
Fibonacci’s Rabbits

Happy Easter Everyone :D

I hope you get to eat a lot of Easter eggs and chocolate :) We are implementing something new called Science Saturday/Sunday. The day depends on when I am done with the post and other factors like exams, meetings, and future conferences. Science Saturday/Sunday is where I will write about a cute animal or something science related. Cute animal science!!! It is almost easter day (depends on where you live) and when someone says easter I think about BUNNIES!!!

Just a short story from my real life…

My school recently lost our bunnies. T_T The chickens got angry at the bunnies because they jumped on the eggs... We are going to get the new bunnies a separate cage, and keep them separate when we pet them in the breaks!!! (another bunny also committed suicide by jumping off the rooftop, but that is another story…)

I thought of suggesting my school to buy something else, because of all the cute pets I saw at the last event. (I made a list of pets I want to own ) But we don't have enough space right now... And we already have cages for the rabbits and hens.

Well, I needed to look at bunnies so I can suggest some new bunnies for my school to buy… but I ended up looking at Fibonacci's Rabbits instead O_O still bunnies… Just adult!!! They grow up so quick *Sob* But Fibonacci's rabbits!

Can you solve this number sequence? 1,1,2,3,5,8, _

It is 13, and we can show it with Fibonacci's Rabbits :D (Look at the attached picture, it does start with 1 pair of bunnies before they grow up but I skipped that step)

Adult rabbit pairs never die, and the newborn bunnies need to wait a month in order to make more bunnies, every adult pair also gets 2 small bunnies every time... NATURE DOESN'T WORK THIS WAY T_T *Sob* I wish it did… Rabbits that never die would be awesome!!! (they would probably take over the entire world)

But there are many examples of Fibonacci sequences showing up in nature :D A quick google search will give you a lot of beautiful pictures. There is also a lot of videos on youtube

A= adult and C=child

Image: https://imgur.com/KLkQ8Nu

(The original post was from Easter)

OliviaNogetcreators' thoughts