
Second chance: immortal wolf’s revenge

Abused, used and then discarded when she has no purpose, a young girl named Snow due to her silky white fur was integrated into the white snow was left to die a lonely death. Believing this was the end, believing her most looked up parents were actually using her, despite seeing how they always favoured her sister despite not born from the same mother. Snow was too naive, she believed that as long as she provides benefits to the Liu family, she would finally gain the love of her parents but she was thoroughly mistaken. Her cultivation pearl was taken, her appearance was ruined, her life was coming to an end, the snow slowly enveloped her into the coldness, the time she closed her eyes, believing if there was a next life, she would live differently, a second life where she would gain revenge, a life where she would let everyone see that she is powerful and not a commodity that should be played around with. And like a dream, she wakes up in this run down room with the reminent of her past life in the 21st century. And as if the gods has heard her plea, she was brought back to the time she was still a teenager of the age of 10, the time before the death of her brother. However the only difference was that there was an entire different entity that lives inside her as if like a system but in the form of a cultivation god who speaks to her as if they have known each other for all eternity. Pretending to be the same at the outside within the dens of these devilish family but in secret trains with all her might till the supernatural academy enrolment which is in 2 years time where she would show everyone her strength but before that day comes, she needs to train and become stronger and ensure that she doesn't die, keeping herself low-key and out of the business of the Liu family. She was slowly but shortly forgotten in the abandoned Yin house. Follow the journey and see how Snow would gain her revenge and what changes follows with a second chance of life. This is the first time I’m writing something to do with Chinese cultivation so if there is anything wrong, please comment, it would be a great help. Thank you (Note: any poison or treatment method are all made up and through imagination so if you never heard of it then just note it's not real).

Zhen0214 · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

3 - who knew I’ll find a treasure!

Liu Zhen Zhu / Snow's Pov

Today is the day I go out, getting prepared and dressed up in male clothings I borrowed from my brother, despite it being twice the size too big, I easily tweeted it to fit my small frame. Getting my hair tied up in a pony tail. I then made my way out into the front yard.

Seeing how my brother was still busy, I didn't want to bother him, I then quickly called over xiao Xian, 'yes young miss.' She spoke sweetly whilst looking at me happily.

'I'll be going out for a while, so if my brother asks just tell him I'll be back soon and to tell him not to worry.' And knowing how xiao xian is quite paranoid and worried about my health, I smiled, 'you don't have to worry about me, I'm not like the old Zhen Zhu, this is the new and improved me, I will be fine.' I said reassuring her but knowing how she is, she'll still be worried and seeing how actions show more than words, so I used my internal Qi and flexibility, I jumped on top of our garden's outer wall and with a swift gesture of goodbye to Xiao Xian who was shocked and speechlessly stunned at her spot, I disappeared from her sight.

Not soon later, I arrived outside undetected and fully disguised and slowly made my way to one of the stores that sold goods for alchemists.

And knowing how I don't have large sum of money on me, I made my way around the store searching for an alchemist pot that was cheap but useful at the same time for now.

After moving about I found a few interesting things. But none of which was what I wanted. And after going shop to shop, I felt more agonised, 'Why is there never anything for those who cannot afford!' I shouted internally with annoyance and by the time I walked down the street of shops I reach what seems like a shabby old building which seems like the last alchemist store in town.

I sighed, hoping this is where I could finally find the things I needed as I made my way in.

As soon as I arrived, a shabby looking man with a bright smile plastered on his face jumped up out of nowhere, 'dear customer what would you like to buy today?' He asked politely.

I looked around and faced him, 'I would like to look at the cheapest alchemist pots you have in store.' And with that the man's expression suddenly had a 180 degree turn, his facial expression started to flip and he started clicking his tongue, 'tsk, another poor customer.' And with that he left me alone to look around the place.

Well I should've guessed this would happen, everyone wants something in return and it is no surprise with these businessmen however with such attitudes I doubt they could get anywhere with it.

And like the other stores, there was nothing of use to me. I sighed and exited the shabby old building and made my way down the alleyway when seeing how I was followed by two men.

'Are they the men sent by the Liu family?'

'I'm not sure but it's better if I loosen myself from them first.' And with that I swiftly made my way into the alleyway and with my current skills, I jumped onto the roof and hidden myself out of view awaiting for the men to come out from the corner.

'Where is she?' Man number 1 asked.

