
this world is really strange... considering he isn't a harem protagonist

Sword of Totsuka (mystic)

The sword is inside the gourd, when you pull the sword grip out the liquid inside will transform into a blade. When the blade pierces someone, it will seal that person's soul inside the gourd.

"Just what I wanted soul sealing power is very overpowered if it meets someone truly immortal like Hidan... I don't want to use her for a test tho, I don't know how to unseal the sealed souls yet."

"So you get what you wanted now, where should we go next?"

"Hmm, that is a good question, although I want to get Dust released, I don't wanna do that yet, we need to wait for some time and return to our missing-nin life."


{About a year later, Sunakure} (Cain's POV)

"Kankuro is down now, let wait until they left Hidan, no need to hurry" According to the canon after they defeat Kankuro and leave a deadly poison on him, they will hide in a cave to perform the beast extract ritual, my goal is to kill both of them but...

Why is Deidara a girl now? And a loli out of everything, she isn't even legal, she is 17 if I remember right. (As I said, this world is messed up)

"I know because you already tell me what happens next but... the blond girl is too cute, I don't want to kill her" Hidan look at me with teary eyes, to be honest, I know that she like cute things for about 2 years ago along with her eating habit but I never thought that she will be interested in this loli Deidara too.

"I think we can spare her and make her our allies somehow, I don't know if it will affect our mission progress but we can try" According to the information given by the system our mission is like this:

It says that we need to destroy the Akatsuki, not to kill every single member of it, so I guess not killing Deidara won't do anything to the quest... right?

"Back to the topic, follow them and don't let them see you" She replies to me with a nod, then we enter our eternal form and follow them.

After a while, we reach the cave where Deidara and Sasori will hide in canon, they place Gaara's body down and start extracting progress, but hey, I'm here not to watch them do this all day, it's showtime.

After all, why not? why shouldn't I do that? I materialize myself and punch the big ass rock into pieces, no Haki require, my STR is too high for this crap.

Sasori and Deidara immediately stand up and prepare to attack us, but unlike someone who waits for their enemy to attack first, I punch the crap out of Sasori leaving him no chance to attack. Wait a minute, that is only his puppet, he is inside, Nah I just need to punch him 1 more.

"I must say, that is very rude you know, not even saying hello to your enemy?" Sasori has his favourite puppet out now, this shit will take me much more time than I thought but... He is only lv 250 and veteran rank, about the same power level as Utakata.

And Deidara level is even lower than him, she is only at level 200, veteran rank. The only thing that makes her dangerous is her self-destruct move which can light up a 10km radius.

"Just about that punk, it not like that you can live until the next day." And he smirks "Don't get cocky boy" Without any more words, I dash forward and slice the iron sand thingy into pieces with my hand-made charka sword.

Why is Sasori smiling again? Oh he can control every piece of iron sand even it was destroyed, but he didn't know that I'm made of blood steel, the more I kill mean the harder I'm, there iron sand pieces can't even leave a scratch on my body!

"Tch, look like you have a good defence technique, you will become a good piece in my collection." I smirk "Even if you can defeat me, I doubt that you can scratch my skin!"

"Also, as a person who enjoys cultivation novel, I have been always wanting to do this. Yin style: thousands of swords return to origin!"


{With Hidan and Deidara} (3rd POV)

"Let me go, I'm not a stuffed toy for you to play with." Deidara tried her best to break out of Hidan's arms but it was useless, her clay bag and weapon bag have been removed, leaving her no weapon to fight back. Since Deidara is not a Taijutsu type and she relies on her clay too much, she is hopeless again Hidan, a master of Taijutsu.

"Calm down cutie, you should be thankful thank I spared you, if not you will suffer the same fate as that puppet," Hidan said with a smile on her face, she enjoys Deidara's cute expression and can't stop playing with the blonde's hair, she ties Deidara's hair into many different styles and completely ignores the girl is angry expression.

Suddenly, the cave's ceiling starts to fall off, revealing the beautiful blue sky from outside.

But the scene does not last for long, dozen flying shadows began to appear and block the light coming down the cave. "It Sasori-Danna ultimate technique, your boyfriend won't stand a chance now."

