
Schizophrenia in me

These dark figures creep at me from every corner. The voice, that only can hear. That same voice one day made me lose my mind. That same voice made me a murderer. Su: " It will use me until I rust" Yong: "God is just hypnotic data, the more you think about it the more doppelganger it will be.

Xsurae · Kinh dị ma quái
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40 Chs

The killer or?

"Eun oppa ready or not here I come"

"Where are you"

"I'm gonna find u"

"My heart pounded in my chest like a drum, the adrenaline coursing through my veins making me feel both invincible and incredibly vulnerable. I had just crossed a line from which there was no return. The room spun around me, the reality of what I had done crashing down on me like a wave. my hands shook, and my breath came in ragged gasps. I was losing control, the carefully constructed walls of my sanity crumbling around me. I had to get out, had to escape before the enormity of my actions consumed me completely."

"What did I just do? How could this happen? I was supposed to be perfect, but now everything is falling apart. Blood covers my whole body as I sit here, drenched in sweat. This was supposed to be a normal game of hide and seek, but something went wrong. How could I lose control like this? How could I just stab someone? The fear is overwhelming, and I don't know what to do."

"Hey, doesn't it feel good to just let out some stress?" There was someone hidden in the shadows, a presence that I couldn't see or feel. At first, I could only hear it, a voice whispering in my ear. It didn't tell me to do much at first, but as I grew used to it, it began to push me further and further, urging me to do the most shocking things. No one knows what it is, or perhaps no one else has ever experienced this type of phenomenon. It seems that I am the only one who can hear it. It only speaks when the situation is bad.

"Oppa where are you?"

"Uhh, I'm coming don't come in"I stuttered.

"I'm coming in!"

"I said don't come in... don't"

"Caught you..."

There was this horrible silence between us, a void that seemed to stretch on for an eternity. My loud heartbeat could be heard, pounding in my chest as I sat there, frozen. I just want to get out of here, to escape from this place and everything that's happening. I don't want to be here, trapped in this moment of fear and uncertainty. But I know that I can't run away, that I have to face whatever comes next.

"Oppa, what happened? Why is there blood?" she asked, tilting her head to look at the scene behind me. When she saw it, her eyes shot open in shock and horror. At that moment, my whole world fell apart. Everything went black, and I felt like I was falling into an endless abyss. But somehow, I still managed to find the strength to speak.

"It's not what you think," I said, my voice shaking. "You believe in your older brother, right? You know that I would never do anything to hurt you. Come here, hug me. I won't do anything to harm you."In an instant, I found myself rising, my heart thundering in my chest like a wild drum as I endeavored to placate her. Yet, the expression of sheer terror remained etched on her face, and my words, instead of providing comfort, seemed to propel her into flight. It was in that pivotal moment that a chilling realization dawned upon me: anyone I attempted to confide in would not only disbelieve my account but would also likely shun me, turning their backs in fear and mistrust

"Come back, please don't tell anyone else, please," I pleaded, desperation evident in my voice. "I will do absolutely anything, just come back, please!" I chased after her as fast as I could, my legs pumping furiously as I tried to catch up. Finally, I managed to reach her and quickly grabbed her shoulders, pulling her back and facing her towards me. I bent down, my eyes imploring as I begged her not to tell anyone. "Please, I will do anything, just don't tell anyone," I implored.

"No You fucking murderer" she screamed at me with an angry look at that moment I felt the anger rush inside me there was this little feeling inside that grew larger and larger every second this feeling felt like it was controlling me, handling every little movement I made.

"Let go of me yo-


In the dimly lit room, I found myself gripped by an inexplicable force. It was as if my body was no longer my own, a puppet dancing to the tune of a sinister puppeteer. My hand, seemingly of its own accord, had hurled the knife through the air with a force that belied my confusion and fear. The metallic glint of the blade was the last thing I saw before it found its mark.

There I sat, in the eerie silence that followed, my face devoid of any emotion. The shock had rendered me numb, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts I dared not comprehend. My eyes were fixated on her, lying motionless on the cold, hard floor. Her once vibrant eyes were now closed, her face pale and still.

But was she truly lifeless? A chilling thought crept into my mind, sending shivers down my spine. The silence of the room seemed to grow louder with each passing second, amplifying the deafening thud of my heartbeat. The uncertainty was unbearable - was she gone or was this just a temporary pause in the rhythm of life? The question hung in the air, a haunting echo in the stillness of the room.

The relentless ticking of the clock reverberated through the room, each tick and tock echoing ominously in my ears. It was in this cacophony of time's relentless march that the front door creaked open, heralding the arrival of my parents. I remained frozen in my spot, a tableau of dread and anticipation, fully aware of the impending consequences.

