The TVA provides a second chance for your love story with Loki. Will roughly follow the events of the Loki TV series. Reader is kept gender neutral, no use of y/n.
Loki hummed and explained that he had not seen Sylvie since he landed in the void and when your frown deepened, he reached out to gently rub your shoulder. "If anyone knows how to look after themselves, it's her," he said with a grin and you had to admit that he was right. Sylvie had survived on the Sacred Timeline for so long, you couldn't imagine that even a place like this would be able to stop her. You leaned back into the sofa and you smiled at Loki when he offered you a drink.
You had no idea what the contents of the bottle were but you decided that you simply didn't care anymore. You were stranded at the end of time and you had no clue as to your next steps so you might as well enjoy it while it lasted. You took a tentative sip and you were surprised when a pleasantly tangy taste hit your tongue. You sighed quietly and you blushed faintly when Loki let out an amused chuckle.
He turned towards the other Variants and asked them how they ended up in the Void and they seemed excited to share their stories. You glanced at Lady Loki who lifted her mug in a toast and you averted your eyes when she winked at you with a sly smile. The Lokis started sharing their Nexus Events and how different their lives had been in comparison to their destined life on the Sacred Timeline. While it was interesting you were exhausted from the recent excitement and you felt your thoughts wander.
Eventually you stopped listening all together and you let your gaze wander across the room to try and identify all the objects and knick knacks you could find. You thought about the world outside the shelter and you shuddered at the memory of the destruction you witnessed. You felt anxiety creep up your throat and you instinctively leaned into Loki who seemed to be engrossed in the conversation. He immediately stopped gesticulating and you felt your cheeks heat up when he gently put his arm around you to hold you close.
You dropped your head on his shoulder and you instantly felt comforted by the familiar scent of his hair and skin. You looked up briefly to realise that both Lady Loki and Classic Loki were watching you with curious expressions on their faces but you decided to ignore them. You enjoyed being able to touch Loki again and you were incredibly relieved that you had found him so quickly after entering the Void. You continued sipping on the strangely pleasant drink and turned your attention back to the conversation between the Lokis.
"You would just hide away in your bunker and do nothing?", Loki's frustrated voice rang out and you wondered what you had missed. "Darling," Lady Loki replied smoothly and you felt Loki bristle beside you, "What you are suggesting is suicide. Alioth cannot be defeated in combat, not even with all the magic we possess." Classic Loki and Kid Loki nodded their heads in agreement and you were taken aback by the empty look in their eyes. It sounded as if they had attempted to deal with the void creature previously and found themselves outmatched.
Loki huffed and you could practically feel the anger radiate off of him but he seemed to realise that it was a hopeless case and dropped the topic with a final shrug. You were starting to feel antsy about sitting in the safety of the bunker while Sylvie was still out there in the wasteland with that beast and you turned to Loki with a frown. He immediately gave you his focused attention and you blushed slightly while trying to remember how to form words.
"We should look for Sylvie," you suggested and you were surprised when he instantly nodded and moved to get out of his seat. The other Lokis offered to help you search for your companion and you felt touched by their concern and protectiveness. The entire group started walking in circles around the hideout, constantly listening and looking out for any sign of danger. Suddenly you heard the sound of a car engine and judging from the Lokis' change in stance this was not a common occurrence in the Void.
You waited with bated breath for the car to come into view and you all but shrieked when you saw who was sitting in it. The vehicle came to a screeching halt and you almost fell over your own feet running towards Sylvie who had cautiously opened the side door to get out. You crashed into her lithe frame and she chuckled into your ear when your arms came around her neck to hold her close. "You're a sight for sore eyes," she mumbled into your ear and you squeezed her tightly in response.
You pulled back with a sheepish grin and glanced over at Mobius who waved anxiously at the group in front of him. Loki strode over in confident steps and enveloped the agent in a crushing hug that he reciprocated with a strangled laugh. Lady Loki loudly cleared her throat behind you and you untangled yourself from Sylvie to introduce the Loki Variants. Mobius rolled his eyes and you heard him mutter under his breath, "Of course the Lokis are the thing that survives in this place." You winked at him and you both shared a conspiratorial smile.
Sylvie looked at everyone with a challenging look in her eyes and you were impressed to note that even Lady Loki gave her her undivided attention. "I need to get to the end of the Void and I know how we can deal with Alioth," she declared and Classic Loki raised an eyebrow while Loki chuckled next to you. You felt the scepticism in the air when Sylvie elaborated but the longer she spoke the more you felt the atmosphere shift.
She wanted to use her magical powers to enchant Alioth and together with everybody's help she was convinced they could get the monster to reveal the path to the desired destination. You saw a hopeful glint in both Kid Loki's and Classic Loki's eyes but both refrained from responding and instead looked to Lady Loki for confirmation. "I believe it is worth a try but we must prepare ourselves accordingly beforehand. Let us return to the safehouse," she replied in a tone that did not leave any room for argument.
You gave Sylvie a thumbs up and you felt yourself blushing again when she blew you a kiss in response. Loki huffed next to you and before you could ask him about it he walked over to Classic Loki to ask him questions about his time in the Void. You heard Mobius approach and when he lay a gentle hand on your shoulder you turned around and enveloped him in a gentle hug. He seemed surprised that you would offer him affection after how things were left between you.
You smiled at him and he returned it easily. You hooked your arm under his and started following the rest of the group back to the bunker. "How did you manage to find Sylvie of all people in this horrible place?" you asked Mobius and he let out a rumbling laugh before replying with a sly grin, "She clearly likes to live dangerously, just entering strangers' cars like that." Sylvie playfully slapped him across the shoulder and deadpanned, "You may be a TVA agent but I'd still choose you over an all-consuming beast any day."
For the first time since you had entered the Void your heart felt lighter and a glimmer of hope spread out in your chest.