

she woke up in an unfamiliar bed, it just was different from her hard bed and this room looked bigger....

"Lizzy are you awake baby have been so worried about you".....

well that voice did not look familiar at all she thought to herself as she slowly slipped out of unconsciousness..... Memories kept flooding into her head, and it was not her memory at all it was another person's memories, she felt so much pain in her head that she had to faint....(copywrite.....Lizzy. ejielizabeth6@gmail.com)

As she tried opening her eyes, her eyelids were just too heavy, she just rested and started thinking about the mistakes ahe made... Starting from being bullied in secondary School, having heartbreaks all round to spending fees met for her tertiary institution, sleeping around with different men she could barely remember to ruining all her chances, finally losing the man that finally loved her all because she was not faithful..... when she committed sucide she remembered asking God to give her a second chance to start afresh so she could at least make it up for all the wrong decisions she made...

seems like he did...