
First Day of School

The bell rang, signaling the start of a new school year. Ayumi, a shy and reserved high school student, walked into her classroom and found her seat. She looked around the room and saw some familiar faces, but most of the students were strangers to her.

As she was getting settled in, a boy walked into the classroom and introduced himself to the class as Hiro. Ayumi couldn't help but notice how handsome he was with his spiky black hair and piercing blue eyes. She quickly looked away, hoping that he didn't catch her staring.

The teacher walked in and began the class, going over the syllabus and expectations for the year. Ayumi tried her best to pay attention, but her mind kept drifting back to Hiro. She wondered if he was new to the school or if he had been there before.

After class, Ayumi packed up her things and headed to her next class. As she walked down the hallway, she saw Hiro again. He was talking with some other students, laughing and joking around. Ayumi couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as she watched him interact with others so effortlessly.

Days turned into weeks, and Ayumi found herself thinking about Hiro more and more. She would catch glimpses of him in the hallways or in the cafeteria, but they never spoke to each other. She didn't have the courage to talk to him, and she didn't want to seem like a stalker by following him around.

One day, as Ayumi was walking home from school, she saw Hiro sitting on a bench in the park. He was alone, looking up at the sky. Ayumi's heart raced as she approached him.

"Hi," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Hiro looked up and smiled. "Hey there," he said. "What's up?"

Ayumi fidgeted nervously with her hands. "Um, not much," she said. "I just wanted to say hi. I see you around school a lot, but we've never really talked before."

Hiro chuckled. "Yeah, I guess we haven't," he said. "But that can change, right?"

Ayumi felt a wave of relief wash over her. Maybe she wasn't as invisible to Hiro as she thought she was.

From that day on, Ayumi and Hiro started talking more and more. They found out that they had a lot in common, including a love for manga and anime. They would often meet up after school to talk about their favorite series and share recommendations.

As their friendship grew stronger, Ayumi found herself falling for Hiro more and more. She couldn't help but wonder if he felt the same way. But she didn't want to ruin their friendship by confessing her feelings too soon.

Little did Ayumi know, Hiro was struggling with his own feelings for her. He had been drawn to her from the moment he saw her in class, but he didn't want to make things awkward by confessing too soon.

As the school year continued, Ayumi and Hiro's friendship blossomed. They shared laughs, inside jokes, and late-night phone calls. But both of them were too scared to take the next step.

Little did they know that fate had other plans for them.