'Don't tell me you lost her. Your useless' He shouted towards man number 2.

'We're going to be in big trouble if we don't kill her not to mention the awards we will gain from that woman.' The second man blurted our which led to a smack in the forehead by man number one.

'Don't be a blabber mouth and get a move on with it.' And with that both men ran out the ally into different directions whilst I jumped down from the roof. And seeing how they went through the alleyway, it's safe to assume they won't come back the way they came from so I walked back out the alleyway and into the corner street where there was several tradings on display and many people had things presented on a mat layering all their goods on top awaiting for people to come and take a look.

Many of which were selling cultivation books and medicine but one standing store caught my eyes, they sold a alchemy pot which was shrivelled and out of date with Cracks and holes but for some reason the was a special aura surrounding it which attracted my attention.

Unconsciously moving forward and reaching out to the old bearded man with a hooded cape on, 'how much is this alchemy pot.' I asked

He looked up, 'you can have it young man, it won't sell anyways.' I smiled, 'thank you.' Before I made my way out of the standing markets.

And seeing how it was getting darker, the sun is setting, I quickly made my way back to the house. Swiftly making my way back to the Yin garden undetected. Getting a bath and changed into my usual clothings and hiding the male ones, I prepared myself for the night. Taking out the alchemy pot, I looked at it wondering what secrets it hold to make me feel this way towards it.

And from the looks of it, the immortal system noted that I had the ability to encounter mysterious high grade objects and these can be detected when there is a warm glow or warmth coming out of it which is what I felt with the alchemy pot but after washing it, it was still old and run down that I wasn't sure if the system has gotten an error or not.

As I was getting tired, yawning with my eyes feeling sleepy, I put the alchemy pot on the desk next to my bed side but unluckily without looking I misplaced it and caused a cut on not hand, 'ouch, now it's bleeding. What a nice day I am going through.' I said sarcastically but with this coincidental accident, something else came along with it.

The blood that was dripping out of my hand was slowly sucked into the alchemy pot and as if there was a seal, it was quickly broken, the alchemy pot suddenly started moving crazily as if having a will of its own and forcibly went into my internal mind.

And as if it was lights out, I was sucked into what seems like the internal space of the alchemy pot, a view that was different to anything I've ever seen before, it was like a large meadow with several herbs and beautiful scenery which was wide spread that I couldn't see the end of it, and exploring the place I find myself going deeper and deeper until I reached what seems like a modern like cottage which was rare and surprising, going in unsure of whether there was anyone I asked, 'is anyone there.' But there was no reply so I opened the gates and welcomed myself in.

'I mean, it is a unique opportunity that I'll experience once in a life time and seeing how this is modern like the 21st century building, I am getting intrigued and more interested with what's in store for me.'

'Despite the Chinese saying that curiosity kills the cat but for me without curiosity, then life is nothing but a cold exterior with no excitement or fun.'

I happily made my way inside the cottage and through the long beautified bridge until I reached the flowery doors where I opened it to reveal the majestic internal decorations with several books stacking up in the shelves like a modern library but something felt odd.

'I was certain the outside looks like a normal small cottage building but when seeing the inside, as if by magic, it looks more like a tower!'

Looking around, the interior was bright golden yellow coloured walls with several shelves full of books.

Looking around I spoke out loud unconsciously, 'I wonder if there is any poison books in here.' And with what I've said, as if by magic from Harry Potter, these books just made it way to the table in front of me layering all the different books to do with poison.

Excitedly, knowing that I've gained a treasure, I was thankful that I made my journey out today or else I wouldn't find such a wonderful surprise.

I guess my thanks should go to the two men who followed me or else I wouldn't have gone through that alleyway and made my way to the standing markets.

This would make my so called step-mother angry when she finds out that I acquired such a treasure through her actions.

'Laughing loudly as if I was crazed, I was overjoyed but quickly calmed down. It is no time to be happy and full of myself, this is just the beginning and the first thing is to find the herbs used to cure my poison.'

Seeing how the poison was a slow acting rare snake's venom, one of the main components I need is the poison of such snake along with some herbs that can be easily obtained through the meadow.

Getting onto the second floor of the tower, I found some snake venom and luckily it was ones that I needed.

'Hmmm... funny how luck is suddenly on my side but nevertheless, I like it.'

Having all the necessary materials in front of me, I rolled up my sleeves, 'it's time to begin'