
Chapter 156: Exploding Stars! (Ten Thousand Word Chapter!)

"Damn, this guy really hit the jackpot. He actually obtained the power of Heracles by picking up someone's head directly, reaching seven-star combat power," Cai Yonglong exclaimed.

"Wang Ge, does this Xu Yi guy have a bit of an... issue with his personality?" Zhang Jun furrowed his brows, noticing something amiss.

"He does indeed have some issues. That's why I won't focus on nurturing him," Wang Ping nodded.

"Let's forget about him and get to the point. You can probably guess that the function of this Radiant God Pearl is to grant the power of the Radiant God Apollo," Wang Ping glanced at everyone, then turned to Zhang Yueying and said.

As this was said, the others were all shaken, looking at Zhang Yueying with some envy, but they didn't say much.

The power of the Radiant God Apollo was an eight-star combat power. Obtaining this power was like taking a step into the heavens. In the current chat group, except for Wang Ge himself, Zhang Yueying would probably surpass everyone else.

However, since the Radiant God Pearl belonged to Wang Ping, he could choose to give it to whomever he pleased. While they might feel envious, they understood.

"Wang, Wang Ge, are you really giving me such a precious item?" Zhang Yueying asked hesitantly.

"It's not giving; it's selling. You'll have to pay it back in the future," Wang Ping shook his head and reminded her.

"I understand, I'll repay it in the future," Zhang Yueying quickly expressed her willingness, her face full of anticipation. With such tremendous power, she could take a giant step forward and no longer be a transparent figure in the chat group.

She might even be able to exchange for a more powerful gold finger after completing this group mission. This had undoubtedly changed her destiny, and Wang Ping was her benefactor.

"Well, as long as you know. Besides, let me explain a bit more about the Radiant God Pearl. It's not as powerful as you might think. This thing is a disposable item. The power it provides is consumable. In other words, each time you use its power, the total amount will decrease until it's completely gone," Wang Ping nodded and seriously informed them.

After hearing this, Chen Yao and the others felt a bit more balanced. It wasn't about reaching the heavens in one step but consuming an item, making it less appealing to them.

"I see," Zhang Yueying sighed, feeling a bit regretful but still quite satisfied.

"Wang Ge, if it's a consumable, can the power of the Radiant God Apollo really cleanse the surface of the Earth?" Cai Yonglong asked with a thoughtful expression.

"The standard for an eight-star combat power isn't necessarily wiping out the entire Eurasian continent by depleting all of your power; it's about doing it quickly within a short time," Wang Ping explained. "In fact, in my opinion, if this were in a world without mysteries, a seven-star or even a six-star combat power would be enough to accomplish these tasks, although it would take more time and consume more power."

"I see," Cai Yonglong nodded, finding Wang Ping's words reasonable.

Even without an eight-star combat power, they could still cleanse the Earth's surface over a more extended period. However, they couldn't do it because the presence of the anomaly completely restrained them.

Next, Wang Ping didn't say much and directly injected the Radiant God Pearl into Zhang Yueying's body, using a secret technique to help her absorb the power.

Of course, various measures were taken as well. All sorts of large arrays and barriers were set up to prevent the situation here from leaking out.

After Zhang Yueying's condition stabilized, Wang Ping closed his eyes, intending to perform another life simulation.

"System, I want to initiate a free simulation," Wang Ping said in his mind.

"Ding, the life simulator is activated, and the free simulation begins," the system's voice rang out again, and the text appeared on the screen.

[On the first day, you began your actions, with Zhang Yueying taking the lead in cleaning the surface. This operation was broadcast worldwide.]

[Zhang Yueying displayed her terrifying power, easily annihilating fifth-level mutant beasts, reducing them to ashes without a single cell remaining.]

[This terrifying power shocked all of humanity, causing many people to ignite hope and worship Zhang Yueying as a deity, believing that humanity had a chance.]

[At the same time, research revealed that the infectivity of the JY virus, which had been steadily increasing, seemed to be slowing down. This astonishing discovery delighted many research institutes, suggesting that humanity might indeed have a chance.]

[Next, Zhang Yueying started cleaning the Earth's surface. At first, many people were shocked and felt that it was good that mutant beasts were dying. But soon, this behavior caused panic and fear among humans.]

