
The rise

i woke up in the morning and opened my journal and writes "Dear diary, today we're going back to my hometown of mystic hills it's a small town in a small city of mystic grove, i was born there but somehow when i was 7 years old we moved to mysticVille for no reason but today i'm going back to my hometown to see my best friend alexia," i stopped writing because i heard my mom yelling "Jaeden can you help us move the boxes to the car" "Yeah mom ill be down in a sec" i yelled back "better hurry jaeden we need to go" my mom btw mystic hills is just a 3 hour drive, as we're driving "Mom?!? why are there covers on the windows? " "well Son we have something to tell you,but I need you to keep it as a secret no one should know what you are , you'll be 17 tomorrow. so I think it's time for you to know that we are a family of vampires, and tomorrow you need to drink blood to be stronger than ours, and your best friend Alexia is a witch" my mom told me, I was so shocked of what just I heard because I thought that vampires are just fiction I didn't know that vampires are real, so I said to my mother "Why are you just telling me this for my whole life I thought we are normal people, but I guess not, and my best friend is a witch?, why am I just knowing about this. " I told my mom semi angry,. I am a vampire?