
second life as the raikages son

this is my first time writing, so if you have any helpful tips feel free to give them but if you are just looking to be an asshole screw off chapters are gonna be kinda short cause I did this on a limb. all works belong to their respective authors

Jack_Williams_9273 · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

the end and a new beginning

the void is meant to be nothing, but recently, a soul appeared their.

"Where am I?" the soul said

"The void a place you don't belong but, as you have managed to get here, I will give you three wishes." ROB said.

"cool but, how did I get here?" The asked a little nervous about the answer.

"You died, but the God of your world was a little too lazy to make sure all souls go to the right places," the ROB says frustrated.

"Cool, are there any restrictions on my wishes?"

"Yes, no instant omni-anything."

"ok, for my first wish, i would like a template system."

"Doable most people with template systems don't really get much of a choice, so I am glad you do."

"Second, I want to be born in a random village in Naruto that is not konoha," he says, thinking of the mummy cyclops

"Agreed to many people go to konoha,"

"For my last wish, I would like an omniversal shop that allows me to travel universes, but I can only access each universes section in those universes."

"accepted, and I will fuse it to you template system extending it."

"Cool, when do I leave?"

"How bout now?"

then the soul is wisked away, waking up to see a tall man, and the first words he hears is "bro this baby looks too good to be yours, yo."