[They thought Zhang Yueying was too crazy and her actions made no sense. Killing mutant beasts was fine, but obliterating everything outside the survival bases, making it into flat terrain, was beyond their comprehension.]

[When Zhang Yueying wiped out the mutant beasts in the oceans, humans became even more terrified because even the seawater had evaporated, and the entire Earth's ecosystem had become a mess. Some experts believed that it might no longer be suitable for human habitation in the future.]

[At this time, the infectivity of the virus suddenly surged, turning everyone except Zhang Yueying into mutant beasts.]

"Another failure," Wang Ping furrowed his brows slightly.

Humanity's negative emotions were indeed difficult to avoid. Even though he was also human, he had to admit that human thoughts were quite complex.

If you were powerful and gave hope to humanity, they would be excited. However, if you exceeded their expectations and did things beyond their comprehension, they would fear and distrust you.

"Wang Ge, did it fail again?" Qin Tian's face became more solemn.

They thought they had found a way to break the deadlock, but it seemed they had failed again. What should they do now?

"It did fail indeed. However, this time, some issues were overlooked, and they can be corrected in the next attempt," Wang Ping nodded and explained the simulation's content.

"Human nature is indeed complicated," Chen Yao sighed.

"It's normal. Human nature is inherently complex and multifaceted," Zhang Jun shrugged.

Before he crossed over, he was a second-generation rich kid, leading a very colorful life and experiencing many dark aspects.

Of course, he had also seen many people with shining qualities.

However, after experiencing so much after crossing over, he had become numb to the complexities of human nature, both good and bad.

"By the way, next time, we can try wiping out humanity first, and then cleanse the Earth's surface more clearly," Zhang Jun suggested.

"Yes," Wang Ping nodded, not saying much more.

"Zhang Yueying, can you do it? If not, Qin Tian and I can help brainwash you,"

 Wang Ping looked at Zhang Yueying and said.

In the simulation, such actions were necessary. It was crucial for Zhang Yueying to be resolute.

However, she hesitated for a moment, seeming to remember something.

"But those children are innocent. Can I..."

"We can gather them first for protection and brainwash them. Then, we can proceed with the operation," Wang Ping said, contemplating.

"However, if we use large-scale formations to collectively brainwash or erase their memories, it might be more effective in purging their negative emotions," Chen Yao suggested, looking at Qin Tian.

"Qin Tian, can you do this?" 

"I can. However, do we really need to do this? After all, it's too conspicuous. It's very likely to attract the anomaly's attention," Qin Tian said helplessly.

"There's no need," Wang Ping said calmly. "You guys should brainwash yourselves; this isn't real. It's just a future observation. There's no psychological burden."

"Okay," both Chen Yao and Zhang Yueying nodded.

Next, Wang Ping closed his eyes and initiated another free simulation.

"Ding, the life simulator is activated, and the free simulation begins," the system's voice rang out, and text appeared on the screen.

[On the first day, you began your actions, with Zhang Yueying taking the lead in 'brainwashing,' and she subsequently displayed her power, setting up controllable forces in every survival base and detonating them simultaneously.]

[As a result, the entire human race in this world disappeared. Then, Zhang Yueying started cleaning the Earth's surface.]

[However, during the process of cleaning the Earth's surface, you all were unexpectedly infected and turned into mutant beasts.]

[Because of your deaths, this simulation ended.]

"What's going on?" Wang Ping looked at the brief simulation content, furrowing his brow.

In this attempt, they wiped out all of humanity right away, preventing them from experiencing despair or fear. However, the anomaly's infectivity still increased strangely, infecting them all instantly.

"This is strange."

"Did you fail again, Wang Ge?" Cai Yonglong noticed Wang Ping's furrowed brow and felt uneasy.

The others also became solemn upon seeing Wang Ping's expression.

"It indeed failed," Wang Ping sighed, explaining the simulation results to everyone.

After listening, the group fell into silence. This anomaly seemed to be more troublesome than they had thought.

They had become stronger, yet they still faced a seemingly insurmountable obstacle.

