
Second Life of An 'Ordinary' Magician

Humankind was on the brink of extinction after Demon Lord decided to invade human world and bring destruction upon it. Humankind believed that one day they would end the disasters that fall upon them and their world would see peace once more. Against of all odds, a group of skilled magicians finally slay Demon Lord Zarth and beat his army. Just when they certain they survived the battle, they faced an explosion magic that killed them. Ren Milford, one of the survivors believe that he died from the explosion, but went back to his early days when he studied at prestigious magic academy. With this second chance, Ren determined to save not only himself, but also the friends and comrades he once lost. With the knowledge of the future, can Ren makes a difference and prevent the fall of humanity or humankind will face the same terrible destiny again?

Nain_37 · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

The New Training

"There are only 5 basic elements of nature that us, mage can conjure; fire, water, wind, earth and lightning," explained Professor Damia, the lecturer of Magic Theory Class for 1-S Class.

Ren nodded along as he focused on the lesson. The lecturer continued, "usually, a mage can only wield and master one type of this elements, but there were some cases that a mage can master more than one elements. For example, the master of Magic Tower, Sir Firaz Isaac. He was known as the Sage of Quintet Elements because of his mastery to all five basic elements of nature.

"Beside those five, there are also other elements that can only be wield by a certain mages. We called those the advanced elements of nature. So far, the only advanced elements that we know are only two, which are steel and ice. One of your classmate, Princess Elena is one of the ice magic user and people believe that because of her Bloodline Magic."

Professor Damia took a brief pause, before resuming her lecture. "However, a month ago, there's a new theory proposed by this young man here regarding the advanced elements. He stated that the advanced elements are actually the fusion of basic elements and people can use them as long as they have master the respective elements."

Ren felt embarrassed when Professor Damia mentioned him in her lecture. Although she never mentioned any name, but people already knew that it was Ren who told them about the Magic Fusion.

In his past life, it was Firaz actually, who proposed the theory of fusion element in half a year later. So, Ren was felt a little bit guilty for stealing the thunder and claimed as his own. However, he needed to do it so that he could raised the rank as fast as possible, so that he could prevent the disaster that would happened in the future.

"And, not all mages use elemental spell. There are also spells that are not elemental, likes mental spell or summoning spell. However, these type of spell consumed more mana than elemental spells."

The lecturer continued, "for mages that are using only elements nature for their spells, we called it Elementalists. There are two types of Elementalists; Generalist and Elemental Master. Generalist is a mage that learned all five of basic elements, while Elemental Master only learned elemental spell that are adapted with them."

"Usually, people would check which one of those elements that they are more adapted so that, they can focus learning spells of that elements only. If you use spell, which element that you are adapted to you, the spell will be stronger and mana consumption is lesser than normal. That's the reason why there are more Elemental Master compared to Generalist."

"It's not like being a generalist was bad. Generalists are more versatile in battle because they do have wide array of spells on their arsenals. While Elemental Masters can do more damage with their spells and endure long battle compared to Generalist."

Vesto raised his hand and asked Professors Damia after she gave him permission. "So, which type is Sir Firaz? Is he a Generalist or Elemental Master?"

Professor Damia smiled after she heard the question. "That's a good one. For Sir Firaz, he is a Generalist, and also a Elemental Master. That's because he learn and used all nature of elements, but at the same time, he is also adapted with all of them. Hence, why he is called as the Sage of Quintet Elements."

"Now, let's talked about another type of mage that are not using elemental magic. The mages that used these magic were called according to what spells they used. Mages that are using summoning spells are called Summoners, Healers for using healing spells, Illusionists for using mental spells."

"And lastly, they are also mages that are using elemental spells but not called elementalist, which are spellsword and battle mage. A spellsword is a mage that combined magic and swordsmanship while battle mage is more versatile as they use any weapon instead of sword only."

"Now, how about a question? Who is the most famous battle mage in this kingdom? Hmm.. Let's see. Luna, please answer it."

Luna, whose head had been bobbing up and down as she fought her sleepiness, jumped out of her seat in panic after her name was called. She scratched her head as if she was trying to think for an answer however her mind drew blank instead.

For a few minutes, Luna was standing there without giving any answer. Professor Damia, then asked if there's anyone that could help Luna provided the answer. "It's okay if you don't know, Luna. So, is anyone know?"

Marcus raised his hand on the air and answered. "Siegfried Forlan"

"Correct," replied Professor Damia while nodding in approval. "The current chancellor of Varion Academy, Sir Siegfried Nolan is a famous battle mage and also the strongest one. He combines magic with his martial arts. He also has his own customized gauntlet to complement his battle style."

