
Secret Magic

When a normal world without magic is cruel to a poor boy what will he do to survive the modern world. He will travel through time and space, going to different worlds and the astral plains with his abilities to use magic to summon and create weapons. Will he rule the world or does god exist and handing him a ticket to a better life that no other could have expected. But of course other worlds have magic and those people will come. Will he be ready in time or die after fighting for so long to live. After all he has lived many life’s and died and been reborn Ed many times but how could he know this because of a angry lower god. /////////////////////// I am currently writing like six book on this site and have decided that this will be my main book. I want know if you want longer chapter but more spread out. Or shorter chapters that are cleaned up and takes the same time as longer ones. So do you want quantities or quality. Please leave comments to make me write more and my mistakes. I will respond to questions if any or anything you want to ask.

The_Kings_Author · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Magic is a secret

I woke up a few minutes before my alarm went off and turned it off getting dressed. When I opened my door I could smell bacon and eggs. When I got down I saw Helen with her wings still out making some food and a plate already set up with bacon and eggs on it.

"What's all this." I ask walking over.

"Don't scare me like that." she says jumping a little before putting the new serving on a plate and sitting down place both plates on the table.

"Sorry but thanks for the food." I said sitting eating.

"So were you going today" She asks.

"I'm going to school and speaking of that I was wondering if you can do something." I say.

"Of course what you want." She says.

"Can you set up some sort of magic barrier that allows only me and those I allow in." I ask.

"Yes I can do it while your away."She says taking both the empty plates to wash.

I grabbed some of the spell cards and put them into a empty inside coat pockets. I was wearing a light black jacket and black golf pants with a black belt for them. I had a completely white shirt on and got on the bus towards my school. When I reached the closest bus stop to my school I started walking. I could now see my school and people dropping of their kids and others walking behind me and I front of me with their bags.

When I got inside and made my way to class people actually looked me like they noticed. I was a little weird out by it after being ignored so long but sat at my desk in class. They class had started and everyone was taking notes when ten minutes before class Andes the teacher said we could do whatever for the rest of class while he sat behind his computer doing lords know what.

Two boys in-front of me turned around.

"What's your name kid, you new." They asked.

"No I sit here everyday actually." I say.

"Wait But doesn't that skinny quiet kid sit there. Wait your not him right." One of the boys says while two of the girls look over.

"That sounds like me" I say.

"Dude what happened. We remember you being short and weak but now your almost taller than us and actually have some color in you." They say joking but keeping it real.

"Things changed over the weekend." I say.

"Clearly but this is a lot." They say.

The bell rang and we made our way out the class seeing the two girls behind me looking a little confused at me. The few classes were normal until fourth period gym. The class looked at me like I was in the wrong class until the teacher called my name.

"Alex" the teacher said looking around.

"Here" I say back. Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy but they realize it's true.

Today the teacher had nothing out but had us line up on the long side of the gym.

"The first to run to the other side and back thirty times will get to pick first for basketball." Teacher says before waving her hand for us to start.

Everyone started running and I was actually keeping up. Most of the kids were sprinting back and forth but I wasn't getting tired due to one of the spell I activated. The spell was very simple as it was called stamina. It gave you the ability to run without getting tired. After maki g our way for the twentieth time a lot of the kids were barley walking while even the more healthy kids were stuck at a jog now except one. Another boy was still running clearly not tired but losing speed. I was still running at full speed and got back and stopped as I had finished. I walked over to the teacher and told her. She told me to wait by the wall for everyone else to be done.

"Alex finished first so he will get first pick for his team." She said as three others were pulled aside to be captain.

I picked the first person Jacob then I picked Oliver.

We played for about ten minutes and got ready to leave when I noticed something off about the guy who kept up with me earlier. I noticed how his palm of his hand were becoming inky black and he tried to hide them before glaring at me and moving on.

When I went to sixth period the two girls from the beginning of the day sat to my left. I wasn't sure what was going on belt felt like they were looking for something. I pulled some cards out carefully and found one.

Witch tracker.

All magic nearby you glows a faint blue. If it is a living thing then their veins will glow blue. I waited for class to end and activated the card. Both the girl seemed worried were trying to get out quick but I followed them out the the school as they became aware they were being followed they started running down a empty ally. I gave pursuit knowing they could magic.

When I turned the corner both the girls were about fifteen feet away looking at me.

"Why are you following us you weirdo." One of the girls says.

"When it's not every day you meet someone who can use magic." And as I said the last word two I felt stuck.

Two things of black arms come up from the ground holding me in place.

"Listen you will tell us everything about this world and we might let you live." The other girl said walking closer.

"Wow you really can use magic. To bad I can too." I say focusing on the cards.

"Your a human from this world it should be I impossible." They say as they spell that was binding me shattered like glass.

"So you want to introduce yourself or should I starts. My name is Alex and yours is."

"Since we will kill you my name is Ali and she is Meka." Ali say

"Will I'm going to be nice and not kill but maybe some retry bruises." I say.

"Really because I think you don't stand a chance against two fourth rank magicians of the Elder tower." Ali says while a small magic circle forms under her.

I throw my hand out forward and the wind blew the off their feet as the walls on birth side took dents and scratches. They both landed on their back as I looked at them.

"That shouldn't be possible. Only second rank and higher and cast spells without saying at least one word." She said as she rolled over trying to get up.

"So can you tell me about what mean and where you come from. Because I just started using magic like three days ago." I say looking at them.

"Wow you really don't know anything." Meka says.

A green light swept over them as they were muttering something.

"Okay we need to bring him in for questioning."Ali said and Meka nodded showing her agreement.

"Sorry but I can't go anywhere yet but maybe in the future once I have things settled." I say holding out the magic sword card.

"His trying something get him." Ali says as the card has a bolt of light go through it becoming the sword itself floating there as I grabbed it. The sword was light but had some weight to it both the girls sent shards of ice at me but the sword left my hand and spinner like a helicopter breaking all the ice returning to my hand.

"How has he got that sword." Meka said.

"I summoned a magic sword so what. Isn't that normal for you" I say swinging the sword.

"I don't know what your playing here buts it's physically and mentally impossible for people here to use magic." Ali said.

"I thought that at first but look at me." I say looking at the white blade sword.

"Well care to explain anything." I say looking at them.

'We can't beat him at his rate.' Ali thought.

"Meka we should leave and report this." Ali said and broke a small blue crystal and turned to dust before vanishing same with Meka.