
Secret Forbidden Love

Y/n is high school student, she is the basketball captain of their school and she is the popular girl in whole school mostly with girls because of her boyish behaviour and look and the thing down there also. She met Jenny a new student who just transferred from Japan on her first day and became best friends. On the same day Jenny invited Y/n to her home and there she met Jenny's mom and got mesmerized by her beauty. What will happen if Y/n fall in love with Mrs.Kim? Will Mrs.Kim accept her love and if she does what will happen if Jenny finds out? "Y/n this is wrong, you are my daughter's friend." she told me as she walked backwards when I move towards her. "If this is wrong then I don't ever want this to be right." I told her as I trapped her with my hands either side of her on the kitchen counter.

writing_is_love · LGBT+
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18 Chs



The feeling when you are afraid of something going wrong when you have put all your efforts into it. The feeling when your fingers are trembling by the panic. When you are heavily sweating even when you are in a place with a A.C in it. When your breathing and heart rate increases.

That feeling which in my life never have I ever felt. But now why am I feeling this way? Everything is going to be all right. No need to worry. Just go out there and play your heart out.

We were next for our group performance.

"Everyone we are going to perform in 5." Our music teacher Ms.Scarlet said. We all just nodded at her and I looked at myself in mirror and checking if I'm looking good or not.

We went on stage and took our positions. I was on my piano table and was waiting for our teacher to start.

After our group performance ended, it was now for solo performances. My solo performance was in the last and I was glad as I could get enough time for rehearsal.

When I was getting up from my seat from the paino table and turning to leave I made eye contact with kira and I could see admiration in her eyes. She did thumbs up to me with her famous gummy smile. I smiled at her before leaving the stage and getting into the makeup room.

As time went by many students did their performance and I can hear many claps and whistles when it ended. I was sitting on the couch doing my rehearsal. I was getting more nervous and I couldn't focus on my breathing. I tried breathing properly but it didn't help. Suddenly I felt someone holding me by my arms and telling me to focus on their voice.

"Just breathe with me, Y/n/n." I heard one feminine voice say. I did as they said and breath with them as they instructed me.

"Breathe in"


"Breathe out"


"Breathe in"


"Breathe out"


Now I could clearly see and hear as I started breathing properly. I saw the person who helped me.

"J-Jules, how did you get in? You are not allowed here." I said as she just smiled at me.

"I have my own ways, Y/n/n. You know me." She said and winked at me.

"Yeah, sorry my bad." I said and chuckled.

"So, what happened?" She asked me as she wrapped her arms around me and sat behind me on the couch I was sitting.

"Don't know." I said as I hold her hand that was holding my waist. She rubbed circles on my side relaxing me a bit.

"Let me help you relax by giving a massage." She said as she removed her hand and put it on my shoulders but before she could start I hold her hand.

"Here? In the make up room?" I asked her confused. I was not scared or shy just I was not comfortable here people watching me. There weren't many students here just 1- 3, it was almost empty as everyone was roaming around the theatre or watching performance by standing backstage.

"Just lay down on your stomach and let me relax you." She said. I hesitated at first but eventually lay down cause I didn't want to make her mad. She can be hell scary when she is mad.

She sat on my ass and I could feel her center as she was wearing skirt. I felt her hands doing its magic on my back and I tried my best to bite back my moan from how good it was but I guess I didn't tried my best as a moan slipped past my mouth. I felt her froze for a second but she started again and I could feel her core getting wet. Did I just turned her on? It is going to be so much fun now teasing her.

I moaned once again but this time I didn't tried to stop it. I just wanted to tease her a little bit. I felt her moving her legs a bit but I just hit her core with my bottom and I heard her moan from the contact. I swear she was dripping right now cause I could feel her now. I thought it was enough teasing as I turned around and laughed at her. I saw her red face and she started hitting me.

I was literally crying as I was laughing hard. When I opened my eyes to see her I saw someone standing outside seeing us. I couldn't see clearly because when I saw them they ran away. I think I heard noise of heels clicking to the ground as that person ran. A woman.