"It's possible that we underestimated the anomaly," Zhang Jun pondered and spoke. "You see, the anomaly has been around for a while, appearing about ten years ago. This means it has already collected enough specific emotions."

Wang Ping's eyes brightened as he understood Zhang Jun's point. "Are you saying that the anomaly had already become powerful and the virus's strength was terrifying? Instead of wiping out all of humanity, it chose to develop sustainably?"

Zhang Jun nodded, "Exactly. That's what I mean. In the future simulations, it appears that when it wiped out all of humanity, it had had enough and intended to make one final sweep before leaving."

"If that's the case, it explains a lot. Those future instances where we got infected were all triggered by our intervention. Our actions drew the anomaly's attention, and it knew that 'cleaners' had arrived in this world. So instead of slowly harvesting, it decided to cleanse us directly."

Qin Tian added, "We're not even within its original mission scope. Our actions brought us to its attention."

Chen Yao and Zhang Yueying exchanged glances, both recognizing the validity of this hypothesis.

"But even if we understand the principle, it's not easy to deal with. If we expose ourselves, we die. If we don't expose ourselves, it's challenging to eliminate it. It has the upper hand now," Chen Yao said with a furrowed brow.

"We can leave this world and let Zhang Yueying act alone. She's immune to the virus and can kill the anomaly," Zhang Jun suggested, looking at Wang Ping.

The group was now more concerned about their members' lives during missions and was willing to prioritize their safety over completing the task.

However, leaving the world meant that all the remaining humans would be infected and turned into mutant beasts. The entire world would become a playground for them. The thought of innocent people, especially children, being affected weighed heavily on their minds.

"It won't work," Wang Ping said, shaking his head.

"Why not?" Zhang Jun was puzzled.

"We overlooked a crucial piece of information earlier. The anomaly can also leave this world. However, the condition for its departure is to exterminate all intelligent life," Wang Ping explained, revealing the key factor.

Everyone fell silent upon hearing this revelation. The anomaly had indeed gained the upper hand, able to exterminate humanity and leave the world at will.

"Just as Zhang Yueying didn't die, the anomaly can also leave without killing her?" Qin Tian seemed to recall something, his brows furrowing.

"We, the members of this chat group, are not originally part of the anomaly's mission. Although they would gain significant benefits from killing us, we are not within their initial mission scope," Wang Ping clarified.

This detail had been confirmed by Alpha.

"In that case, what should we do? It feels like we're stuck between a rock and a hard place," Cai Yonglong sighed.

"As it stands, there doesn't seem to be a good solution. Wang Ge, should you temporarily withdraw? The situation now is beyond our ability to handle. Honestly, this is the first time we've encountered such a situation," Zhang Jun said with a sigh.

Wang Ping looked serious. They had faced various anomalies before and had died in simulations many times. However, this anomaly was different. It had grown to a certain extent and had gained complete control. It was a challenging situation.

"For now, we indeed don't have a good solution. Should I withdraw temporarily? If we choose to confront it under the worst circumstances, there's still a 70% chance of success in eliminating the anomaly," Wang Ping admitted.

"Let's ask Wu Jun to come. At this point, our only hope might be his 'miraculous' gold finger," Zhang Jun suggested.

"It seems we have no choice but to rely on Wu Jun. His gold finger can trigger positive outcomes. If he can use it to increase the chances of success in eliminating the anomaly, that would be our best shot," Wang Ping said.

"This is unsettling. It's the first time I've encountered a situation where the use of the life simulator didn't work, and we have to rely on a 'miracle' to succeed," Zhang Jun remarked.

"Exactly. It's a 'miracle' scenario unless we choose to confront the anomaly under the worst conditions," Wang Ping reiterated.

"Let's have Wu Jun come. His gold finger is truly exceptional. Although it has its uncertainties, if it can increase the chances of a positive outcome and fulfill his wishes, it's a remarkable gold finger," Zhang Jun agreed.

With that decision, Wang Ping informed the chat group about the situation. The entire chat group was in turmoil as they faced their first group mission where even Wang Ge couldn't provide a solution.

Wu Jun (20): "Wang Ge, I'm coming. Please grant me the time-traveling permissions."

Wang Ping (66): "Okay."

Wang Ping nodded and granted the permissions. Soon, Wu Jun appeared before them.

