Schaffe was once fresh out of college and starting his job at Robo Co. Video Game Department as a Programmer but is put away into a vault-tec Vault and sleeps for hundreds of years and reawakens in a world full of strange creatures and psychopaths as he fights to survive even against himself. We here at Sinister Evil do not own the Fallout Franchise or any other concepts as ZeniMax / Bethesda/Microsoft owns it we do add our own Ideas but we did this as a fun project back In 2017 and decided to say, "why not." to post it on the internet thank you - Zach, Ian, and Alan from Sinister Evil
Schaffe and them were leaving the camp with Dali and Chase seeing them off.
"If you ever make it into Albany we live in The MVP Arena," said Schaffe.
"Alright," said Chase.
"I hope your journey south is fruitful," said Dali. They leave the camp and head back to their RV to continue their way to Miami.
They reached back to their camp area which was now turning evening.
"Welcome back," said Punk.
"It took you a while, but you came back," said Alan.
"Yeah, I did not expect to meet a nomad tribe of Psychics out here," said Schaffe.
"Well, we should head out by morning," said Ian.
"Yeah, let's make some grub and go to bed," said Schaffe with a yawn. He goes and makes dinner falls asleep in the tent wakes up with the others packs up camp and heads back on the road to Miami.
They would reach somewhere in between the borders of in between Georgia and Florida and they get closer to Miami, Florida. They were setting up camp for the night and Schaffe was cooking dinner for everyone.
"We are getting close," said Ian.
"Should be in Miami by tomorrow," said Schaffe.
"I wonder what it's like now?" questioned Jess.
"Probably full of monsters and people that want to kill us," said Schaffe. "Like everywhere else."
"Yeah, it's usual like that now," said Alan.
"It not fun if it does not want to kill you," said Schaffe. "This should be done by now." He serves everyone.
Later that night Schaffe was sitting on a tree branch. He was using his knife to eat some cheese. Ian was sitting under the tree smoking a cigarette.
"Man, I have to say this was a good trip so far," said Ian.
"I had a blast it was nice to go camping again," said Schaffe.
"So, what we do if Miami is a bust?" asked Ian.
"Go back home and camp so more on the way back," said Schaffe.
"I figured you think of that already," said Ian.
"Well, we should camp some more often though," said Schaffe.
"For sure seems like everyone is enjoying themselves," said Ian.
"We should go to bed to get up early. So, we make it there before dark," said Schaffe.
"Yeah, it going to be a drive tomorrow," said Ian. Schaffe climbs down and he and Ian head back and sleep in their tent till the morning.
They all wake up clean up camp and have breakfast.
"We should check the beaches when we get there they could be ideal camping," said Punk.
"The problem with that one is the sea creatures that become mutants but we can scan some areas," said Schaffe.
"Yeah, it's different when crabs are around seven feet tall," said Alan.
"More meat for eating them too," said Schaffe.
"Always thinking with your stomach," said Ian. "I wonder if sea crab would taste like better ones we have probably back at home."
"We should get move on though," said Schaffe. They would finish breakfast head back on the road and head for Miami. What waits for them is unknown.