A beaming smile was all he could see on her face. "You hurt yourself and then you're smiling, Why?" Jimin asked. He got up  made himself sit on the bed beside her. Chaerin held his hand softly kissed, "Because your touch healed my all pain, I wish I could do the same for you," She said.

"But you always heal my pain," Jimin replied observing the uncertainty on her face. "I'm not lying, When you hugged me all my pain suddenly disappeared," Jimin tried his best to comfort her, and somehow he had been succeeded as Chaerin was smiling again.

"Everything will be fine once we find out what had happened with Sunmi," Chaerin said caressing his cheek. "Do you want to sleep?" She randomly asked as she could observe his exhausted face.

Jimin nodded, "but I'm scared I will have those dreams again," Jimin said. He had no energy left to see that basement again.

"Then I will wake you up," Chaerin said. Jimin put his head on her lap closing his eyes he tried to fall asleep while sitting on the bed Chaerin was gazing at him.






The night had been passed after came to know about Dong Hyun's call Taehyung and Namjoon were worried about Jimin. While after having a good sleep Jimin was standing near the window gazing at the beautiful view of the morning rain. The sky was darkened into the gravel-Grey droplets of the rain were dripping on his palm and the rest were drumming against the wooden door. The cold gust of wind was kissing his face and he was inhaling the aroma of the wet earth and greenery.

He rested his head on the window and let himself enjoy the view as it was healing his soul. "Jimin–ah come and eat with us, Chaerin has made tteokbokki for us" Namjoon screamed, Jimin came to the dining table made himself sit on the chair beside Taehyung. "Where Jin hyung I didn't see him since the morning," He asked.

"Jin hyung was busy in some meeting," Taehyung replied while scrolling down his phone.

"Isn't weird he never have done overwork before," Jimin assumed.

"I think he's getting serious about his work" Chaerin added.

"No, I think something happen he seemed so down the last night when I had called him, I just wonder what happened with made him so sad," Namjoon said.

"I'm sure dad has done something again, He never missed a chance to bother us," Taehyung said.

"Anyway, Jungkook was visiting us last night what happened with him why did he cancel at the last moment," Chaerin asked as she tried to change the topic while observing the tension on the dining table.

"His dad came to visit him at the last moment so he had to cancel his plan," Taehyung replied. Suddenly the doorbell rang Chaerin headed towards the door to open.

Seokjin entered the home he was soaked in the water seemed like he had been drenched in the rain for the entire night. There was some kind of sadness on his face everyone could observe in the room. "Hyung what happened?" Namjoon asked. While everyone was staring at Seokjin waiting for the answer but his eyes were stuck on Jimin who had now gotten up from the chair headed towards him. "Jin hyung did something happen?" Asked Jimin worriedly. Concern was visible on Namjoon's face and Taehyung was confusingly staring at his older brother whom he had never seen sad before at he was at the moment. Chaerin brought the towel for him tried to dry his wet hair but Seokjin made her stop.

"I'm sorry Jimin, I'm sorry for everything dad has done you, Seokjin said in a voice filled with sorrow now Namjoon and Taehyung got up from their chairs. "What dad has done to him why you're sorry on behalf of him?" Taehyung asked although he was still unaware of the real face of his father there was still a fit of anger in him.

"No, I'm not sorry on behalf of him I'm apologizing for myself, How can I not know what was going on what Mom and Dad were doing with you, How can I be so careless for you," Seokjin said his lips were trembling he was trying to hold back his tears but they were ready to rebel against him. Chaerin and Jimin had now realized what Seokjin was talking about while Taehyung and Namjoon were still clueless about the situation.

"Don't do this hyung," Jimin said staring at his eyes he was requesting not to reveal the truth in front of them as Jimin was worried about Taehyung.

"Tell me what's going on?" Taehyung yelled this time. "It seems like you all know the truth except me and Namjoon hyung so tell me," Taehyung lowered his tone this time. Namjoon was patiently waiting for Seokjin who was about to speak.

"Yesterday when you both left after arguing with dad, I was left behind, He said as an older son I should be on his side, I replied since when we have sides in our family then I left the room, Dad started to curse Jimin which made me stopped outside of the room. He then called someone and It was Dong Hyun, "Seokjin explained what happened yesterday after a few seconds of pause he started to speak again.

"Dad asked him to meet at the restaurant, I was shocked I was wondering why Dad was desperately wanted to meet him so I decided to follow him in the restaurant. It was the same Dong Hyun they both were talking about to kill Jimin," Seokjin was constantly speaking and Namjoon was staring at him with his eyes widened his mouth was half opened in shock while the anger contorted Taehyung's face he dodged his fist clenched his jaw, "What about Mom did you told her about Dad," Taehyung asked.

Seokjin scoffed "Mom was already in the restaurant she was the one who suggested they kill Jimin and get rid of him at once," Seokjin replied. There was an intense silence in the room.

"How can be they so cruel? How.

Can they shake hands with Dong Hyun?" Namjoon said with uncertainty on his face.

Taehyung was now shaking with anger he headed towards the main door as he wanted to see Mr. Kim he wanted to ask why his dad had become so mean that he shook his hand with Dong Hyun who had ruined Jimin's life and Mr. Kim wasn't the only one whom he was angry with. He was feeling hatred for Mrs. Kim as well but before Taehyung could leave the home Jimin made him stop. "You won't do anything wrong," Holding his Jimin said. He tightened his grip and calmly looked at him.

"We don't have time to waste because Dong Hyun can do anything at any time as of now we should be focused on Sunmi cause if we find out what happened with her so might be we will be able to get rid of Dong Hyun as well," Chaerin said tried to stop Taehyung.

"Let's focus on Sunmi we will see later what to do with Mom and Dad huh," Namjoon said patted on Taehyung's shoulder.

'I already gave mg resignation letter since today I won't be a part of the company I broke all the ties with them you guys can do whatever you want," Seokjin said took the towel from Chaerin's hand he walked towards his room with his heavy heart and closed the door.

"I'll do the same and I'm sure Taehyung won't like to go as well," Namjoon said.

"You guys don't need to do this for me," Jimin said.

"Do you think we can work in that company after knowing thier truth, Jimin–ah, our parents might be that mean we're not like them, I don't know what would I do if they come in front of me, so it's better to leave them alone because they deserve this," Taehyung said he then headed to his room.

"Jimin–ah I know our apology can't change anything and I'm not asking to forgive them but still I'm so sorry whatever you have been through, I'm sorry for not being able to see your pain," Namjoon said in a sorrowful voice.

"Hyung you don't need to apologize you all did nothing wrong do please don't make me embarrassed by apologizing." Said Jimin while hugging him.