
Search & Rescue : A Romantic Series

The main character, Daemon, is a charismatic and successful criminal who is accustomed to a luxurious lifestyle. He is confident, self-assured, and has a strong bond with his four friends with whom he runs a criminal organization. He is also deeply in love with a woman who he sees as the love of his life. However, when his love is taken away by her father, a police official investigating him and his organization, Daemon's world is turned upside down. He is faced with the dilemma of saving his love and protecting his criminal enterprise from being exposed. Despite being pursued by his ex, who is also a member of his organization, Daemon remains focused on rescuing his love. He is determined to use his resources and connections to locate her, and is willing to take risks to do so.

Maxwell_Angelou · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Morning After, Pills

The next morning was weighing heavy on everyone, especially Hailey, she had tons of hard pills to swallow! Not literally though. What happened next is something that I did not expect, and neither was I looking forward to it. "Knock, knock" at about 7:30 am, I was already up and I already heard the sweet voice behind the door, I knew it was Hailey, but I didn't think she'd be the first person to come and check on me.

I was shirtless, got off the bed, put on my Nike flip-flops and grabbed a shirt off the coffee table, put it on – I didn't want any starring or anything that might divide her attention from what she actually came for, while dragging my feet I heard another knock – "I'm coming" I said. I reached for the door, before opening it I quickly scanned my body to see if I wasn't exposing anything inappropriate – in my mind all was good, I opened the bedroom door and her head was facing down, starring at my boxer shorts – "Oh shit" I said, mimicking the words, we were both looking at the tent installed below my hips and in between my thighs, luckily, we dismissed it and carried on as if it wasn't there.

"Sorry, may I come in" she said, "Yeah, sure" I responded, "I have a bit of a headache, do you have pills?" I said "No" on purpose, knowing this conversation had nothing to do with pills – I opened the door for her, she stepped in, I peeped across the hallway to check if anyone else was there, or spying on us, but it was too early, I know my boys were heavily asleep at that time. I shamefully walked back to my bed and used Faith's favorite pink blanket to cover up, I slept on it the previous night, it smelt like her, it reminded me of her and gave me some sort of comfort. I sat down and didn't say a word, I just looked at Hailey while trying to figure out what she wants.

A heavy sigh came from her, the first words that came out of her mouth were "Are you mad at me" , I said "No, why would I be" – "Because of the way in how I spoke to Faith" , I said "Well I'm not and I don't think we should be focusing on that right now" . I could tell that she was still upset at herself, and I understood that her words were completely harmless, they just came from a place of anger, hurt and a bit of jealousy. At this point I really wanted to address the elephant in the room, thinking about what Savage said – but instead I decided to keep quiet, now's not the time, considering the fact that at the moment she's still weak and vulnerable, and her emotions are everywhere, I don't want to take advantage or make any mistakes, as I am also weak and vulnerable at the moment.

She was still dressed in a tiny night dress, exposing her thigh-tattoo. She would never step into my room like that if Faith was around, or if any of the guys were awake. I knew she felt bad and would probably do anything to make me feel better. I was seeking comfort and a refuge, but her body wasn't something that I wanted to lie on. She could tell that I was starring, but she knew that I wouldn't make the first move.

Let me take you guys back a bit, Hailey and I knew each other from way back, right before we started with this whole operation – The guys think I found her, when really she found me. Hailey and I used to have a thing, her & I were involved at some point, nobody amongst us knows, except Savage – that's why he keeps throwing in these comments, we were never serious about the whole thing, well from my side I wasn't. She wanted more; she wanted commitment, and she wanted us to move to the "next level", to become a thing, you know. Problem with this whole situation is at the time I wasn't ready; I honestly couldn't be what she wanted me to be. I was dealing with a lot, going through a rollercoaster and was simply just trying to find myself – I felt like a relationship would slow me down, hold me back or interfere with my plans.

At some point I could not take it anymore, her expectations were starting to become too much for me, and I needed a break – so I decided to cut her off. We did not speak for months after that, I tried to reach out a couple of times but was unsuccessful. She hated me, blocked me everywhere and made sure that "I do not find her", "she will find me" whenever she wanted to, those words came from her the first time we met months later, "She found me" – she says.