Deidara has lived with Sasori for too long to know his habit of creating a human puppet, she even knows his ultimate technique and how terrifying it's, he can control a hundred puppets at once, that is the achievement that only he can do so far.

"I must say that your Danna is good, but not good enough to beat my brother, even if my brother ran out of MP," Hidan says softly as she gentle touch Deidara, face and continues playing with it.

"What does MP even mean?" Deidara huffed


{Back with Cain and Sasori} (Cain POV)

Sasori's 100 puppets technique is terrifying for normal shinobi, but not me! After all, I'm not even a shinobi, I'm a scythe... and a suicide type gamer.

"Sinful phoenix flame: flame burst!" the legendary fruit: phoenix of sins give me access to the most overpowering flame ever! Imagine me massacred in a village, with my magic boost and 100 kill count, I can have 2000 damages output, and how many people I have killed? Maybe more than three thousand!

Well but there is a limit to it, I have discovered that I can only store up to 10000 kill counts, it said that I'm lacking something to remove the limit.

Talking about skills, the fruit only provides me with 2 skill which is phoenix form and phoenix sinful flame. It says that I can do anything with the flame so I must create my own move for this. Flame burst basically is a burst of energy from my body, it will shot out in every direction so it's a good move for crowd control, and for suiciding.

[You have killed Akasuna No Sasori, a member of Akatsuki]

[Stats gained: +300 STR, DEX, +400 DUR, +600 INT, WIS]

[Blood steel: +10000 DUR] (only Sasori's core contain blood if I remember right)

[Soul devoured: +300 all stats]

[New skill: mana thread, puppet control (master)]

[Items dropped: Sasori puppet, 'the third' puppet]

Oops, look like I accidentally killed Sasori while trying to destroy all of his puppets huh? Not my fault it's because he is so flammable... Ok, maybe it's because I'm over level a lot now.

I remember that have another problem to deal with, I walk to see Hidan and Deidara on the side. I couldn't help but feel bad for Deidara, she is used as Hidan's personal toy.

She looks at me with a teary eye but I turn away, I find it pretty amusing that Deidara is acting as a child at some point.

"I beg you, just kill me already, I rather die than be a toy for this devil." I kindly reply to her "I'm sorry Deidara, but this is my sister choice, not mine, she wants you and I can't do anything."

"NOOO~" Deidara screamed but Hidan put her hand on Deidara mouth and whisper something into the blonde ear, I don't know what she said but it is definitely a lewd thing since Deidara's face is red like a tomato now.

"Hidan, you will need to remember that she is only 17 this year, so cut it." She just nods then carry Deidara out of the cave, we are moving for the next target now and it's... only Pain, Konan, Tobi and Zetsu (black and white) is left...

Deidara's staff is with me now so she won't be a threat anymore, mostly because she is too weak to even do anything, Pain and Konan are dangerous when fighting together, so I should separate them or find Nagato first, the plan seems not very good for now.

The other option is to wait for Pain to come to find me himself... which is pretty good.

After a while, he reunited with Hidan and Deidara outside, the blonde is wearing some kind of dress which Cain assume that Hidan has bought is from the game's shop. Cain stared at the 'bomb maid', as the name suggests, she is wearing an anime-style maid dress

'this is a rare moment, I need to take a picture of this.' Cain slowly and stealthy buy a high-quality camera from the shop and take many pictures of the 'bomb maid' r. "CAIN! WHY ARE YOU TAKING PICTURES? GIVE IT TO ME!" Deidara quickly spotted Cain because his flashlight was turning on without him knowing.

Deidara tried her best to catch up with Cain and break the damn device, she does not want anyone to know about this embarrassing moment of her!

"Delete it!" She shouted behind with exhaustion, Cain's speed is simply too fast compared to her

"Never! Why should I delete this rare moment from my brain! You look perfect... If you are not underage then it will be different." Cain said as he keeps the last part for himself.

"Give it to me!"


The chasing last for a few hours, Deidara's too exhausted to chase Cain, unlike him, she is using a charka system which is inferior to his MP system, her reverse is simply too low compared to his.

"I need to share this shit on the internet in some worlds, she will become famous with that cute face."