
Second Journey : My Mafia Crush

Two university department from the same system have been into clash from some years due to difference of their status. This clash will turn into end by mutual heading of two students, Morris who is emotionally attached to online writer Clare and Emerson who is hiding her fame I'd as being Clare as well her secret powers.....

Yu_Nabi · Thanh xuân
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21 Chs

Creepy Things Inside

The next day evening.

It was comic book kind of library at the back of Walmart just a few kilometers walk from our dorm so it's pretty easy to get. As soon as I saw that place, I thought that it might a congested book store but it was so much huge from inside. Henna was appointed with me. As it was a night shift, all we have to do is to place the books and comics according to their publish date and categories in the different rows. Then manager told us that this library is mostly visited by teenage children's where they never put the books back again. Also, they wanted us to clean up the mess of books between 10 to 11 pm.

So it was convenient for both us.

As it was evening so nobody will be there to interrupt us. Thank god doing laundry give us a great benefit as henna found the poster of this job at the laundry shop.

Me and henna were working placing the books and nobody was around. Just a normal light, which I can call dim light was enlightened. Huge corridors type of rows were filled with books so we were working separately.

"emmy!" she called my name from the distance of two rows away.

"Yup?" I asked. We were talking in a normal voice no matter we were  little far away but the pin drop silence makes it easier.

"I guess it might take more than one hour" she said.

"Hmm I guess so, actually we are not used of it, also we are not aware of the rows categories" I replied

" Yeah maybe it will become convenient after some days" she said

 "For sure" I asked.

When we placed all of the books, we got free to use our phones. Both of us got the messages from lily. Henna respond her about our job so she might not get worry about us.

Just because it was already the midnight.

"This place is new right?" henna asked by taking a sip from her soda.

We were sitting around a round huge table and taking our drinks.

"Yeah recently constructed" I said, as I was also watching my phone and taking a sip from the soda. We bought it from the wendmachine located near the librarian manager room.

"We are not allowed to eat inside the library right?" henna asked another question.

"Yeah but we are drinking right now not eating" I said. She laughed on that.

We were just about to leave after some minutes, and henna was busy in her phone when I noticed something.

As the book rows were at my left back and a huge corridors was at my left straight which ends near the glass door, that door starts to another books categories place of room.

I saw someone shadow, like someone passed too hurriedly from there.

"Henna I think there is someone over there" I whispered in her ear and pointed towards the glass door.

"Emmy it's not a time for  joke" She felt horrified so she decided to ignore me.

"I swear I saw someone" as soon I said that I decided to get up and check over there.

Henna stopped me a lot but I needed to do this. What if there is thief or someone who is trying to steal something.

I took baby steps towards the glass door and opened it slightly. I peep out my head and then my whole body. Henna was standing besides me. She hold a laptop holder small wooden table which was shorter than my arm, in case she saw someone she will beat him off.

We entered the room, and took round around the books shelf's but nobody was there.

"Told you so!" she said.

"Hmm I guess I was mistaken"

Then when we were about to leave henna showed me a bulb hanging in the same room. It was broken and swinging left to right from ceiling. As a result, it can produce shadow of one of the shelf's on the glass door easily. When I saw that, I felt a sigh of relief as I found something reasonable for taking the shadow mistaken.

We went back towards the table, grab our stuffs and leaved from our part time shift.


"Henna is there is something going on between nick and you?" I asked the first question

"Hmm nope but I do like him" she was always honest with me no matter what.

Because I can see her expressions. These expressions never lie to me.