"Wu Jun, have you optimized your gold finger?" Wang Ping asked.

"No, I'm still 200,000 group points short," Wu Jun replied, scratching his head in frustration.

"I'll lend you 200,000 group points first. Optimize your gold finger, and then we can talk," Wang Ping said, offering Wu Jun an exclusive red packet.

Their group mission had already cost them a significant amount of group points due to the time-traveling permissions. They couldn't afford to let the anomaly escape now.

"Thank you, Wang Ge!"

With gratitude, Wu Jun accepted the red packet and chose to optimize his gold finger.

Moments later, his expression turned pleasantly surprised.

"Wu Jun, what abilities does your optimized gold finger have?" Wang Ping asked, eager to hear the results.

Chen Yao and the others couldn't help but be curious as well.

"After optimization, there's a 60% chance of positive outcomes when

 it comes to frontal confrontations. Moreover, within those positive outcomes, the probability of fulfilling my wishes or benefiting me increases," Wu Jun revealed with a delighted expression.

"This is truly extraordinary," Cai Yonglong exclaimed enviously.

Wu Jun's gold finger was a concept-level ability due to its inherent uncertainty. Often, this uncertainty had made it quite challenging to predict the results. However, if it could increase the chances of positive outcomes and fulfill his wishes, it had great potential to be a miraculous gold finger.

"What about the usage time and cooldown? Is it still 72 hours?" Zhang Jun asked.

"The cooldown and side effects remain. It's still 72 hours of usage with a cooldown," Wu Jun replied, his expression showing some frustration.

Becoming a woman or experiencing other unpredictable side effects had always been his biggest concern. It was an issue that made him feel quite helpless.

"Don't worry too much about becoming a woman. As long as we can complete the group mission, earn more group points, and optimize it again, you might be able to eliminate that side effect," Wang Ping comforted him.

Wu Jun was relieved but also worried about accumulating the immense group points needed for another optimization.

"That's easier said than done. Optimizing the gold finger again requires one billion group points. Where am I going to find such a large sum of group points? After all, I need group points for my cultivation," Wu Jun sighed.

Wu Jun muttered helplessly, "Alright, enough chatter. Hurry up and use the Gold Finger's ability. I can't stand this wretched world for another minute. If you fail, we might have to run."

Qin Tian rolled his eyes and urged, "No, if this anomaly doesn't die, I suspect that even if we return to our original world, the virus inside us won't disappear. Over time, the infection rate will increase until it erupts completely."

Wang Ping looked at Qin Tian with a furrowed brow and said, "By then, we'd have to 'G,' and our world would also suffer."

"Eh," Qin Tian fell silent.

Damn, ordinary viruses don't have this ability. But this virus was created with bizarre abilities. Damn, it might actually be possible to trigger a cross-world explosion.

"So, you're saying this anomaly must die?" Qin Tian's expression turned grim.

"Yes," Wang Ping nodded calmly.

"Damn, this is bad." Qin Tian's face contorted, and he was in a dire state.

"Wang Ge, why are you so calm?" Chen Yao asked with some confusion. At this point, Wang Ping couldn't escape either, and it was a life-or-death situation.

"What's there for Wang Ge to worry about? At the end of the day, the worst-case scenario is destroying the planet," Cai Yonglong said, exhaling.

"Wang Ge, even though it might be difficult for you to achieve such a thing, with the remaining time, you'll definitely be able to grow to that level," Zhang Jun reassured.

"That's the worst-case scenario. Ideally, I don't want to shatter the Earth or wipe out the entire world," Wang Ping paused for a moment and sighed.

If Wu Jun's abilities failed, he would have to resort to the most brutal method: having other group members leave this world first. Then, he would claim the rewards for reaching the Seventh Stage of Nirvana Realm. Finally, using the terrifying power of that stage, he would obliterate the Earth along with the anomaly.

Currently, he was at the Half-Step Life-and-Death Realm. However, his foundation was exceptionally solid, whether it was his equipment, techniques, or supernatural abilities. He even possessed the rudiments of a domain. With his current evaluation in the chat group, he had reached a nine-star rating.

