
Second Journey : My Mafia Crush

Two university department from the same system have been into clash from some years due to difference of their status. This clash will turn into end by mutual heading of two students, Morris who is emotionally attached to online writer Clare and Emerson who is hiding her fame I'd as being Clare as well her secret powers.....

Yu_Nabi · Thanh xuân
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21 Chs

Trip Of Coincidences

"Watch your steps idiot"

And I went straight upside down into the deep sea.

I can't felt my head ,hands and ears.

Someone was yelling again and again at me.

Then I came into my senses, when I opened up my eyes I saw scorching sun reaching barely into sea, and my eyes started finding the way to get out of it.

I barely tried to move my arms and went up to take a breath but unfortunately


I didn't know how to swim

Hardly, I reached up and took a single breath and almost scream

"I can't .." then the sea gave me one more drown.

Morris was standing at the shore continuously yelling at me.

I only heard a few words of him saying that

"You idiot.....come out…it's not so deep" and whatever he was yelling I was not in a condition on yelling him back. All I want is help to survive otherwise today probably gonna be my last day.

Then I tried again to take a breath upward the sea

My mouth came up And I screamed again

"I can't ..help" I couldn't complete my sentence and my eyes started closing

Everything went like a flash scene.

After some seconds I felt someone bragging me towards the wood path. He layed me down and started walking me up

"Emerson? Emerson can you breath??"

He was saying this so sincerely but I wasn't able to open my eyes. My whole skin was turning purplish slowly then I heard a old man came, and started pumping his hands towards my chest.

One push, two push and all the water gets out of my mouth.

My eyes become so big due to wetness, and I can feel my hairs sticking to my cheeks. My skin started fading the purple shade on it.

I stood up and coughed a lot, at last I opened my eyes and saw two persons sitting next to me.

One was full wet person Morris the other was bread seller old man.

Both were looking worried

"Need go to hospital?" Morris asked.

I slowly turned my head left to right

And I become still to my position for a couple of minutes, the old man left but Morris was kept sitting there.

I was shaking due to cold, he was too but we didn't have anything right now to cover us up. All he was doing, was waiting for me to get up so he can take me to the bus right away. But I wasn't able to walk, probably right now

"Silly girl at least you should tell me you don't know how to swim!" he started the conversation

"I told you" I defend myself

"I can't ….I can't .. what the heck? How I should know what is next to it?" he asked

"Mr. Morris a girl drowning into the sea kept saying I can't hardly! What does that mean ? At least use your common sense!" I yelled at him

"And who told you to jumped into the sea" he yelled at me back

"Yeah all of this is my fault thank you" I yelled again

He become quiet to know that now I'm mad at him. I also become silent

"Emerson.." he want to say something more but I broke in his words

" Don't need to say anything I don't want to talk to you " I stood up and started walking towards the bus.

"Wait listen" he called me

"what else?" I turned around to hear. We were just two steps apart then he crossed the distance between us and now we're standing right in front of each other

"My bad I should jump earlier to save you, I thought you were just making fun of me" he was looking worried about me

Then again he continues "but you should also know that don't try to stand near the edge of the sea! Who does that?" he said by asking question using his hands.

" A moron girl" then I turned around to continue my way to the bus , he also joined me.

"By the way , the water was too cold" he said.

"No actually it was hot that's why I'm shaking idiot" I said laughing at him. He also gave me a dimple smile. How cute was that smile. I never saw that smile before.



Probably 5 pm now and we are arrived at our destination. It was apartments based small hotel which was totally booked for us by our university.

After setting our luggages at our rooms, most of the students decided to take rest. In fact, I have also intentions of this but I had to go to meet with jack mom so I text nick about coming outside of the hotel so we can be there on time. I had settled about meeting around 6pm with her near Belgium café.

The café was nearest so I called her there.

Nick and I went to the café by taxi then we just kept waiting there on chairs for her mom.


But I forgot again to mention that it was full of coincidences….

Someone pat on my shoulder, I turned my head around to see, then I felt myself completely in shock.

