
Schizophrenia in me

These dark figures creep at me from every corner. The voice, that only can hear. That same voice one day made me lose my mind. That same voice made me a murderer. Su: " It will use me until I rust" Yong: "God is just hypnotic data, the more you think about it the more doppelganger it will be.

Xsurae · Kinh dị ma quái
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40 Chs


Far back 18 years.

That day, as I trudged home from school, the world seemed just as it always did. The sun was setting, casting long shadows that danced on the pavement, and the air was filled with the familiar sounds of a day winding down. Little did I know, my world was about to be turned upside down.

As I approached our house, I could hear the muffled sounds of a heated argument. It was not uncommon for my older sister and father to have their disagreements, so I dismissed it as just another one of their trivial disputes. How wrong I was.

With a sense of unease growing in my stomach, I pushed open the front door. The sight that met my eyes was something out of a nightmare. There, in the corner of our living room, lay my brother. His body was eerily still, life having cruelly been snatched away from him. Blood, dark and sinister, traced a chilling path down his hands and face, slithering like venomous snakes seeking their prey.

The room was heavy with a metallic scent that made my stomach churn - the overpowering stench of blood. It clung to everything, seeping into the very walls of our home, a grim reminder of the tragedy that had unfolded.

In the middle of the room stood my father, a figure as immovable as a statue. At his feet was my sister, her usual fiery spirit extinguished. She was pleading desperately, her words echoing around the room like a mournful lament.

The world outside continued on its merry way, oblivious to the heart-wrenching scene within our home. And there we were - a family shattered by an unthinkable tragedy.




In the face of such a horrific scene, I found my voice. "Dad," I managed to utter in a barely audible whisper. He slowly turned his head towards me, and the sight that met my eyes is one that will forever be etched in my memory. His eyes, once filled with warmth, now bore a bloodthirsty look that sent chills down my spine. His face, twisted in torment, was a far cry from the loving father I once knew. Instinctively, I took a few steps back.

"Oh, look who's back early," he sneered, his voice dripping with mockery. "How fortunate for us all. Now we can join your brother and depart this world together. Don't worry, I'll make it as painless as possible." As he spoke these chilling words, he spread his arms wide, as if inviting me into a deadly embrace.

My sister was a pitiful sight, crouched at his feet, her body wracked with sobs. Her face was buried in her hands, as if trying to block out the horrifying reality of our situation. The sound of her crying was the only noise that filled the room, a haunting melody of despair and helplessness.

"Are you not going to come to your dear father?" he taunted, his voice a chilling whisper that seemed to echo off the walls. As he spoke these words, he casually reached behind him, his hand closing around the hilt of a dagger that lay on the table.

"I SAID COME HERE!" His command exploded through the room like a thunderclap, causing me to flinch involuntarily. The sudden movement made me stumble backward, increasing the distance between us.

My sister, ever the protective one, quickly rose to her feet in an attempt to shield me. But it was too late. With a swift, practiced motion, he had already launched the dagger in my direction.

I tried to dodge the incoming weapon, but my body refused to cooperate. It was as if I was frozen in place, trapped in this nightmarish reality. The world seemed to slow down as I watched the dagger spin through the air towards me.

A shiver of dread ran down my spine, a chilling frisson that seemed to echo the cold glint of the dagger. Time seemed to stand still as I stood there, caught in the eye of the storm.

Just as the dagger was about to reach my face, a hand shot out from behind me, catching it in mid-air. "Hey, what's going on here? Su-Jin, are you okay?" Giselle's voice rang out, filled with panic and confusion. She pounded on the wall, her knocks echoing through the room like a desperate plea for sanity.

My sister looked up, her face a mask of shock. "What are you doing here?" she stammered, her eyes wide with surprise. Meanwhile, my father stood frozen in place, his gaze darting around the room as he took in the chaos that had unfolded.

"What do you mean? Of course I'm here," Giselle retorted, her voice shaking with fear and anger. "Everyone downstairs can hear you guys screaming. And what on earth is Seong doing sitting in the corner? Wait… why is there blood?"

With a gasp of horror, Giselle dropped the dagger as if it had burned her. She rushed over to Seong, her footsteps echoing ominously in the silent room. As she crouched down next to him, her hands trembled visibly.

"Hey Seong," she called out softly, her voice choked with tears. "Hey… Hey! Seong, where did you go? Don't tell me you're already gone… Please wake up! PLEASE!" Her plea echoed through the room, a heartbreaking cry of despair. As she shouted, she leaned forward, resting her forehead on his chest as if trying to will him back to life.

Without a second thought, I sprinted towards Giselle, who was sitting in stunned silence next to Seong. My sister trailed behind me, her footsteps echoing in the eerie silence. Meanwhile, my father slowly sank to the floor, his gaze fixed on his blood-stained hand. Tears streamed down his face, a stark contrast to the cold cruelty he had just displayed.

I turned to look at my sister. Her face was devoid of any emotion, a blank mask that gave nothing away. With a heavy heart, I crouched down next to Seong. I shook him violently, praying for some sign of life, but there was none. Overwhelmed by the grim reality of his lifeless body, I quickly retreated, unable to bear the sight any longer.

My father rose from his spot and approached me. He stooped down to my level and reached for another knife on the table. The cold steel glinted ominously as he pointed it at my face. "Don't you dare think I won't finish what I started," he threatened, his voice a chilling whisper in the silent room.

That fateful day, my father etched a gruesome memento under my right eye, a scar that would forever serve as a chilling reminder of our shattered lives. Giselle and Sis could only sit there, paralyzed by fear and disbelief, as the horrifying scene unfolded before their eyes.

Sanity seemed to have abandoned us all.

Two days later, a funeral was held. My father, the architect of our misery, refused to attend it. Our family, once respected, was now the subject of ridicule and mockery. The solemnity of the funeral was marred by whispers and gossip.

After that tragic incident, we retreated from the world, never again showing our faces in public. Our home became our sanctuary, a place where we could hide from the prying eyes and wagging tongues of society.

I tried my best hope you like it I know its very short I will make the next chap longer atleast try to.

Xsuraecreators' thoughts