
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
101 Chs

Lea’s Worries

Ivan yelled, "Hey!" as Callista struck the bed in despair, striking his leg in the process. What a pain! Callista merely rolled her eyes as he stared, "Damn that old man! He must be crazy to teleport me like that!" she cried out in rage

"You were literally fuming there" Ignis pointed out "What else was he supposed to do?" he added "Would you stop that?! " Ignis rolled his eyes as he leaned on the clinic's table, one hand in his pocket and the other fiddling with an apple the nurse had given him earlier.

The apple he was holding was thrown away as Callista scowled and swatted his hand. "You'll never know if that little bitch casted a spell on that," she muttered, causing him to sigh.

"You're the only one thinking like that" he mumbled "How about Denovan and Ana? Where are they? Are they safe?" Ivan asked finally remembering the other two of his friends "Denovan is with Ana. Fortunately, they were at the capital when the masked individuals attacked.

A knock on the door drew their attention, and a servant pushed open the door, saying, "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I was told I was supposed to accompany you to the Palace."

"Oh, we're leaving now?" Ivan asked and the servant nodded in response "Sir Denovan and the Princess are already on their way," the servant motioned to the door. Callista raised an eyebrow.

"The quicker, the better. The Emperor is currently in fumes after hearing the news about the attack" the servant said, furrowing Callista's brows. "What the hell is wrong with this servant?" she muttered.

"That's Landor, the Emperor's second secretary," Ignis replied. "I will assist you outside," Landor said, leaving the room without waiting for their response.

"He's known to be the secretary marionette. I haven't seen him smile. By the way, how am I even going to stand?!" Ivan exclaimed "Oh, gosh. That won't kill you, just stand up" Callista rolled her eyes "Easy for you to say!" he scowled.

"Just teleport. Me and Callista will ride the carriage" Ignis suggested as hearts immediately appeared in Callista's eyes "I like that idea!" she giggled "Oi, don't be so obvious" Ivan helplessly sighed "Let's go then!" Callista pulled Ignis in delight as Ivan narrowed his eyes at them.


[6 Months Ago]

Callista placed the coffee mug on the table as Lea stretched her body "Grandma, you've been staying in your room for too long these days" she suspiciously said.

"I'm just finishing a research I've been working on" Lea smiled as she inhaled the smell of coffee "Are you quite sure about that?" Callista raised a brow.

"Oh, come on!" Lea chuckled as she leaned on the table and placed the cigarette butt to her mouth "So, what about the one I told you?" she excitedly asked "Geez, Grandma, I've told you already I don't want to attend the Academy" she helplessly sighed and pulled the chair in front of Lea.

"I'm fully aware" she chuckled as she tenderly smiled at her "But you haven't interacted with anyone since you started living with me. That's why you're always so bitchy" Lea snorted.

"Hey!" Callista scowled that Lea only replied with a chuckle "Child, there will come a time where we'll have to be apart. I don't want you to be alone when that happens, that's why I'm making you attend the Academy" she smiled that made Callista upset.

"Just what are you talking about? I've told you that I won't!" she said and stood up grumpily before walking away "Oh, my. She's now in her rebelling stage" Lea chuckled before she sighed.

"I wonder if things will be alright.." she mumbled to herself as she stared at her reflection on the coffee "Will I really be willing to part with her like this in order to let the prophecy flow as it is?" she heavily sighed as she closed her eyes.

"Callista, I hope you'll be able to go pass the hurdles you'll be going through.."