
Second Journey : My Mafia Crush

Two university department from the same system have been into clash from some years due to difference of their status. This clash will turn into end by mutual heading of two students, Morris who is emotionally attached to online writer Clare and Emerson who is hiding her fame I'd as being Clare as well her secret powers.....

Yu_Nabi · Thanh xuân
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21 Chs


We just got free from our chemistry class, it was tiring enough to gave me a headache. As soon as I leave the class I dialed henna number.

" I'm just settling about our property papers then I'll set for home" she said normally. It's been a lot of days since her mother died. Maybe a week went off.

"Ok! But are you sure you are fine?" I asked for confirmation. I was worried about her health. She is really sensitive when it's come to health and mental stress.

"Yeah I'm fine now but I miss you guys" she said.

"Me too" while I was talking to henna, lily pointed towards me as she wanted her assignments. I put her assignments in my locker last day. So I went towards the locker to look for her assignments.

When I opened the lock, I saw my handbag over there which I sometime use for my job.

"Henna talk to you later bye" I hanged up the call.

I took the assignments and hold it in my right underarm, as I was using my left hand to search something inside my bag.

When I put it out, I found the card.


And her contact number.

I almost forgot to meet her, maybe sometime If I went somewhere near her florist shop I will definitely make a visit.

Then I went back to give the assignments to lily, as I was about to leave for dorm but I heard them talking about some protest.

" Wait ! What this protest for?" I asked. Lily already gathered a bunch of students around her to make a protest but on what?

" Don't you know? Our university is settling a Language tour to England" she said.

"That's great tho" I replied cheeringly

"Look at this fool" lily taunted me, but when I give a questioning face she took a sigh and pointed brad to explain me.

"As you know Emerson, art department families had made a lot of donations to this institute, no doubt the trip is free for them but they are not going to take the medical department, they thinks that most of the students belongs to poor families which is also true" he said normally

"What the hell ?" I said unknowingly

" Exactly what the hell is up to them! I will protest just In front of their both department buildings with a crowd of students, they have taken me so easy to beat, it's time to teach them a lesson" she said frustratingly

"But guys I can't come this Sunday" I said confusingly

"Why?" lily yelled but then she calm down "forget it do whatever you want Emmy" she said normally as I already told her about my brother visit in the morning of Sunday.

I smiled , she smiled back but brad took a notice.

"So you are giving her an advantage of you being the head of this protest?" brad asked.

"Shut your mouth I know her reasons ok!" she yelled at him.


The job at library had been really hard for me alone, as henna already left so I have to carry it alone. Maybe I'll quit it after some days. Initially ,I thought I can handle it by strength but lately I'm being exhausted by this tiring routine.


When I was at the bar, I got message from the manager


"OK GOT IT" and I press send.

He was talking about the five books which I found missing last night at the comic library