"Y/n, you are next." Ms.Scarlet said as she came inside the room. Jules and I immediately got up when the Ms. Scarlet came.

"Good luck. Just rock the stage." Jules said and kissed me on the cheek before she left.

When it was my turn to perform, I went on stage and saw the curtains are closed and there is one piano in the middle of the stage. I sat on the paino chair and waited for my name to announce.

"And now the last but not the least we have our school's talented musician Ms.Y/n Y/l/n." As the mc said and left.

Slowly the curtains started to open and I couldn't see any single thing. There was a purple spotlight on me and I took a deep breath to calm my nerves.

I started my song as I just closed my eyes.

*Do you love the rain, does it make you dance

When you're drunk with your friends at a party

What's your favorite song, does it make you smile

Do you think of me*

I remembered when I saw her for the first time. Her light blue ocean eyes captivating me in them. Her light brown hair flowing in the air making her look like a goddess. Her breathtaking face so smooth and so glowing more than the sun. Her heart shaped lips looking so soft and pinkish and looking so kissable. Her curves and her body so sexy but I loved her soul the most she was the most kind and sweet person I have ever met.

*When you close your eyes, tell me, what are you dreamin'

Everything, I wanna know it all*

I remember my dream of her and I think I got turned on. Not the right moment y/n.

*I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more

Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours

And I might never get there, but I'm gonna try

If it's ten thousand hours or the rest of my life

I'm gonna love you*

I remember the scene when I saw her in her bedroom sitting and reading a book in her causal clothes. I thought of seeing her like that everyday when I come home or when I wake up.

*Do you miss the road that you grew up on

Did you get your middle name from your grandma

When you think about your forever now, do you think of me*

I always thought how lonely she was till now? How she always tried to be happy when in reality she was dying inside from how alone she is. I want to make her the happiest person ever on the planet or in universe. I want to give her everything I have just so I could her smile. I want to take her every pain away and only give her happy moments.

*When you close your eyes, tell me, what are you dreamin'

Everything, I wanna know it all

I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more

Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours

And I might never get there, but I'm gonna try

If it's ten thousand hours or the rest of my life

I'm gonna love you

I'm gonna love you*

I imagined my life with her. Every morning waking up beside her. Kissing her and cuddling with her in my arms all day and night. The thought of being married to her made me cry but I held it in. I hope to see her in a wedding gown walking down the aisle for me looking so happy and cute with her gummy smile on her face.

*Ooh, want the good and the bad and everything in between

Ooh, gotta cure my curiosity

Ooh, yeah*

Protecting her from every problem in life. When she feels down giving her a shoulder to lean on. Watching her gummy smile when she is happy. Giving her everything I can to make her smile. I had a wide smile on my face when I thought of growing old together.

*I'd spend ten thousand hours and ten thousand more

Oh, if that's what it takes to learn that

Sweet heart of yours

And I might never get there, but I'm gonna try

If it's ten thousand hours or the rest of my life

I'm gonna love you

I'm gonna love you

And I'm gonna love you

I'm gonna love you*

As I ended my song there were clapping and whistles. I opened my eyes to see everyone giving me a standing ovation. I saw to my left to see Ms.Scarlet wiping her eyes. Was she crying?

I stood up and Ms.scarlet came to me and gave me a hug. I tensed for a moment but eventually gave in and hugged her back. I heard her sniffing and wiping her tears.

"Your voice was so heavenly good. I am so proud of you." She said as she pulled away from the hug.

We both went backstage to change. When I was on my way to the room some people charged at me and hugged me.

"You fucking bastards!!Get off me." I said with gritted teeth and annoyed tone.

*A/n pov*

Sorry for delay guys. I was stuck in some family problems but now I will try to update more and fast as I can. Thank you for reading my story please share so many people can read it and give me some stars if you liked it.👍🏻❤️