If his cultivation soared directly from the Half-Step Life-and-Death Realm to the Seventh Stage of Nirvana Realm, a two-level jump, coupled with so many smaller realms, Wang Ping had no doubt about his ability to shatter the stars.

Even though it was possible that he might instantly become a mutant beast due to the virus when he used such powerful abilities, he was confident that he could obliterate the Earth along with the anomaly. If the virus remained inside him due to using such tremendous power, it wouldn't be a big issue. Once the anomaly was eliminated, the virus would likely disappear. Even if it didn't, its infectivity would be much less terrifying. If worst came to worst, he could die once and use the resurrection method provided by the Life Simulator. If that wasn't an option, there were still other methods. With the Life Simulator at his disposal, he had plenty of trial and error opportunities.

"!!!" Hearing Wang Ping's words, whether it was Chen Yao, Zhang Jun, Qin Tian, Wu Jun, or others, they all stared at him dumbfounded.

Damn, Wang Ge really could wipe out the entire Earth, even shattering the planet? This was beyond belief. In such a short period of time, Wang Ping had grown to a ten-star combat power level, rendering other group members almost obsolete.

"Wang Ge, you're truly outrageous," Chen Yao sighed.

"You're just lacking resources in this world. If possible, you can come to the world I'm in to gather resources," Wang Ping said to Chen Yao.

Though he said that, the difficulty level was still high. After all, when she crossed over, she only had a few days to increase her strength in that world. 

"For resources, I can trade with you using group points and Wang Ge's assistance," Chen Yao replied after some consideration.

"Alright," Wang Ping nodded. He hadn't cultivated Chen Yao not because he was afraid she would surpass him rapidly, but simply because he didn't have enough resources himself. His Life Simulator was quite the gold digger.

"Okay," Chen Yao agreed with a nod and didn't say much more.

"Wang Ge, you're truly a freak. Ten-star rating, it makes me wonder if I'll have this level of combat power after becoming an immortal," Qin Tian couldn't help but mutter.

"Ten stars is nothing; it's not even considered top-tier in our world," Wang Ping sighed.

The Seventh Stage of Nirvana Realm certainly warranted a ten-star rating, but in the Purple Spirit World, there were the King Realm, Emperor Realm, and even the God Realm. In comparison, the Nirvana Realm, while it could be considered a powerhouse, still had a long way to go to achieve top-tier combat power.

In addition, many Nirvana Realm experts would explode stars in ordinary worlds.

The strength varied depending on the world, and the destructive power formed in the Purple Spirit World was actually much smaller than in ordinary worlds.


Qin Tian, Zhang Jun, and Chen Yao were all speechless.

Your words have left us at a loss for words.

Even being a ten-star level doesn't seem like much; it's really unbelievable.

It can only be said that the gap between worlds is as vast as the Milky Way at one's fingertips.

"Of course, I don't know the criteria for an eleven-star level. It's possible that the King Realm and Emperor Realm are also considered ten stars. After all, there are differences between planets. Earth is just a small planet compared to the Sun. The volume of the Sun is 1.3 million times that of Earth, and the Sun is just a medium-sized star."

Wang Ping shook his head and continued speaking.

"Right," Cai Yonglong and the others nodded in agreement, finding Wang Ping's explanation reasonable.

However, despite its reasonableness, they were still amazed that Wang Ping had reached a level where he could obtain the power of a shattered star at any time, causing a sense of unease.

Shattered star, just thinking about it was terrifying.

"Alright, enough talk. Wu Jun, let's get to work. I don't really want to gain such tremendous power prematurely."

Wang Ping looked at Wu Jun and urged him.

He still had some things he hadn't acquired yet. If his cultivation reached the Seventh Realm of Nirvana, it would be troublesome.

He wouldn't be able to enter the Blazing Fire Secret Realm anymore.

Once he couldn't enter the Blazing Fire Secret Realm, the Emperor's Tower would have little to do with him.

In addition, things like the True King Blood Flower and the Soul Enlightenment Grass were opportunities that had little to do with him. That was something he couldn't tolerate.

"I'll give it a try."

Wu Jun took a deep breath and nodded seriously.

Then, he directly used his own golden finger's ability.

As Wu Jun used his ability, he transformed into a woman.

