
SCP: The Mighty Morphing Man

This is the story about a guy with the powers of Metamorpho.

Preston_Shaw · Khác
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

A guy walked lazily down the street he was wearing a bulky black winter jacket a plain white shirt and some grey sweat pants he strode around in his red sneakers looking at his phone his hands covered by black leather gloves he soon stopped near an alley he walked into it then stood in front of a cement wall.

"This place is as good as any to raid for some cash," said the mysterious man he pulled back his hood to reveal nothing he had no face his head looked metallic but not normal metal for some reason it was a dark purple color with no eyes, ears, or a nose the man preferred to look like this he didn't have to be purple but he did as an homage to the one who is like him.

The man walked towards the wall but instead of hitting it or even stopping his purple metal body turn into the same material as the wall and he just walked right through it and just like that he was inside a bank vault no complex plans or guns not even explosives all he had to do was phase through the wall.

the vault had hundreds of gold bars inside along with lockboxes with jewels and other valuables but he wasn't after those he wanted the gold it would take several men working together to get all this gold out but all he had to do was touch them and absorb them into his body just like that they were all gone he then walked back through the wall pulled up his hood took out his phone started playing a bubble shooting game and walked casually down the street like nothing ever happened.

To someone like him, such things as bank robbery were like a refreshing walk in the park he walked down the street and hailed a taxi he then ask to go downtown towards the red light District, not for sex such things were beneath him he knew a guy there who would buy the gold off him for cash

The cab stopped and the man got out he walked towards a hooker who was obviously a man once he asked to see Lucius Black he was the most powerful drug-dealing pimp in this side of town and was totally obsessed with gold.

The man was led into a hotel room he/she opened the door and a 500-pound black man in a purple suit sat on a couch with some pretty looking whores in skimpy clothes sitting beside him that were clearly intoxicated and as usual, he was covered head to toe in gold.

"Sup Lucius got something good for you I know your gonna love it," said the man in a playful tone which was weird because he had no face.

"Hey, my man how's it going been a while, you purple bastard so how is the mighty morphing man doing you say you got something good for me is it what I think it is," said Lucius in a giddy tone.

"Calm down don't splodge your undies now," said the man as he removed one of his gloves revealing a purple hand that spat out over a hundred gold bars.

Lucius jaw dropped as he stared at all the gold they were worth a couple million dollars but Lucius would pay he loved gold that much Lucius pulled out his phone and transferred the money into the man's private account the man smiled with his nonexistent mouth thing said goodbye to him and left.

Instead of taking another cab, he dissolved into smoke and rematerialized in an abandoned factory he didn't need to eat or sleep in fact he didn't need to steal the gold in the first place but he did it anyway because he was bored but even after pulling a bank heist he wasn't any less bored.

He wasn't from this world he was isekaied is that the right word whatever he was just was some loser in high school who loved video games and comic books plus watching anime one day he was in his room taking a nap then he was in a field in Idaho not sure why he was in New York City right now though.

Luckily he wasn't isekaied without some superpower he had the same powers as Metamorpho from the DC comics he could transform into all different kinds of matter morph and twist his body like he was made out of rubber it was cool.

for instance, he could turn his arm into steel and shape it into a blade a hammer, or even a ball with spikes and not just metal, glass, concrete, cement, and brick, not just solids either he could morph into liquids and gases even energy like fire and electricity and absorb those things into his body to it was awesome!

He spent his days lazing about sometimes he would find things like old cars and smash them others days he just steal things and beat up thugs just for the fun of it his new life was kind of boring he could turn into anything and take on any shape but his life was just so fucking boring.

Huh, there's someone here his senses were bizarre he couldn't see or hear but he could sense things like I don't know clairvoyance or something but a bunch of guys in tactical gear showed up I'm not sure why but whatever he then turned into a puddle of water on the ground as a bunch of dudes with machine guns came in but they found nothing inside.

"Where is he wasn't he supposed to be here captain," said a nervous MTF agent.

"Remember he can phase through walls he could have left but we have the place surrounded and there's no word from the guys outside so he still must be in here search everywhere," said the MTF leader.

What are these guys FBI or CIA no doesn't seem like it what's that insignia wait does that say SCP no way hahahahahahahahahahhaha!!!!!!!

Suddenly the puddle turned into a man shocking the MTF they then raised their weapons but then the man spoke and said "I give up" this shocked the MTF, even more, the man didn't move he also had his hands behind his head and was on his knees.

The MTF didn't know what to do so they just led the man into an armored truck and drove off they stared wearily at him ready to shoot at a moment's notice unlike the MTF the man was calm he had his hands behind his head just chilling looks like he found something to cure his boredom.