
Second son of satan

"You are the only one that can make this happen. Take my virginity and all these ends. Do with me whatever you want." It is true when they say that 'anyone who goes around seeking darkness, will find the darkness and the darkness will end up consuming him. Or her.' This is the case of Princess Zamira who grows up with the knowledge that she is to rule her father's kingdom after his demise but everything takes a different turn after the throne falls into peril and becomes at risk of being taken away completely and the right to rule, lost. Everything is done to save the throne and the kingdom but every effort proves to be futile and now there is only one option left; and that is for the Princess to get married to an old tyrant king, Alvarez. Leaving Mira with no choice, she decides to go through with the marriage which is scheduled to hold at Alvarez's hotel. Before the wedding ceremony even began, Alvarez tries to forcefully have sex with her but Mira resists him and escapes. Without knowing where to run to that night, she inadvertently enters the suite of a well known mogul in the hotel and hides in the dark until the uproar about her search subsided. Just when she is about to leave the suite, she hears a deep voice coming out from the water, halting her and stopping every flow of life in her. "Who are you?" She makes a bold attempt to inquire of him. "I am Devile, and I am the second son of Satan." Came his fiery response. Despite the fear that crept in slowly inside of her, Mira has a little stroke of hope -- that maybe she has met him. The one who would save her from her unfortunate fate. But the question is; who exactly is this man and will he save her as she hopes or will he consume her with his darkness? ... WARNING!!! Erotic sex scenes in some chapters.

JennyBlaze · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
146 Chs

Chapter 34 Like a predator


Young Hermes stared at the excited girl who looked to be very elated to see him. She kept going on and on about how she would boast about him to her friends and make them feel inferior to her but to him, it wasn't her words that he was listening to but the sound of her heart beat. He was not so excited that he was going to kill her to satisfy his urge and stop the discomfort but he was eager to try it out and see if it would really work.

"Would you like to come in?" The excited girl asked him, making her way towards the door to open it for him.

"No, not at all. I am just here to see you. What about your parents, aren't they around?" Young Hermes asked her.