
Searching For You

Genre: Modern Fantasy Romance, Super Natural, Multiple Lives, Action, Comedy, Mystery, Occasional SMUT and ECCHI content. Yu Sha was born prematurely and her heart wasn’t fully closed. The first several years of her life, were often spent in the hospital undergoing procedures. But she did not let her condition defined who she is. She worked hard and excelled in sports and PE class. Su Na’s mother had gone through a traumatic experience which caused her to be frequently hospitalized. As long as she could remember, she never had a father. It wasn’t until later she learned the ugly truth and make it her life long mission to build her own empire in order to crush the person who made her mother suffered. The hospital was where they met and became good friends. They attended the same classes and schools. Upon graduating early, they embarked on a journey to stardom to build Su Na’s empire. Hue Chi, Prince of Aires, had everything anyone could dream of but carried an illness to himself. The woman that haunted him in his sleep, who was she? How was she able to control his emotions, waking him up in the middle of the night, sometimes, in terror, in pain, and sometimes in happiness? The emotions she elicits locked his heart cold, unable to like any other woman, thus distancing himself from others. People are scared to approach him due to the distant and icy auras around him. Just as the universe planned it, Yu Sha and Su Na won their bid on a project in Aires, which will require them to live in Aires for at least half a year. As Prince of an entire continent, he felt unsettled of two young female prodigies. Do they come with hidden motives? Not sure if they have anything to do with the secret organization he has been after, he ordered them to fly into Aires for a meet and greet with the investors and other companies involved in the project. Unforeseen in his calculation, his eyes drifted towards her anytime she was nearby. He reasoned with himself that he just wanted to make sure of her status and purpose, but somewhere in his heart, he couldn’t gravitate away. The way she talked, her behaviors, her voice, and demeanor elicited the same emotions of the woman that haunted him in his dreams. Some may think destiny is cruel and some may think that destiny is kind for playing with people’s heart, as it seemed the world was not small enough to allow them to be lovers, but not wide enough so their path will never cross.

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385 Chs

Normal Working Class

Su Na glared directly at the woman and continued. "I was young then and couldn't protect my mother. If you don't want to feel my wrath, don't any of you dare approach her when she is living life happily." Su Na needed to make a clear cut to the two-face scheming woman who only in a matter of time might plot something.

The woman felt powerless and wasn't able to stop Su Na from spilling out everything. Her father's heart jolted slightly. He looked at his wife in his arms as he asked in disbelief, "Did you?"

The woman avoided eye contact as she desperately tried to think of an excuse but miserably failed. "I... I... I thought she was too young and... I didn't know that her mother needed the money. I held onto the money until she becomes of age as I didn't want her mother and grandmother to spend it."

"I still haven't received the money even though I've become of age two years ago." Su Na countered. How more could that woman pretend? Su Na wondered but then, that woman had expertise in lying and manipulating. 

Su Na's father pushed his wife from his arms and glared at her. "That was none of your business. Why would you do something like that?" He didn't know that his wife had meddled into that affair. He couldn't even think that she could do something of that sort.

"I... I..." the woman stuttered as she could not find an excuse at that time when she badly needed it.

"Answer me! Where is the money now?" He shouted at her. What had she done? Why had she stepped into the matter that was clearly not her business?

"I... opened a separate bank account and put the money in there. Because of that, I had forgotten about giving it to Su Na when she turned 18." The woman whimpered. Her husband had never raised his voice on her. It was the first time, and it was all because of Su Na! Oh, how she hated Su Na and her mother! Luckily, the woman she hated bore a daughter instead of a son. A daughter posed less threat and was easier to deal with than a son, she thought quietly to herself.

Su Na interrupted, "Oh, do not worry, I have no interest in the money. Even if you give it to me now, I would not want it as I hate to be indebted to ugly people. And, she has probably spent all of them by now." Su Na tried to incite anger from the man. She refused to even refer or acknowledge them.

The woman's eyes widened. She quickly shook her head and denied. "I would never do such things." She panicked and looked at her husband pitifully, persuading him. "Darling, trust me, I did not spend the money." She was hoping that she would be able to persuade her husband so she could find the funds to prove later. Damn. Where was she stuck? She had never thought that Su Na could find out the much she did. She had never thought that her image in front of her husband would fall in danger and Su Na would be the reason.

The man felt conflicted. Could he trust his wife fully? Could he trust Su Na's words? He had always seen his wife being kind and thoughtful. If it was the past, maybe he could believe her, but Su Na had exposed a side of his wife he never thought existed. The wife he knew was nothing like what Su Na had spoken of. His wife was kind, weak, passive and had a big heart. She saw the bigger picture and forgave people easily. Could Su Na just accuse his wife out of spite? He knew his daughter held a grudge against him. He looked at Su Na and hesitatingly replied, "Your stepmother had probably forgotten to give you the money. She was only thinking of your best interest at heart."

Yu Sha who was eavesdropping behind a tall cherry blossom tree nearby couldn't stand it anymore. She jumped out of the tree and retorted, "Hmph... you didn't sound too confident there, Mr. CEO of Song Corporation."

Everyone turned their attention to the girl who had just jumped out from behind the tree. The couple was not able to tell which family Yu Sha was from. She looked unfamiliar - she was not from any prestige family they were aware of.

"Who are you?" the woman asked.

"Me? I am Su Na's good friend. The aunt and uncle, who have paid for Su Na's mother's medical bills, are my parents." Yu Sha grinned.

"And also paid for my tuition at the prestige university you all elite people are so proud of." Su Na added on top of what Yu Sha said.

"What family are you from?" Su Na's father asked.

"A normal working-class family! My father is Mong Zong. He spends his days getting on his children's nerves and runs a bar at night," Yu Sha replied. She was proud of her family.

Everyone was dumbfounded at Yu Sha's answer. Su Na looked at Yu Sha with an expression asking what kind of answer that was.

The woman's face showed a relieved expression that the person helping Su Na wasn't from a big and powerful family. What would she do if the people helping Su Na and her mother were some powerful people? Now that they were just a working family, her heart, felt a lot lighter. Then a thought flashed through her eyes - if they were a normal working family, how was it possible that they could afford all the medical bills and even put two children through one of the three most prestigious universities in Lyon?

While many thoughts rummaged through the woman's mind, Yu Sha shouted, "Mr. CEO, I don't know how you managed an entire corporation when you failed to look after your first wife and child. You're not very smart, are you? You let yourself get played by a vicious snake." Yu Sha laughed as she provoked Su Na's father more than he already was.

The man's eyes turned red from anger as Yu Sha had insulted him and his wife. No one had dared to even talk down on him let alone a mere child who knew nothing of the world. He clenched his teeth with bloodshot eyes as he huffed from anger. "You... You! You dare talk down on me?"

Come back in two hours for another chapter. Enjoy reading.

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