They were oblivious to my presence, their eyes lost in each other's gaze, a momentary respite from the harsh reality that awaited them. When their gaze finally fell upon me, I braced myself for the inevitable. But to my utter disbelief, they simply walked past me. A wave of incredulity washed over me. "Did they just disregard my existence?" I questioned myself, my mind grappling with this surreal turn of events.

In a desperate attempt to make sense of this bewildering situation, I darted in front of them. But they continued their path, walking through me as if I was an apparition. "What is this enigma?" I thought, my heart pounding with trepidation.

I rushed back to her lifeless form but found myself immobilized as if an unseen force had taken hold of me. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a shadowy figure perched nonchalantly on one of the dining table chairs. A sense of despair washed over me, a nauseating feeling rising from the pit of my stomach.

The figure's aura seemed to intensify with each passing second, its oppressive presence making it increasingly difficult for me to breathe. The room spun around me as I struggled against this invisible force, the ticking of the clock now a deafening reminder of the inexplicable reality I found myself in.

With a sudden jolt, I found myself sitting upright, my heart pounding in my chest. I hastily rubbed my eyes, trying to dispel the remnants of the nightmare that had felt so real. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I realized it was just a dream.

I turned my gaze towards the clock, its hands indicating that there was still an hour left before his return. The house was silent, save for the soft ticking of the clock, a stark contrast to the chaos that had unfolded in my dream.

Finding myself with nothing to occupy my time, I contemplated returning to the realm of sleep. Despite the lingering fear from the nightmare, the allure of sleep was too strong to resist. With a resigned sigh, I decided to surrender myself once again to its embrace.

I found myself ensnared in this unfamiliar territory for what seemed like an eternity. My consciousness had returned to me in this place, a stark contrast to the cold, hard confines of the prison cell where I had last remembered being. Initially, this place was a source of discomfort, its unfamiliarity a stark reminder of my predicament. However, as time wore on, I began to appreciate its vastness, a welcome respite from the claustrophobic confines of my previous dwelling.

A peculiar individual frequented this place. His face was perpetually hidden behind a mask, his silence as enigmatic as his presence. He never uttered a word, nor did his gaze ever meet mine. His visits were brief and purposeful - he would arrive, leave sustenance for me, and then disappear as abruptly as he had appeared. His presence was the only constant in this ever-changing landscape, a silent specter that punctuated my solitude.

Being left alone turned out to be a blessing in disguise, a crash course in the art of solitude. I discovered the joy of silence, a skill that had eluded me in my previous life. I became an avid reader, devouring books like a starved bibliophile. I even mastered the art of self-conversation, a skill that would make any ventriloquist green with envy.

But the pièce de résistance was my ability to recreate scenes from my past life. It was like having my theatre, where I was the director, actor, and audience. Boredom was an unwelcome guest in this place.

Despite its emptiness, this place was a treasure trove of distractions. The bookshelves were overflowing with books, a literary buffet that catered to every taste. The broken TV became a canvas for my imagination, each static-filled screen a masterpiece waiting to be created.

And let's not forget the wardrobe! It was like having my boutique, filled with clothes that could rival any fashion runway. My imaginary friends and I would spend hours playing dress-up, each outfit more outrageous than the last. Who knew solitude could be this entertaining?

As the wooden door let out a slow, eerie creak, my eyes were immediately drawn to the figure standing in front of me. In his hands, he held a plate overflowing with an assortment of delectable dishes that made my mouth water. I couldn't help but feel grateful for the food, yet at the same time, a sense of uncertainty gnawed at me. Who was he? Why did he always leave without a word? I tried to engage him in conversation, hoping to glean some answers, but he remained steadfastly silent. Despite my growing frustration, I knew better than to resort to force. Instead, I resigned myself to the uncertainty of the situation and couldn't help but wonder if he was the one who had saved me from an uncertain fate.

Oh, the sweet game of tease! Let's give it another whirl, shall we? Clearing my throat, I put on my best coquettish voice and called out, "Hey there, my sweet prince! How about a sneak peek of that handsome face of yours? Just a smidge, a tiny glimpse. Come on, don't be shy!"

I paused for dramatic effect, then added with a playful wink, "Or at least let me hear the melody of your voice. A single word, a mere whisper. It's not too much to ask, is it?"

But alas! The room echoed with silence. My sweet prince was playing hard to get. But worry not! The game of tease is a marathon, not a sprint. And I was ready for the long haul. After all, what's life without a little fun and games?

With a hopeful glint in my eyes, I pleaded, "Come on, at least show your eyes!" But alas, my sweet prince was not one to be swayed so easily. He simply turned on his heel and made his way towards the door.

"Aww, come on!" I protested, my voice echoing in the empty room. But it was to no avail. With a swift motion, he shut the door right in my face. The audacity!

I huffed in frustration, looking down at the food in front of me. "Hmph!" I muttered under my breath, shoveling the food into my mouth with renewed vigor. Each bite was a silent vow of my determination.

