
Scholar's Advanced Technological System

After suffering from a heat stroke while working under the scorching heat of summer, Lu Zhou, a hardworking but poor university student, somehow becomes the owner of an advanced technological system. With the cheat given by the system, his university life changes overnight. A Master's degree? Easy. PhD? Not a problem. From a nobody, he quickly becomes a huge celebrity in the world of science. With the missions given by the system, he is on his way to winning a Nobel Prize. "System, can points be exchanged for money?" "No." "F**k, what use are you then!?" "This system will make you the ultimate scholar, the kind that lords over all of humanity. What use will money be to you?"

Morning Star LL · Thành thị
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1685 Chs

Bullsh*ting Is Not A Good Habit

Dịch giả: Henyee Translations Biên tập viên: Henyee Translations

Lu Zhou could guess the truth on the matter.

He cut off a piece of rib and stuffed it in his mouth.

"Poor kid…"

This world was unfair.

Lu Zhou was lucky to be born in a peaceful country.

Lu Zhou tried to stuff his face, but he could not finish the food. In the end, he gave up.

When he saw the remaining ribs, he said in his heart.

If I knew they would give so much, I would've asked Luo Wenxuan to come with me.

However, the taste…

Is pretty good.

Lu Zhou left the BBQ restaurant and returned to his hotel.

Back at his hotel, he started to sort out his daily notes.

Suddenly, his phone rang.

When Lu Zhou picked up the call, he heard Professor Tang's voice.

"When do you plan on coming back to China? Are you still coming back to University of Jin Ling this year?"