
An Another Black Winger

[ In the Forest ]

Ronie and Stephen were doing very strict training to polish their movements. They are fighting each other and trying to defeat each other in that battle. Stephen kicked Ronie so hard, but Ronie immediately made the cross and blocked that kick with both his hands. Then he tried to punch him but Stephen responded on time and stopped that punch by his hand.

"Bro, this was a close call. If I had not responded in time, then it was a tough punch." Stephen has used his full force to stop Ronie's last punch, now he's tired because Ronie is a black winger but he did not know. His physical strength is much greater than the physical power of man. Therefore, if Stephen did not use his full strength to block that punch, then he would now be a dead flesh.

"OK, Let's take a break bro." Ronie said with a cute smile. Then they sat on a rock and drank some water and ate some snacks. Ronie was merged in his own thoughts. Ronie will have to win this tournament, otherwise he will not be the successor of his family. To become heir, he must beat his brother in the martial arts tournament.

A moment later, Ronie realized that something is coming from the deep forest, it was a strange feeling. Then he heard a roar of an animal, he thought that an animal is coming on this path. "Stephen, have you heard that roar?" Ronie said in grave voice.

"No brother, I have not heard anything."

Ronie was in confusion because he had heard the roar clearly, but Stephen has not heard anything.

Only then, a demon appeared suddenly in front of him. He was completely shocked and frightened at seeing that monster. "Stephen Run, here's a demon."

But Stephen can not see that demon because he is just a human and a mere human can not see a demon. Stephen began to laugh loudly, he thought that Ronie was fooling him, "Hey bro, stop joking, there is nothing here."

That demon starred at Stephen, he twisted his tail and hit Stephen, he flew and collided over a tree. Blood started bleeding from his head and he became unconscious.

Ronie ran towards Stephen, he was really frightened. The demon starts moving towards Stephen, but Ronie stands in front of him. He can not cheat his friend and leave him there. The demon stared at Ronie and then twisted his tail again, Ronie tightly closed his eyes. When the demon was going to kill him, suddenly a man came in front of him and caught his tail with his own hands. Ronie slowly opened his eyes and saw that person with a set of black wings. "Hey, who are you? Are you a demon too?" Ronie said in a scary tone.

"No, I'm a Black Winger. my name is Alex."

That person answered in a grave look. But he is confused because how did a human can see a Black Winger in his true form, but he didn't bothered. And killed that demon in just one blow of his 'Hell Blade'.

"What is Black Winger." Ronie asked in curiosity.

Then suddenly the man disappeared from his eyes. Ronie was also surprised, then he realized that Stephen is still unconscious. He put Stephen on his back and ran towards the hospital. After 4 hours, Stephen regained consciousness, Ronnie was sitting next to him. Ronie was very happy to see that Stephen was conscious again. He embraced him tightly, "Aaaah ... hey brother, it hurts, please slowly."

"What happened to me in the forest anyway and how I hurt it." Stephen said in a skeptical accent. He did not remember anything, Ronie told him a story that a monkey hit him with a stone and he fell unconscious.😅😅

Then both of them laughed loudly and after a few minutes, Stephen was discharged from the hospital and they went back to the school campus because there was only one day left for the martial arts tournament.

To be continued :-

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Note :- Next chapter is expected to release tomorrow

Alone_writer_creators' thoughts