


Elaine went back to the house when she was sure Tom won't be at home again. She went into the room and realized he fetched water like he does every morning and she felt a pang of guilt that he had to leave to do his heavy work on an empty stomach. But, it's for the best. The lesser she sees him, the better for her.

She sluggishly prepared for the library and left when she was ready. She strolled down the streets with her head hung low. What could Thomas be thinking now? Does he remember his dream and knows now that he has a daughter? If he doesn't, then should she tell him? She heaved a deep sigh and continue with her walk.

/"Hey Elaine, wait up/" someone called and she turned to see her friends not friends running towards her. One was light haired and the other dark haired, they are the twins of Ian and Margret Foster, Acacia and Alicia /"is it true?/" The dark haired one asked when they caught up.