It was not jack mom in fact she was my mom standing with 7 year old looking boy.

"mom you here?" nick noticed a complete shocking face of mine. He also stood up with me to see her.

" What if I ask the same question?" she said.

"Actually I'm on a study tour" I said.

"Great that's why I was shocked to see you here I thought you never gonna be back for us" she said by taking a glance on nick.

Us? Means what? Did she just got a new boyfriend.

I looked at her with a confusing face so she understood my question and said

"Meet your brother Alex!"

She was pointing on a 7 year boy. What did she just telling me I'm a sister now? How can she do that with me. It's not about the point that I'm not the only daughter now. But the reason is telling me after so long about him

" Mom are you kidding me?" I said unconsciously

" better not in a mood right now" she said seriously

I nailed down on my knees and shockingly holded both of his hands. He was no doubt just like me. The exact blue eyes and smiling lines across his cheeks. That brown hair color but was curlier. Maybe his dad had those because me and my mom had straight hairs.

I brushed his hairs with my fingers and said

" I'm Emerson call me Emmy" I said

He started starring at me then he nodded

I smiled but I didn't realize my eyes started pouring out

"Mom why is she crying?" he asked.

I said "Because I started loving you now"

He smiled and gave me a big hug that I really want right now. I released him from my hug and kissed on his forehead. He was no doubt the cutest boy I have ever seen.

When mom and I were sitting on the chairs talking about Alex, Jake's Mom showed up

"Good evening nice to see you all" as always she was in a cherishing mood.

I stood up and wound my hands around her. Nick also introduced himself as my friend and she already know my mom.

"Sorry for late actually I was stuck at traffic" she said by placing her phone and bag on the table.

She didn't know my mother would be here, me too

After having casual conversation she started the main point

"So Emmy Are you serious about this divorce maybe we can sort out" she said. She was confidently sitting on the chair with one leg resting on another

" Yes because from my point of view things cannot be settled" I looked nervous on saying this.

"If it's about the financial problem then see Jack is brilliant at it" she said by mentioning two jobs of jack in US. I was shocked to hear it ,maybe jack didn't told her about the real issue. No doubt he has now enough money to give me bright lifestyle but something's need to be personal somehow

"who told you it's about financial problem" it wasn't me who spoke up. It was Nick

"Excuse me? Can we both have conversation alone" Jack's mom said.

"Mam I'm not supposed to insult you but I guess your honest child forgot to mention the real reason of divorce" he was defending me like a brother.

Then my mother who was quietly hearing all of the conversation interrupt

"Emmy what's going on? What's the real reason?" she said. Alex was playing game on phone near me

"Mom actually it's personal" I said nervously

" Listen Emmy if thing's are getting this way then you need to spoke up otherwise you will get wrong image in front of everyone" mom said.

I felt like having two extra shoulders of support and confidence sitting at right and left to me.

It encourages me so much

Jack mom questioned me so I opened it up wholly

"He abused me three times"

"What?" my mom was shocked to hear it

But jack mom wasn't that much surprised as it really was.

She just nodded and said

"Listen Emmy he is getting proper medication over there trust me he is better now"

My mom got red to hear this and stood up by holding my hand. She, infact  ordered me to leave right now

But I guess she need to say something before she can move away with us

"BETTER? Are you kidding me? What about you also get a check up with psychiatrist, if my daughter decided to live with him in future I'll never let her to make this decision to happen got it!"

Then she took us away from her sight. Jack mom calmly sit there for a second then I saw her calling someone on phone. It was sure jack on call asking her mother about our divorce.

Don't it look like unreal?

My own mother showed up for like after 4 years and she defended me like a sister. Whatever it sounds like, but it seems really loving to me. In fact , it took me three seconds to erase all of the bad memory of her from my brain.

The memory when she left me in Istanbul to stand by my own when my sister died.

The memory she married a man

The memory she never came back to see am I alive?

The memory she lost the trust in me.

In fact, she loved me the most during my childhood. Maybe things got in a way that forced her to do this!?


Sorry I should say