
Scouting The Next Hero

Merlin has to find a hero replacement to get a new heart or he will die.

Greed10 · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

The Mountain Realm

Merlin Made his way to the bottom of the mountain realm to find Hero Candidate Jim.

"Hello sir, do you know where I could find a guy named Jim?" Merlin asked to a stranger

"Do you mean Jim The Thief if so get away from me!" The Stranger Yelled.

Merlin was confused about this why would a hero candidate be a thief.

Merlin went to a bar that sat at the bottom of the mountain to ask the whereabouts of Jim.

"Jim? He usually is at the top of the mountain" The barkeep said to Merlin

Merlin made his way to the base of the mountain.

Merlin went up to a stranger and asked if they know how to get to the top of this mountain.

"Oh, you have to go inside the mountain to get to the top it's kinda like a tower there is about 3 floors"

Merlin found his way to the inside of the mountain and began his journey to find Jim.

To Be Continued