
Second Chance of The Dark Mage

The sun rose as it glanced at the bleeding body of a wizard who once was the right hand of Voldemort, but was betrayed by the same order he wholeheartedly believed in. But even he was dying, he still had one final trump card. Using his knowledge, he made a symbol on the ground and pumped his mana inside it. He knew that death would soon come to consume him, but he wasn't going to give up. This symbol stored his soul inside along with his sealed mana. Now years later, a pureblood boy of 11 who was just selected to enter Hogwarts encounter this symbol, due to his curiosity he touched it and soon his soul was engulfed by the dark mage. Let's see what our mage does to take revenge. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, there will be harem, and it will have a good plot. No Yuri, No Beta Mc nor Alpha like MC, No NTR. Our MC will be dark, but he will try to change himself into his better version. This is alternate universe so don't expect everything to remain same. Hope you all love it.

the_spreme_being · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Revival

<Authors Note>

So, guys please continue to tell me who you all want in the harem, for now these are the four currently in harem.

Andromeda Black

Narcissa Black

Bellatrix Black (I know she betrayed our character but there will be a redeeming point for her)

Daphne Greengrass

Sorry if there are any mistakes in spelling or something else.

<3rd Pov>

Years passed by as the place of Marcus' death was filled with vegetation, there was greenery all around. But even if everything was filled to the brim with trees, the mark remained awaiting someone who would be the perfect body for Marcus.

The sky had turned dark, but the moon was in its full glory reflecting light to keep the earth filled with positivity. Today for the first time, someone stepped inside this forest. 

It was a dark haired, blue eyed 11-year-old cute boy who carried a regal aura around him, this was a pure blood known as Seamus Binns. 

Looking at him, anyone could tell he was a boy who was filled with dreams but still was impulsive and short-tempered. He walked in this forest with wonder in his eyes as his eyes went wide and far hoping to capture something exciting maybe.... like a unicorn.

Now he knew this was stupidity to wander alone but he was sure that he would be safe. As his footsteps continued so did the foreboding feeling erupting in his heart warning him to turn back.

Alas he was never the one to listen or trust his instinct. He suddenly tripped on a lost rock making him fall inside a ditch with a loud sound. As his head connected with something hard, he only yelped and clutched his bruised head.

Any normal muggle would surely die due to the fall, but he was a pure-blooded wizard not a mudblood. He was that confident that he could instantly take on any mudblood, as his raising was done in a dark family filled with prejudice.

He got up from the floor and dusted his robes, with his face scrunched up due to the pain that was bothering him. Looking around for any way to escape, he found a glowing X mark.

"Draco would be so excited if he sees this" thought Seamus as he advanced to the mark with shining eyes. Acting impulsively, he touched the 'beautiful pretty shining mark' as he would describe.

As his index finger connected with rune all he felt was pain, immense pain almost as if someone was using Crucio on him as his drunk aunt did one time. Pain was the only thing plaguing his mind nothing else.

He screamed and what he didn't realize was that his soul was cracking and when his soul completely cracked, his voice stopped but that's not all. Slowly the cracks were mended by the soul of another.

The other consumed Seamus soul who fell on the ground again lifeless completely dead. After patching up the cracks, the current soul opened his eyes now he was no more Seamus.

No, his blue eyes had changed into deep brown as he got with a smile and looked down at his small hands. This was now Marcus, and his plan has been successful.

"Sorry, whoever this body belongs to, hope you find peace in heaven if some concept like that exists." Thought Marcus with his hands joined together with his eyes closed.

Then Marcus opened his eyes as he looked around.

"So, this where my soul was buried in, hmm looks like they concealed all the evidence."

It was true that Marcus was itching to just massacre the death eaters right now, but he knew he was too weak for now. This boy's body would need to mature first before it could adapt to Marcus's mana and knowledge.

For now, he only could use basic spells, so he did just that. He grabbed a stick laying down near him and thought this was enough for now when you don't have a wand.

Sometimes Marcus does regret not learning wandless method of magic but that's okay since even if he learnt, he couldn't use it in this boy's body, so this stick was the best conduit of magic for him.

"Wingardium Leviosa" He chanted, and the magic flew out of the wand connected with his body lifting him up in the air. He used it for slowly floating upward and after a few seconds, his feet connected with the green grass which had ants crawling on it.

Marcus took a huge breath capturing the evergreen smell as he exhaled afterwards. This smell of the evergreen reminded him of the time when Dumbledore took him on an adventure to the forest filled with centaurs and many exotic beasts.

"Ahh, what lovely times those were" thought Marcus as he quickly wiped off a lone tear which fell from his little eyes. Marcus soon heard screams of his mother meaning this body's mum.

He quickly thought of depressing things as he forcefully brought out his tears to do some legendary acting. Screaming and wailing, he ran and ran until he saw the glimpse of his beautiful mom with snow white hair and blue eyes.

Inside Marcus blushed since even though he was a child now, he still had feelings for the opposite sex especially when they were pretty but something like that will not distract him from his mission.

He ran into her hand as he embraced her tightly, doing quite well the acting of a terrified young child of just 11.

"M-m-mom, I was so scared" Marcus said while whimpering as his mother just rubbed his hair with her own tears concealed hoping to be strong for her child.

"Don't worry mom is there for you, don't cry" She whispered as she consoled him, suddenly out of thin air a black haired, brown eyed man apparated in front of her with a face full of tension.

But as soon as he saw his child, he relaxed as he took a breath of fresh air.

"Finally, we found him Elphaba" The man said to his wife who only nodded at her husband Damon.

Both of them kept consoling their whimpering sobbing boy who in reality was hiding his wicked grin inside his corrupt heart not feeling anything for them since he didn't consider them as his parents.

There was only one who he loved as a parent and that was Dumbledore nobody else would take that position away from him in this life. Along with that, a wicked plan was also going inside his mind when he went through Seamus' memories.

"Looks like I can finally get revenge on Lucius through Draco" He thought but first he needed to get stronger and that would be through Hogwarts the academy his father currently ruled upon.

Now all he needed was a wand which he knew that he will get the next day since his letter had already arrived quite earlier before the fall. Also, the stick was destroyed after finishing his magic, if anyone was curious to know that.