
Scribbles Of My Life

Dinma, a beautiful girl in her 30s, who had been through it in her last relationship and was still going through it but only surviving by focusing on the love from her family. Cheta had only been in the country for a few months and it was because he had taken over his family business after the death of his father. Dinma had just finished buying some things at the cloth market and was going home when Cheta got into the same bus with her after his car had broken down and like every romantic story, it was love at first sight. From that day, they spent everyday together but is that going to be enough?

chidima_ebere · Thành thị
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29 Chs

The After-Party.

The wedding reception went on for more hours, then after the couple had a final dance with their friends, the parents and the older people left the party and it was just the bridal train, the newlyweds and the younger friends which included Cheta and me. Then it was time for the "Wedding After-Party", at this time, it was time to let loose and party together, if you know what I mean. The light in the reception hall had gone low, and it was almost dark, then we had the drink stand set up at the corner where a mixologist was making cocktails for everyone, there were even people moving around with something in syringes, I think it was also alcohol but I stayed away from it.

"Hey darling, are you having fun", it was Chioma asking me, she had snuck away from the dance space and come to find me still sitting down, looking around and watching other people have fun. Well it was to be expected, I am not the life of the party, I am more of the bore of the party. Honestly, I would rather be in my house, in my room, on my bed, watching a movie or just eating chocolates and writing, what I am trying to say is that I am an Introvert, actually very introverted, so now you understand why I am just sitting by the corner and watching other people having fun.

"I am having fun.", I answered her, smiling,

"Then why are sitting here, while everyone is out there having fun?", she asked me.

"Trust me, this is me having fun and I have not had a lot of alcohol so I am still in control of myself", I said,

"Where is Cheta?", she asked me,

"He should be out there with the rest, dancing, I think",

"Okay. You know what you need to drink more alcohol",

"No, I don't. Chioma I think I have had enough actually",

"It's my wedding reception and I insist",

"Okay, I'll take more alcohol", I said,

"Good, I like that. Now let's go and get alcohol", she said as she dragged me from my seat. We walked over to the cocktail stand and took a few shots of tequila and then got a cup of cocktail each. We walked to the dance floor and joined the others there, Cheta saw me and pulled me to himself, holding my waist as we danced, and then he leaned closer to me and kissed me.

"You are very beautiful, my darling", he said as he danced with me,

"Thank you, baby",

"And I bless the day I met you on that bus",

"I'm the lucky one, you know", I said to him,

We danced until Chioma came and dragged me from his hand, Cheta let go of me and Chioma and I danced together, singing along, it was indeed a beautiful night. I knew that I had gotten a friend in Chioma. The party went on till past 4.00 am, I don't know how and where Chioma and Nick had gotten the energy to part for that long because even when the party was over, they still didn't want to leave,

"We don't have to go home, guys", Nick said,

"Yes, we can go to a club and continue", James said, he was already drunk,

"It's almost morning, I don't think any club would be open at this time", one of their friends said,

"You would be shocked", Chioma said,'

"Okay, I'm going to be the voice of reasoning here. We are all going home. The newlyweds you need to go back to your hotel and consummate your marriage", Cheta said and everyone laughed,

"Well, you are right, we should go back to the hotel so that I can treat my wife right", Nick said,

"So we are going home?", James asked,

"Yes, and you are going home with me, you can come back and pick up your car in the morning when you are sober and okay", Cheta said,

"I'm fine. I can drive home", James said,

"No, you can't drive home, James. Go home with Cheta", Nick said,

"Fine, if you insist. But I hope my car is safe here",

"Yes, it is safe. They have security here", Nick said

We all walked out of the hall together, when we got to the car park, everyone got into their cars, James joined us in ours and slept off, snoring the moment he sat down in the back. Cheta and I drove in silence, we were both exhausted and just wanted to get home and sleep, I tried to stay awake so that Cheta didn't feel sleepy too, and I held his hand all through. We got to the house in 20 minutes, thankfully the road was almost empty, we got into the house and with the help of the housekeeper, we got James into one of the guest rooms and helped him get in bed, Cheta loosened his shirt and took off his shoes. Then we went to our room to get ready for bed, I didn't even wait for a second, I just walked into the bathroom, to take out the make-up from my face while Cheta got undressed and got under the shower, he got out just as I was done with my face, yes it took me that long. Anyway I got in the shower and let the water run from my shoulder down, and then I used my bath shampoo to rub all over my body and then scrubbed with my bath sponge, I stayed a little longer, but when I was done, I cleaned and dried my body and walked into the room. By the time I walked into the room, Cheta was already sleeping, so I took out my nightdress and put it on, then used my night cologne, I turned off the light and got into bed with Cheta. I didn't want to disturb him, so I didn't get so close to him, but right after I shut my eyes, Chet moved closer to me and touched me,

"Were you trying to sneak into bed and sleep without me knowing?", he asked me,

"I didn't want to disrupt your sleep",

"Come here, you know you can never do that", he said and pulled me closer to him, then he added, "You always smell so good, baby"

"Thank you, my love",

He kissed me and held me tighter. Then a few minutes later, I slept off. We slept past breakfast time, we woke up at noon, we were very hungry and just then James came to the room, to say he was leaving,

"You won't stay and eat something first?", Cheta asked him,

"I can't. I need to get home, I'm supposed to meet up with my parents for lunch", he said,

"Okay, you should hurry then", Cheta said,

"Thank you for not allowing me to drive",

"Of course, no none of would have allowed that",

"I'll see you guys, we need to go out to dinner before you leave Abuja", he said,

"Yes, we would do that",

"Take care Dinma, hopefully, I see you again", James said,

"Yes, I hope so too", I said,

"My driver will take you to pick up your car, so you don't have to get a cab", Cheta said, then he turned to me, "I'll be back baby.",

"Yes, that's okay",

Cheta got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom with James. I lay down in bed and shut my eyes, I wasn't trying to go back to bed, I just wanted to rest my eyes a little, but then my phone started ringing, I got out to get my phone, I had left it in the purse I had gone with to the wedding. I took out the phone and it was my brother calling me, I connected the call,

"Hey brother", I said, talking on the phone,

"Hey Sis, did I wake you up?", he asked me from the other end of the line,

"No, I wasn't sleeping"

"Okay, what are you and Cheta doing this evening?", he asked me again,

"Nothing, we will be home",

"Can we go out and get dinner.", he said, still on the call,

"Yes, but I have to speak with Cheta first and find out if he has any plans",

"Okay, just let me know then. How was the wedding yesterday?", he asked me,

"It was fine, we got in very late",

"That's good. Let me know what Cheta says after you ask him", he said,

"I will.",

"Talk later then...bye,", he said,

"Yeah, you too", I said and disconnected the call. I looked at my phone and my battery was very low, so I plugged my phone into the light and it started charging. I laid back then on the bed and shut my eyes. The door opened and Cheta walked into the room and when he saw my eyes closed, he walked over and joined me in bed,

"You still want to sleep?", he asked me,

I opened my eyes.

"I want to but I'm hungry",

"Then let's go down and eat. They just set the table", he said,

"I should brush first", I said and got out of bed,

"I should too", Cheta said,

I walked into the bathroom and Cheta followed me into the bathroom.

What are your thoughts on this story and where it is going? I would love to know your thoughts, so please leave a comment or two after reading. Thank you!

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