

A man fell inlove to the señora's sister who is the queen of thier organization. at the time the queen and the man fall inlove with eachother and decided to have realationship. When the señora found out about their realationship she wanted the man to prove him self. the word 'señora' is known as mafia.

Lyndz_elpiix · Thanh xuân
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5 Chs

chapter 3

Liz's POV

first time

this boy right here got my attention..he's DIFFERENT. as far as i know he is a transferre here and according to my sister we have the same rank he must be pretty rich too. and he got guts to talk back on me interesting...

"anyways since youre late im here to discuss AGAIN"- me breaking the silince i made


"thats new"

"for real?"


yes thats new. because i really dont want to reapeat my self. but because this Pimenova talk back i got interest.

"you five(5) can go out now"






"you dont have a right to ask the owner what she's doing mr.Garcia"

"yea right lets go"

"how about me?" mr.Pimenova ask out of nowhere tsk. were going to have a little chitchat baby i said on my mind.

"you stay"



"y-ya if you say so"

"hmm..i know youre transferre and base on what i know you already know that im the owner at this school right? and someone says you want to know more about me?"

"d-d-did~ how?"

"i just over heard. well im here to answer youre questions"


"start youre questions now"

"how old are you?" wtf?! HE CAN ASK ANY QUESTIONS BUT WHY MY AGE? YOU DUMB?!


"what are you?"

is he dumb?! well...baby im born to kill i said on my mind..


"whats youre rules?"

"why do you have rules?

"who are you?"

tsk too much question anyways...

"im Liz Rosestien and yes i have my own rules at this school for what? for my own good my rules are simple whats my rules? rule#1: dont talk nonsence infront of me

rule#2: dont try to talk back at me specially when you know i speak with my mind

rule#3: dont try to argue at me if you want to stay alive

rule#4: know youre place

and rule#5: WHATS MINE IS MINE

thats all, do you still have questions?" i ask after my long explanation

"no thats all thank you m-may i g-go now?"

"yes you can but apply my rules at the employee's who work here too"

"i will"

you better.

"Ms.Rosestien you're sister is already outside youre modules is also with her" ms.ydulzura

"tell here im on my way, put this documents at my office"-me

"yes ms.Rosestien"

tsk my sister is too addicted of shopping its not that i dont like shopping its just that she do shopping like theres no tommorow!!!

"you always spends money like there is no tommorow" i said as i enter her car

"dont be so busy lil sis have fun too" her reply.

"as if you dont know what keep me busy"-me

"alright lets go?"-her


"youre manager please" sis as we step our presence at the store

"welcome back rosestien's" the gay manager greeted

"ah yes i will close the store for your shopping"-manager and head to the guard maybe to tell my sisters order

yes we shop here everyTIME we go shopping or should i say its just me? because lyndzee shops everyDAY here ~_~.

"how about we put a little twist lyndz since YOU always go shopping"-me

"go on"-her

"in one minute youre gonna choose all you want at this store and i'll pay for it"-i murmur

lemme see whats youre skills at picking up clothes sis  ̄へ ̄

"sure"-she said confidently

Lyndzee's POV

tsk my sister just challenge me WAHAHAH not knowing that everytime i go shoping at this store i always call my personal assistant to pick some of her style of fashion because we have the same taste at fashion but mine is more beautifull HAHAAHAH

tsk wrong move my lil sis HAHAH so i headed to the reservations and bwala! f@sH¡0nS! HAHAAH

"DONE!"-i yell

"what the~ but you just pick these clothes and shoes in just 38 seconds!"-her HAHAH

"you forgot sis? im always advanced *wink*"-me

she be like (✖╭╮✖)