"Next time," I mused aloud, a mischievous grin spreading across my face, "I'm going to latch onto him like a leech until he takes that mask off." The thought brought a chuckle out of me. Oh, the look on his face would be priceless!

And so, with a belly full of food and a heart full of determination, I began plotting for our next encounter. After all, all's fair in love and war… and this was definitely a war of wits!


As the minutes ticked by, I found myself growing increasingly restless. "When is he going to show up?" I muttered under my breath, my eyes darting towards the clock every few seconds. Had I been too harsh on him? But all I had was a burning curiosity, surely that was no reason for him to be upset!

"Hmph!" I huffed, crossing my arms in defiance. But despite my outward bravado, a small part of me couldn't help but worry. "But still, I want to see!" I exclaimed, my voice echoing in the empty room.

In a fit of impatience, I began wiggling around like a worm on a hot pavement. "PRINCE! WHERE ARE YOU?" I shouted at the top of my lungs, my voice bouncing off the walls.

Suddenly, I opened my eyes and there he was, sitting right in front of me as if he had been there all along. My face instantly turned as red as a ripe tomato under the summer sun. It was as if someone had turned up the heat in the room by a hundred degrees!

I could almost hear the universe laughing at my predicament. Oh, the sweet irony! The prince had finally made his appearance and all I could do was sit there, blushing like a schoolgirl with her first crush.

I scrambled to regain my composure, trying to play it cool. "Oh, when did you get here? I TOTALLY didn't notice," I said, my voice a little too high-pitched for my liking.

He simply looked at me, his expression unreadable behind the mask. "I came a very long time ago," he said quietly, his deep voice sending shivers down my spine. "The food is getting cold. Eat first, then let's talk."

I could feel my face turning even redder, if that was even possible. It was like all the blood in my body had decided to congregate on my cheeks. Not only was I blushing on the outside, but on the inside too!

I tried to play it off with a nervous laugh. "Haha, yeah, of course! Can't let good food go to waste, right?" I said, trying to sound nonchalant.

But despite my best efforts, I couldn't shake off the feeling of embarrassment. It was like being caught with your hand in the cookie jar - there was no escaping the awkwardness.

I took a deep breath and tried to regain my composure. "So, umm… what brings you here today?" I asked, trying to steer the conversation towards safer waters.

But deep down, I knew that this encounter would be etched in my memory forever. The day when the prince finally spoke and all I could do was blush like a lovesick teenager.

I ate in silence, not daring to look up. My cheeks were still a vibrant shade of red, a telltale sign of my embarrassment.

"No need to be embarrassed," he said, his voice filled with amusement. "I've seen many people like you. Honestly, I find it quite entertaining. It's good for my health."

His words caught me off guard. "Why did you save me?" I blurted out, seizing the opportunity to question him now that he had broken his silence.

"I was simply following orders," he replied nonchalantly. "I didn't have a choice. But let me make this clear - this is the last time I will entertain your requests. Don't ask me for anything again, understood?"

His words were harsh, but there was something about his voice that sent a thrill down my spine. "What am I thinking?" I thought to myself, shaking my head in disbelief. "Yeah, I got it," I managed to reply, trying to keep my voice steady.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm my racing heart. But it was no use - I was as jittery as a rabbit caught in headlights. With no other option, I focused on the food in front of me, chewing with a fervor that would put a beaver to shame.


The question of how long I would remain in this place lingered in my mind, a constant reminder of my uncertain future. The days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months. Each day was a mirror image of the last, a monotonous cycle that seemed to have no end.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I was granted my freedom. But little did I know that my release from that place was merely the beginning of a new chapter in my life, one that was far more sinister than anything I had experienced before.

No sooner had I stepped out into the world than I began receiving mysterious messages on my phone. Each message carried the same chilling directive - to commit murder. The messages were relentless, each one more menacing than the last. They came with a warning - if I didn't comply, dire consequences would follow.

I was trapped in a cruel game of cat and mouse, a puppet dancing to the tune of an unseen puppeteer. The fear of what would happen if I didn't obey was too great to ignore. And so, against my better judgment, I found myself succumbing to the demands of these messages.

That's how I became a donkey, a beast of burden carrying out tasks against its will. My life was no longer my own - I was merely a pawn in someone else's game. Each day brought with it a new directive, a new target. And with each task completed, I lost a little more of myself.

But despite the circumstances, I clung onto hope. Hope that one day, I would break free from this cycle and reclaim control over my life. Until then, all I could do was play along and hope for the best.

Dear reader,

I have made every effort to enhance this written work to the best of my abilities. My cognitive resources may have been taxed, but I am appreciative of your time and attention. thx I'm dying.

Thank you for considering this revised version.


The author

Xsuraecreators' thoughts