
Chapter 949. Braving the Whirlpools

The Grey Jewel sailed at a fast speed. Joe was indeed not kidding about his ship being speedy.

Despite its large frame, the strong waves of the sea still caused the ship to rock. Some players who were not used to sea travel were sitting on the floor of the deck with pale faces. They were getting seasick.

"What a bunch of landlubbers," Joe laughed.

"Can't blame them. There are not many places in this country where we can experience sea travel," John said.

Bowler, who had gone down below deck to explore the inside of the ship, came out and said to Joe, "Why are there no cannon at all?"

After seeing the numerous gunports at the sides of the ship's hull, he imagined many large cannons were fixed behind those gunports. He was disappointed to find that it was not so after going down exploring.

"Um, I lost those cannons from gambling long ago," Joe replied.