
Second Chance Revenge: Win The Devil's Heart

"I came to reclaim this," she said as she pointed to his heart. "It has been a while, have you forgotten me, Orig? Or let me say, my husband, Governor Orig," She whispered as she placed her hand on his chest. Her breath was close to his lips, as if challenging him to resist the urge to throw her onto the bed and teach her a lesson until sunrise. Her hips swayed as she got closer to him, and he couldn't take his eyes off her. Her presence was powerful. He pulled her until she was pressed against his chest. Her fingers finally managed to touch him, and she felt the heat of his body. 'Damn it, are you joking? Your image is still engraved in my mind and heart for those four years, seven months, and five days and...' When he didn’t respond to her words, she decided to speak with her lips, for a few moments. Everyone watched in silence, even he was surprised by her boldness. "No, my dear Taya, it is you who will regret this." Can Taya win back her husband? Will he free himself from the control of his stepmother, confess his feelings for his wife, and correct the mistakes of his past? Read on to discover the secrets between the flames of their love...

ovinia_seh · Thành thị
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57 Chs


"Where have you been lost in thought? You haven't uttered a word all evening," Dorian said, approaching with a glass and offering it to Taya, who shook her head in denial. There was a yellowish smile on Dorian's face.

"I'm sorry, just some tangled thoughts. Also, this is for you," Taya said, handing her a box containing a luxurious necklace. "Oh my God, look at what our war heroine Taya Desman has brought us!" exclaimed one of the nobles who had approached Taya, feeling a bit anxious. Whenever the mention of that war was brought up, she would become tense without realizing it.

"Don't cover for her; she doesn't remember anything, not even her husband," said a voice that made Taya furrow her brows. It was a girl with blonde hair, honey-colored eyes, white skin, long eyelashes, and full thighs. Her wild facial features were enchanting.