Professor Damia continued as she looked at the clock on the wall. "Look likes the time's up. We will end the class here. If any students do have any questions, you can come forward. Otherwise, class dismissed."

The students stood up, and began streaming out from the class in an orderly fashioned. Ren, on the other hand, tried to tidy up his desk before going out. However, there is an announcement coming from the speaker inside the classroom.

"Attention to Class 1-S students, Ren Milford and Elena Elsgard. Please come to the chancellor office right now. Thank you."

Ren continued tidied his desk and stood up from his seat, only after he finished. As he exited the classroom, he noticed that Elena was already waiting him in the outside.

"Let's go." Elena told Ren after she saw Ren had exited their classroom and started walking. Ren followed her from behind as they had same destination.

"Are you attending today's training?" Ren asked Elena as he tried to start a conversation. Elena just nodded in response.

It was already two weeks since their adventure in Abandoned Dungeon. Since then, they were training together every evening without miss as Elena asked Ren to train her. In the beginning, Elena asked Ren to teach her how to use Aura, but Ren wanted her to control and master her water magic first, then he would teach her Aura Manipulation.

"So, when you will teach me how to use Aura?" asked Elena. A question that she always asked everyday to Ren. She didn't understand why Ren still didn't want to teach her. He asked her to master water magic, and she already master it. But, Ren said otherwise. He said she was far from able to master and control water magic perfectly. In the end, she yielded and listened to Ren.

They had arrived and currently in front of chancellor's office. Ren knocked the door for two or three times before the voice inside asked them to enter the room.

As they entered the office, Ren noticed that Professor Siegfried was talking to someone in front of him. Ren couldn't identified the man, but by looking at his attite alone, Ren sure he was not lecturers or staffs that were associated with this academy. Perhaps he was a visitor from outside.

As Professor Siegfried noticed Ren and Elena was there, he asked both them to come closer. "Ren and Elena, please come closer. There is someone request an audience with you."

The man that was talking with Professor Siegfried before, now turned around and faced Ren and Elena. He was the Master of Magic Tower, Sir Firaz Isaac.

"Hello, Ren Milford. It's pleasure to meet you." Firaz stood from his chair and reached out his hand towards Ren. Ren took it and shook Firaz's hand firmly.

"No, sir. It is an honor to meet you."

Noticed Elena's presence beside Ren, Firaz pulled his hand and put it on his chest, before bowing slightly towards Elena.

"Pleasure to meet you too, Princess Elena."

Elena nodded slightly to Firaz and said the same thing. Ren then asked Firaz what was his intention to meet Ren and Elena personally.

"The scholars in Magic Tower are stuck and couldn't replicate what you made before during Rank Test although you already told the theory of your Fusion Magic. So, that's why I come here, so that I can see how you do it by myself. Who knows I can get an inspiration from it."

Then, he continued, "actually I already seen it before during the Rank Test, but I can't catch it well because it was behind the screen. So today, I want to see it exactly in front of my eyes when you create the formula."

"Wait.. hold a second. You came? But your name was not there in the VIP list." It was Elena that asked Firaz. She already checked before as Firaz was not coming but instead Magic Tower sent other mage as a representative.

"I was there, but in incognito. I came as a curious man, who wanted to see what younger generation can do. If I came as Master of Magic Tower, people would focused their attention at me, instead of the participants."

It was not Firaz was being arrogant, but he spoke the truth. If he ever stepped outside from the Magic Tower, people always tended to focus more on him and praised him excessively.

"So, why you need Princess Elena?" It was Ren's turned asking the question.

"I also need to see how Princess Elena cast her ice magic and compare it with yours."

Ren nodded slightly, understood with what Firaz had meant. Then, Ren suggested something to Firaz. "Today, we are having a training at 4. If you have time, we could show you during that time."

"Let me check my schedule first." Firaz opened his notebook that he kept inside inner pocket of his jacket. After he flipped through the notebook, he replied back to Ren.

"Good. I do have time. So, where's the place?"

"Training Hall 2."

"Okay. See you there at 4."

"Great." Ren looked at Professor Siegfried, and asked him. "Is there anything else you need me for, professor?"

Professor Siegfried shook his head. "Nothing for now. That's all. Thank you for your time, Ren, Princess Elena."

Ren and Elena smiled at Professor Siegfried and bowed their head slightly before exiting.