╮(╯▽╰)╭ (* ̄︶ ̄*) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯-me

so yea HAHAHAH she just paid USD612,453 at THAT STORE ONLY! BWAHAHHA

WAHAHAHAH okey okey so while im driving and my sister fell a sleep i will just talk to you guys hehehe Okey so

im Lyndzee Rosestien the older sister of Liz Rosestien and if you say OLDER SISTER it means more beautifull, more sexy, more everything! whats my job? i own a company and luxurious hotel ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ *swag* while my sister owns and manage the schools and restaurants. Wheres our parents to help us? well..they both died in a accident a gUn aCcidDenT heheh okey i know a lot of you will ask about my sister HAHAHA okey so my sister likes to act mysterious even though she's not HAHHAAH but shes cold to strangers and she doesnt trust easily,and shes VERYGOOD AT EVRYTHING OR ANYTHING!!!!! thats all i can say and were here!

"hey! wake up!!!!!!!"-me yelling at my sisters ear HAHAHA

"STFU!"-her she really doesnt want someone to wake her up heheh

"were here!"-i yell again!

"stop yelling!"-her yelling at me!!!!

"tsk lets go"-me

without anywords she just boom! left!

"goodevening madame"-one of our maids

"get those bags inside"-i order

"yes madame"-her

"wheres my modules?"-and thats my sister

"at youre office"-me

and she went to her office tsk if this young girl right there will show off her true self tsk idontknow im sure you'll be (´⊙ω⊙`) at the same time >_< and ≧ω≦ (idontknowthatemojitoo) heheh well im too tired to read about businesses i guess im just gonna check what i got from shopping? HAHAHAHAH let me ask author still up?

A/N:yes ms. rosestien?

;does my sister do or say something horrible at her POV?

A/N: well...no shes just quite heeheh

;thats good, if she do something horrible at her POV please inform me immediatly!

A/N:yes ms.Rosestien, by the way i like that bag hehe

;oh this?, i bought this hours ago when my sister challenge me beautifull and fancy like me right?

A/N:oumm... i like it no i love it

;thanks continue at what youre doing im going to mind my own too


"mam do you want to have midnight snack?"-our maid

"hmm..maybe i'll just ring the bell if i want too"

"yes mam"-maid

our house i mean our mansion has 5 floors and underground floor we have three (3) maids yes just three (3) maids besides we also have a family chef which who will cook for us. Our maids only clean and serve us when were not at the house and the chef only cook for us when we call him and guards everyday and night.



*tentenententententen* *tentenententententen*


A/N:thats a rington DONT ME!!!>_<

"ugh"-i moan

"its still so early..."-me





8:45am tsk whos this bastard calling me?!

"speak straight to the point"-me as i answer the phone call

"señora at MS2 Basement now!"-my trusted right hand said and i know something is wrong.


i just brush my teeth,wash my face,comb my hair and a little bit of lipgloss! this is a emergency i bet

i took the elevator to the basement.



"señora" and many more señora as i enter the basement with my presence. Thats how they show respect

"who call this meeting?"-i ask at the guards who greeted me yes we also have guards at the basement. and why on earth at this basement? we have 4 basements who is open for us. they cant enter our basement if none two of us my sister will call this meeting.Except she's the one who call this meeting?

"The Queen. Señora"-one of them answers

i will explain it to you what is happening guys for now just read what are we going to discuss.

i knock at the door of the basement

"passcode?"-the security of the room ask. yes we also have security guard inside that room where we going to have meeting


and the mettalic door opens

"señora.."-the guard. I just passed at him and go to the table.

"señora"-the humans greeted with matching bow to show respect. Including the Queen.

"whats with the meeting?"- i spoke as i walk to the center and sat beside the Queen.

"last night theres a person who succesfully enter this mansion, and break all the cctv's using a gun with silincer and enter the señora's office"-The Queen.

"for?"-i ask

"to steal the ducoments and kill us"-the Queen answerd and the rest are still listening.

"you have him?"-i ask the Queen.

"yes"-she answerd


"at the red room"-Answers the Queen

"what would we do now?"-ms.psyche

"whats the plan?" they ask. i guess the queen will just explain it to you all for now i will continue listening.

Lyndzee Monding