
Second Journey : My Mafia Crush

Two university department from the same system have been into clash from some years due to difference of their status. This clash will turn into end by mutual heading of two students, Morris who is emotionally attached to online writer Clare and Emerson who is hiding her fame I'd as being Clare as well her secret powers.....

Yu_Nabi · Thanh xuân
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21 Chs

Internal Powers

Somewhere near the Belgium café. Nick already went for like an half hour ago. Only me and my mom were having early time dinner there. Alex was playing with the sonnic toy that came out of the meal. And about my mom, she was bringing every single hateful comments about jack mom. Actually she wasn't able to  erase the memory that happened just an hour ago.

"Ok mom let just forget about it I'm getting divorce I guess that's the end mark of this conversation"

"But still that cheap model of beauty shouldn't insult you in that way" she said by continuously having an eye on Alex like she used to do with me and my sister when we were young.

"Mom I guess it's too odd for you to react that way for me after so long" I said hesitantly. No matter she is my mom I should respect her. So I choose words carefully

" Emmy ..( she put her hands over mine on the table) dear can't you give me another chance your ( she clear her throat ) dad is also really sorry for you"

I know she was talking about the past…

"Mom can't we erase all of our sad memories let's begin with a happy step ?" These words were really heavy for me to say but I did it.

Yeah I did it.

She smiled with tears in her eyes. I felt this kind of feeling after so long. Her expression made me believe right away that she was sincere with the me. Because I can never be wrong with person expressions.

"  I know I can't bring back your sister but.." she stopped

"But what ? " I asked

"I can save Alex from the same trauma!" she said

I was confused as well horrified at the same moment

Does Alex have the same symptoms  ?

"Emmy from the start I thought he can only read expressions but now he is trying to convince other feelings too!"

"Mom have you visit psychiatrist?" I said worriedly

" I guess you can suggest better Emmy no one can better know these other than you" she said by brushing her one hand through Alex hair carefully.

Maybe that was the reason he convinced me so fast to love him.

Oh god I didn't even realized that. Why I started loving at the very first second? Just because he convinced me.

"Mom not here but can you send him weekly to my place at Istanbul?" I asked.

She become silent for few seconds to think. I know it's a difficult decision as they already live in Korea now. And sending him weekly can cost a lot

"Mom if it's expensive we can do the live session" I said.

"No it's ok your dad can afford it now, I can't let my guilty feelings about Clare to go away but now I will do whatever it takes"

" don't worry mom ( I also put my hand on Alex shoulder, he was sitting in the middle seat of front) I will try my best to teach him how to control it"


Then she left with Alex and I tried to went back towards my hotel. It was really close from the restaurant but I took baby steps just for the fact I was giving a thought to Alex situation

My sister Clare had the same symptoms. Not only she can read other inner expression like me but also can convince other about anything she wants. That's crazy right? At first we thought it was natural but as soon as we saw other people getting hallucinations.

In that time Clare ( Phone ringed…..)

"Hey brad" I said as soon as I picked up the call.

It was brad on the call

"Hey Emerson nick told me you can't attend our evening drink party"

"Yes I'm sorry about that can I join now?"

"Actually we are already over but lily doesn't seem to be end here!?" he said worriedly

"Lily what ? Oh wait I'm coming to get her"

Phone hanged up...


At the bar

I rushed towards the bar and asked the woman about my friends and she directed my towards the right path.

When I got there I got stunned to see everybody over there. Everybody doesn't meant every single person from the trip, It means about the people I know.

Like issa nick henna brad and lily

"Hi" I said shortly and went straight to pick lily up.

"Lily get up we need to go" I said by picking her up using all of my power. Now she was hanged with the help of her shoulder.

"No party is just begun but who …you??!...." she said in a dizzy way

"What the… ( I stopped as I saw everybody attention towards me) forget it just move with me" I said. Actually I was going to blame her about not recognizing me.

"I said no! " she shouted suddenly. I also got shocked by her sudden reaction

Then she goes again " my friend always advice me not to go with some stranger"

"hey am I stranger to you? You jerk get up! Don't drink next time if you can't put yourself together after that understood" I yelled at her.

She raised her head up which was resting upon my shoulder from the last few seconds and massage her ear using one finger

"it hurts I get it you are someone I know she exactly yell at me like you did"

"Thank you"…." Ok guys I'm bringing her home see ya" I said by dragging her towards the door.

Henna stood up " can I?" she asked

I refused right away saying that

" It's late can somebody from you can bring henna safe home? " I pointed towards nick so he can get the reason behind it.

" Yeah for sure we were about to leave for fireworks I'll bring henna safe and sound" he blinks towards me.

Issa noted each and everything between us. I totally ignored her.

I came out of bar and called for taxi barely using my one hand. She was continuously falling down like she was sleep walking. Well it's not a first time to me. She always does that and I always did this. It's my duty now.


Something felt in my throat


"Don't act like you are not used of it?" he said by holding cigarette in his hand.

I ignored him

"Look like she is acting  fainted up because of the mess  she made!" he said.

"Anything happened before?" I asked worriedly because I know whenever she got drunk , she always do messy things around

"Anything? Don't ask about that" he said by inhaling his cigarette


"Morris if she did it doesn't mean she is acting right now actually

("Mam do you need taxi?") taxi driver approaches all of a sudden

"Yes yes" I forgot what I was about to say but I laid lily in the back seat and went for the front one