
Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Every girl dreams of forbidden kisses and a bad boy of her own. But what happens when fate has other ideas? Xie Eun is a young girl who has only two dreams-Being a successful photographer and finding the love of her life. But the day she turns an adult,he father marries her off to a stranger-for her own good! Wolf has no interest in marriage.Born a genius,nothing holds his interest for long but the next challenge.However, his mentor,the man he owes his life to has asked him for only one thing.Marry his daughter. Reluctantly he agrees.But what is this?Xie Eun proves to be his biggest yet challenge and one he is determined to conquer. And so the two people who were destined to wed are wedded! Excerpt: "Little lamb,we are married now. Won't you even look at me?" Xie Eun kept mum and did not dare to lift her veil. Amazingly,she had not yet seen her husband's face. In a fit of anger over being forced into this marriage,she had refused to do so. Keeping her eyes trained on the ground,she said,"I don't want to look at you! You are my nightmare. Someone who would force me to wed!You could have stopped this farce and refused! But you did not. I don't even want to look at you!" The outburst and the confession of hate would have angered any other groom but not Wolf-he was amused. Ambling over to the bed,where the bride sat,he bent down to her and lifted her veil upto her eyes only so that they would stay covered,"My poor little lamb. Why don't I give you a small kiss to shoo away the nightmares?" With that the wolf gave the sheep her very first kiss and as he said,"She only dreamt of his kisses after that!" Hello everyone.The cover does not belong to me. *credits to the rightful owner!*

har_k · Thành thị
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230 Chs

Grumble Grumble

"Eun-a, everything you want to do, you wish to do is still possible you know. I would never restrict you"

Snorting,Xie Eun answered,"Ha!As if!And pigs will fly!Also,please stop calling me so intimately. We are nothing but strangers, Mr Wolf so please address me by my proper name."

As Wolf considered how to handle this problem, a rather loud grumbling sound echoed in the room causing the tense atmosphere to break and make Xie Eun let out an embarrasses groan. Xie Eun looked down at her stomach as if trying to reproach it.Her hunger had to strike at this time! Her stomach however paid no heed to her and growled once again making it clear that she was really hungry. Smiling a bit, Wolf came forward with a hand holding the robe,"Why don't you freshen up. It is a wonder that you can even breathe with that heavy veil covering you. And I will order some food for you."

"There is no need for this, Mr Wolf.I have nothing to discuss. Everything you try to say or do will only show you in a bad light. Please prepare the annulment papers unless my father has really misjudged you and you would like to hold me in this unwanted marriage against my wishes."

Xie Eun had intended to anger and insult Wolf but he was simply amused and replied,"Eun-a you have a unique way of insulting someone but sadly I am not that easily angered. For now, I am not going to agree to anything so don't waste your breath."

With that, Wolf placed the robe in his hand on the nearby chair and made to move towards the exit. Angered that the man had refused her 'request', Xie Eun made to attack him but once again trapped over her own feet and fell face forward, this time accidentally pushing Wolf to the bed and falling on top of him.

Embarrassed beyond measure, she tried to get up but was already entangled in dress, veil and limbs. Finally, tired of being prodded in the back by her elbows, Wolf rolled over, being careful to not crush his wife under him even as a ripping sound echoed in the room.

Xie Eun had clutched at Wolf's shoulders and since the man had discarded his suit jacket in the car,his white shirt was now ripped apart at the sleeve and in his wife's hands as he stood straight beside the bed.

Shaking his head at her clumsiness.Wolf blew a breath and walked towards the door.At the last moment,the man turned back and said,"Eun-a,please rip of that veil before you tear down the hotel, sweetheart.And now calm your heart,I will see you tomorrow morning.Food will be here shortly."

The sound of the door closing, made Xie Eun finally lift her head off the bed before hitting it in frustration. Her hands still clutched a piece of cloth and realizing what the material in her hand was, threw it away in disdain.

Sitting up on the bed, Xie Eun ripped off her veil and her beautiful hair tumbled around her face. Her big brown doe eyes were narrowed in irritation and her mouth was set in a pout.

Flicking her hair back, Xie Eun fell back on the bed, covering her face with her hands..

She had wanted to prove that she was a modern independent woman of the world not a naive little girl like her father believed. But in the end she had only proved what a Klutz she was! After lamenting her self for a few minutes, Xie Eun got off the bed and decided to change out of the dress.

She frowned at the robe that was laid on the chair and raised her nose, as if she would wear that. Walking towards the bathroom, she looked for another robe but found it used.. Wrinking her nose, Xie Eun realized that the room smelled of the man. She looked around and realised that this was that man's bedroom. A few of his clothes, hung in the cupboard and the bathroom was full of his soap and after shave products.

Harrumphing, Xie Eun stomped back to the room taking of her accessories on the way.It was only as her finger was stuck in a silky glove did she realise that she had not yet taken off her wedding ring..

Taking the ring out of the gloved finger,she brought it up for considering but at that moment,there was a knock on the door and a voice sounded,"Madam,your dinner is here."

Xie Eun hurriedly put the ring on her finger,the indec finger instead of it's rightful place and cautiously went to answer the door incase this was some sort of a trap by that Wolf person to see her.

A kindly woman stood at the door with a small tray of food in her hand.The fragrance assaulted her the minute the door was opened and Xie Eun forgot to take precautions against being seen and thanking the woman profusely,took the tray out of her hands.

Her mouth watered and placing the yummy looking sweet and sour fish and fried fritters,her favorite, on the table,Xie Eun started to gobble up the food.