How she got into the group is a bit of a mystery to me, nobody really knows how, I met somebody online then passed the contact to Babushka as it was he's department so I never really was aware that the contact was her, I was catfished In a way. She was the last member to enter – then Babushka introduced her to us, we only knew her as a contact that was resourceful and had the capacity to help us move onto the next level and expand our business. I always knew that she was smart, she knew a lot of things and was a natural when it came to computers, artificial intelligence and all-round technology. But never did I ever think that she would choose this kind of life, other than for survival. I knew her background and I knew her very well and where she came from, so not once did I ever question her on why she chose this life, I always accepted her for what she was, even though I wanted better for her.

The rest of the guys think that the Beef she has with Faith is light and just an ordinary girly-thing, or just a simple case of them not liking each other, deep down I knew it's way deeper than that, but Faith is unaware of the whole situation – I don't think she'd be happy with knowing that I live under the same room with the same girl that I used to fuck.

Problem is, Hailey came back into my life moments after Faith and I became serious. I've never really had the time to break this down to Faith, I waited for the right time and unfortunately that time never came. The other reason why we've kept this a secret for the longest time is to avoid causing problems within the group, we have a set of rules, guidelines and policies – this situation between us does not align with what we signed up for. We just had to suck it up and pretend the situation never existed, act professional and hope that Savage also keeps this to himself, although he is a loud-mouth and a loose cannon, how he managed to not say anything all this time still shocks me to this day – But he is a real one, my boy! He knows a lot is at stake if this ever comes out.

The hatred that Hailey has for Faith is understandable, well hate is a bit of a strong word, let me rather say "dislike". Hailey is just mad that I became everything what she has always wanted me to be for Faith, she is always asking "why her, what does she have that I don't" , "what's so special about her" – mind you, Hailey is an amazing girl, she is the woman that she thinks she is! But when it comes to me & Faith, she questions and doubts herself, which is something that I hate completely. It was never meant to be this way, if I could I'd let her have it any other way.

Now back to the scene, "Maybe I could help you find her" she said. I was shocked, "Help me? And Faith" I said. She said "Yes, I could help you find her, I know just how much she means to you". I was still digesting her words, then suddenly I heard a knock at the door, "Boy, you good!?" I said come in, It was Savage – to his surprise he saw Hailey sitting across me, in that short night-dress, looking sexy as hell. For a moment he could not believe his eye sight but chose not to analyze the situation too much, "I came to check on you, I wasn't aware that you had company" he said. I explained to him that Hailey was just here to tell me how she could help, he didn't buy it at all and neither did I because my statement wasn't that convincing. A few moments later after the awkward encounter he decided to exit the room and give us some "Space".

Hailey was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable, she felt like Savage was judging her, especially based on the way in how she was dressed. "He probably thinks I am trying to seduce you or that I slept here, he thinks I'm a whore" I laughed a little, and re-assured her that she doesn't have to worry, especially about Savage and his thoughts. I pulled her closer, held her hand and told her "We'll find her, okay". She nodded her head, looked straight into my eyes as I held her soft cheek, my left hand slowly moved from her hand and onto her thigh, as soon as I did that she breathed straight into my mouth, her warm air quickly ran through my body, and I felt something that I hadn't felt in months move inside me.

We both leaned in for a kiss, we knew the door was unlocked and that anyone could walk in at any moment, but we didn't care – we were lost in the moment, it felt so right but yet it was so wrong, She quickly lifted up her arms and I removed the night-dress from the top of her head, seconds later I was in full view of Hailey's naked body, "What am I doing, Faith hasn't been away for more than 48 hours and already I am doing this" – my mind at the moment. Hailey lifted up my shirt and jumped on top of me, "Take it off" she said, at the time we were deep within a kiss. I took it off, looked straight into her eyes and gave her a passionate kiss. She stopped, stood up on the bed and took her panties off, as soon as she did that a sound came on from the other room, speakers were blasting, "Jake is up" I screamed, "the door is unlocked, he might walk in anytime from now".

"I don't care" she said, went straight to the door and locked it herself, "I am not leaving up until I get what I came here for" she said – I was amused, turned on and shocked at the same time. Quickly grabbed her, threw her on top of my bed, took off my boxers! That first slide in felt magical, it was intense and yet fulfilling. The adrenaline rush and the fear of being caught fueled the fire within the whole experience.

As soon as we climaxed, we stopped, she quickly grabbed her panties and night-dress, ran straight to her room and changed clothes. I wore my sweatpants, picked out a different shirt from my wardrobe, brushed my teeth, put on some cologne, and went downstairs, trying to rub off the guilt. I came down the stairs, Savage was staring at me with those eyes the whole entire time, it's like he knew what we had done, he just stared at me in silence as I walked towards him, "Sit down, we need to talk" he said.. .