
Search For The Dragon Soul

In this creation their are era's. Each era will be ended in a different way only two beings in creation will achieve absolute power to fight End itself. Follow Ren on a journey to find his origin and to find more about the mystery of the era's and creation. [before the dawn of creation]: There was once a god who step on plane of nothingness, he decided to create life and two gods, the first god was Alpha and the second is Omega, both god's fell in love with each other for million's and trillion's of years. but one day calamity strike to the Alpha, he suddenly went insane for unknow purposes he started feeding of the narrative's of the book's of creation. so Omega decided to take matters into her own hands. he fight his lover for day's on end until one day, Omega finally stop the rampage of his lover, Omega managed to temporary seal Alpha. After that Omega give birth to their son Alpha Omega he procced to create two absolute power, so one day the two power's could protect all creation from the awakening of his father. P.S.. I changed the synopsis because this is much more better and that happened before the events of the first Era and this my first time writing a story hope you enjoy reading.

CJD_09 · Kỳ huyễn
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71 Chs

Transformed Vampire vs transformed Shadow maiden!

Chapter 48

The blood that was dripping down and landing on the ground suddenly move and then formed a huge sword, without knowing it, the huge sword pierce Achyls back. "AAAAAAHH!!" then another set of small sword pierce her head. Achyls head was resting on Morrigan's shoulder, Achyls head and body was letting out so much blood. and then Morrigan smiled. "Hahahaha! now how's that?!"

Morrigan then notice that Acyhls was resting on her shoulder for a little sometime now, so she thought the she already killed her, because her eyes were now blank white and she looks unconscious or even dead. "(There's no way she dead)"

She was questioning herself whether she's dead or planning something. "I know your not dead! so stop pretending to be de- *BOOM!* -AAAAAHHH!!" Morrigan screamed in agony when the left side of her stomach suddenly explode. "KAAA! -AAAAH!!"

The left's side of Morrigan's body was completely covered in red blood. the blood splattered around on the ground, her mouth was drooling out so much blood, her eyes were twitching and her body was trembling on how much pain she was, she then notice Acyhls was smiling, her cheeks were squishing on her cheeks.

"Now how's that?!" said Acyhls in a mocking voice while she was smirking. then she telepoted from above then fired a dark energy blast. "SAY GOOBYE!!" she then fired the blast, but Morrigan quickly used the blood on the ground to create a energy ball and fired it to contest the dark energy blast.


The two blast collided and it created a huge smoke. Morrigan was behind the huge smoke, so she quickly took off the sword that pierce her, she was holding the left side of her damage bloody stomach with her hand, then her wrist has a red magic circle around it, giving her hand the ability to heal.

"(I need to heal my wound faster)" after she said that Acyhls suddenly appeared on the smoke, she tried to slammed her foot at her, but Morrigan manage to dodge it and only left created a crater, and then she gave Acyhls a hard swing kick right on the face.

"GHHH!" Achyls got send flying but she manage to land back on her feet, then she quickly used her speed to get behind Morrigan, and launched a kick again, but without avail Morrigan still managed to dodge while holding her wound.

Acyhls was slowing getting angry on how Morrigan was able to dodge her attacks or to counter it while holding her wound. "How are you able to dodge my attacks?!" she said in frustration.

Morrigan then let out a smirk. "Why would i tell you that?!" she said in a joking tone. Acyhls got more angered when she heard that. "You little BITCH!" she said with a scary glare.

But Morrigan wasn't intimidated on the her glare, she was only getting amused on how frustrated Acyhls is, so she tried to make her more frustrated to use as an advantage. "Should i close my eyes to make it more easier for you? or should i just use one arm and leg to fight you? so what will you choose? so you can finally hit me."

Morrigan was risking it all, it's either to make her more frustrated to lose focus, or get her more angry that can potentially end her life. Acyhls was getting more and more angry and in rage. her then aura started releasing and Morrigan felt something bad.

"(Looks like i made her snapped, i need to be more careful, i might die here)" Morrigan started sweating and was getting more worried for herself on the situation she's in, because she knew she's completely dead.

Acyhls was releasing her bloodlust and letting out a tremendous amount of scary aura, she wanted to kill and torture Morrigan for her own satisfaction and enjoyment. this is what happened if you anger one of the calmest and sweetest person on Radon's group.

"HEH- HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" she started laughing like a pyscho killer, she then notice that Morrigan was sweating so much. "Oh?! why are you not moving?! and why are sweating so much?! is something bothering you?!"

Morrigan was in a stuck situation, if she's escape she'll die, if she fight she'll also die, so the only thing she can do is to fight like a lion that's fighting for her life. Morrigan then spit out blood and braced herself for the fight of her life.

"Come on!! kill me if you can!!" she said then her energy and aura was increasing, her nails was getting more sharper, the edges of her eye was turning blood red, her white hair was getting more longer, her hair was so long that it reaches the back of her knee.

While Achyls was also releasing her tremendous aura, then her body started morphing, both of her hands became dark long claws, her ears became more pointier just like Morrigan, her black beautiful long hair started floating, the black heel shoe that she wear are now destroyed because her foot became monster dark feet.

The both of them were now transformed. the both of them were staring at each other and not keeping their eyes of each other. "You got a nice look." said Morrigan, but Acyhls wasn't having none of that talk.

Acyhls quickly use her speed and try to slash up Morrigan, but again she managed to dodge it with her new found speed. "Still to slow." said Morrigan then she clawed up her right cheek.

"GHHHHH!" Acyhls got hurt so she quickly backed up. "How are still so fast?!" she said in frustration. but Morrigan didn't know something was wrong.

"That's why i let you ch- GHHHAAAAA!" Morrigan looked down to her chest, then she saw two huge claw pierce both side of her stomach. she then looked back and see Acyhls smiling like a evil villian. "Were did you came from?!" she said in weak trembling voice.

Acyhls then slowly created them a orb pocket dimension. "HAHAHAHAHAHA! Now there's no one that can help you!!" she yelled then she open her palm more so that her dark sharp claws hurt her more. "AAAAAHHH!!" Morrigan was screaming in pain.

Then the dark orb pocket dimension slowly closed, and now Morrigan and Acyhls were all alone.

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