
Scions Of The Prophecy

[UNDER MAJOR EDITING] Once the scions are together, the red string is attached. Ignis remembered that day so clearly, when he thought an angel descended from heaven. When that angel turned to a witch or when that witch kissed him. He could remember every single thing. The time she stood in front of him while looking down with her hypnotizing grey eyes was the part when their faith starts to play in the marvelous stage. If you were tied to a destiny you don’t want, would you continue your story?

_sylveria · Kỳ huyễn
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101 Chs

Can’t fool a blind man? | Part 7

Jake was fixing the scope while Jackson kept glancing at him with a hesitant gaze making him sigh. "Just say what you need to say, Jackson" he said so Jackson pursed his lips

"Will this be okay? Even though that scope can see the magic center of a living object it still takes a huge amount of your mana" he reminded.

"Then would you rather let all of the people here die?" Jake asked with a raised eyebrow so Jackson could only bow his head as he was right.

"Eldest Brother is a greedy person but I never expected him to do this" he said so Jake clicked his tongue.

"When will you stop looking at the good side of people, Jackson? Not everyone can be kind" he said with gritted teeth "But still.." Jackson tried arguing but avoided his gaze when he received a glare.

"Remember the times when he hits us or when the times he planned on getting rid of us for good, Jackson? He even left us to be fed to lions! You don't expect Father to help us, do you? He had long abandoned us, Jackson!" Jake shouted.

"No, he did not!" Jackson shouted back with his teary eyes "Father never abandoned us, Jake!" he shouted before looking up at his twin.

"Father chose to leave because you kept on saying that he was the reason Mother died. You had always hated him, Jake. You never intended to shout at him that day, didn't you?" he said with a trembling smile.

"Father was never at fault" he said as Jake clenched his fists in silence "Wow. I didn't expect a family drama to happen" Jake quickly ran to Jackson's side when he heard a voice and from the shadows was where Callista walked out.

"That voice... Callista?" Jackson called out as Jake looked at the people behind her "Why is the royal family here? Why are you here Callista?" he said with a glare as Callista looked at the scope.

"I don't suggest you use that" she said that made Jake bewildered "What?" his eyebrows furrowed so she pointed at the scope "That. consumes a huge amount of magic power" she said.

"It's either you are brave or stupid enough to use a holy artifact like that." Ignis said with a yawn so Callista nodded with a smile "That's correct." she praised him wholeheartedly that Ignis chose to ignore.

"This is none of your business Callista. You don't have any rights to even stop what were doing" Jake said making Callista scoff and raise a brow.

"Why do you think I'm with a member of the Imperial Family then?" she said like it was the most obvious answer as Anastasia stared at her wide-eyed.

"So that's my only role here!?" she exclaimed making her nod "Then why did you wake them up for?" Anastasia said while pointing at the others

"Oh, them? I wanted to show off to Ignis while Ivan can be useful later and Denovan's job was to protect you so I also woke him up" she said with a shrug before making Anastasia groan.

"I can't believe you..." she said with a sigh as Callista turned to the twins with a smirk before raising a threatening hand with an arcane circle.

"Now, you better stop borrowing Jackson's eyes or I'll force you to stop" she said that made their eyes widen "Wait, Callista, aren't you being too much?" Anastasia said so Callista looked at her by her shoulder.

"Then would you rather I pluck their eyes out?" she raised a brow so Anastasia shut her mouth "I thought so.." she sarcastically said and turned back to the twins.

Jake was about to answer back when Jackson gave him a reassuring smile "You're not seriously letting her do this?" he asked in disbelief and glanced at Callista.

"Just trust me this once, Jake" Jackson said so Jake hesitated before sighing "Fine" he said as his eyes began to change color.

Anastasia looked at Callista who was only staring blankly at the twins and her words echoed in her mind.

"The Mel twins are both disabled. Jake is blind and is currently borrowing the vision of his younger brother, you can say that is one of Jake's powers. While Jackson can't feel nor move his legs, it's also true that the only thing he can be in the advantage of is how smart he is even though he has a small amount of power"

Now she wonders how Callista was able to know everything about that "Thank you for listening" Jackson smiled and looked at Callista.

"So this is how you look like and how you truly are, Callista" he said with a sad smile "Why are you doing this? What do you want? If your doing this out of pity then just forget it" Jake argued while his eyes are glaring.

"Who says I'm doing this out of pity?" she scoffed before looking down at them "I wouldn't even care if you suddenly died while going with your plan" she said with a huff.

"But how did you know our secret?" Jackson asked "Oh, that? The first time I saw both of you because just like Jake I have a skill that could differentiate people according to their aura. Jake was a special case as all of his aura was focused on his eyes" she said and pointed at her own eyes.

"The second time I saw you was when the explosion happened at night. I noticed how your auras began to change again like the both of you switched bodies" she said while recalling the time that night.

"Then, later on, I began to become curious so I set up a trap for both of you. Jake would know because I whispered it to his ear" she said with a smile as Jake recalled the words she said to him that night.

"What's your favorite color?" she asked him.

"Hm? Blue" Jake replied.

He eventually answered her question that she had only randomly asked but who would've thought he just hit his own foot with a rock?

He was stupid enough to walk straight into her trap without him knowing "This is the reason why I told you not to befriend her. I told you she was hiding something" he scowled so Jackson glanced at Callista before looking down in sadness.

"What do you mean? Me befriending Jackson was on my own will" she said with a shrug as Jackson looked back at her before a smile crept his lips.