It had to be said that Wu Jun was quite handsome, and even as a woman, he still looked pretty.

Wang Ping and the others were used to Wu Jun transforming into a woman, having seen it in the Death Replay.

However, Zhang Yueying, the newcomer, hadn't seen it before, so she stared in astonishment. She didn't expect Wu Jun's golden finger to have such a bizarre side effect, turning him from a man into a woman.

"Let me simulate it and see what possibilities you triggered."

After nodding at Wu Jun, Wang Ping closed his eyes again.

"System, I want to conduct a free simulation."

"Ding, Life Simulator activated, free simulation beginning."

The system's voice rang out again, and the familiar screen appeared, along with floating text.

[Day One, you all wait quietly.]

[Day Three, you find that nothing has happened yet, and you can't sit still. After all, although Wu Jun's golden finger has been optimized, it is still full of uncertainty, and you don't know what possibilities he triggered.]

[In the end, after your analysis and taking action, Zhang Yueying began to collect Level Five Mutant Beasts, giving humans hope.]

[However, Zhang Yueying's actions alerted the anomalies. The anomaly prematurely triggered the infection of the virus. In the end, countless people were infected and turned into mutant beasts, with only a small number of people surviving. You were among the survivors. The children sheltered by you, who were unaware of the outside world, also remained uninfected.]

"Hmm? Has there been a change in the future?"

Wang Ping looked at this development and felt a wave of excitement. This kind of abnormal situation was obviously the result of Wu Jun's golden finger coming into play; otherwise, this butterfly effect wouldn't have occurred.

Not only them but even some ordinary people survived.

However, there were still countless infected humans, so what was the reason behind this anomaly? What possibilities had Wu Jun triggered? Wang Ping's mind was filled with various speculations as the text on the screen continued to appear.

[When you found that you and the sheltered children were uninfected, you were very surprised.]

[In the end, after helping some people, conducting an analysis, and reaching a conclusion, you all tried to use your own powers. The results were pleasing because none of you were infected, and the widespread use of your powers did not seem to affect you, with no signs of infection.]

[This made you all extremely delighted. It meant that you finally had no risk to your lives, and you could start hunting mutant beasts.]

[When you were preparing to act, the anomaly discovered that Zhang Yueying was unexpectedly not infected by her own power. It was terrified and wanted to escape from this world.]

[However, it quickly discovered that there were still other humans surviving in this world, which made it extremely angry. It chose to increase its power output. In the end, the children who weren't afraid also began to mutate into mutant beasts, but the process was not as rapid.]

[Among these children, only one little girl remained unaffected for the time being. She had a carefree personality, was full of hope, and showed no signs of fear, so the rate of infection was slowest for her, and the virus's infection rate increased very slowly.]

[You all reached the conclusion that the anomaly could enhance its infection ability. It was necessary to kill the anomaly before this child became a mutant beast.]

[For this reason, you all took action. Holding the silver-haired little girl, you unleashed your most terrifying power and had no intention of hiding anymore. For the first time, you used such a powerful force on Earth.]

[With the use of your terrifying divine power, the entire sky above the surface was covered in purple flames in a short period of time, then fell like a meteor shower. At that moment, Earth turned into a world of purple flames.]

[Under your terrifying power, there was nowhere to hide on the entire surface. In the end, the anomaly was killed by your terrifying power, and all the mutant beasts on Earth were also killed. You completed the group mission.]

[However, although you killed the anomaly, the virus on Earth did not disappear; it still existed. However, it wasn't as powerful, but it still existed in this world.]

[You sighed at this and watched as the JY virus slowly infected the little girl, who remained uninfected. As time passed, she would eventually become a mutant beast.]

[But there was nothing more you could do; you could only entrust her to Zhang Yueying and let her survive in this world. Then, you chose to return.]

[Because of your return, this simulation ends.]

"We finally passed the level, but the cost was really high."

Wang Ping looked at the simulation content, opened his eyes, and sighed lightly, saying to everyone.

"Er, as long as we pass, the cost is nothing to be concerned about. When dealing with anomalies, paying some price is normal."

Qin Tian listened to Wang Ping's confirmation that they had passed and couldn't help but show a pleasant surprise. He muttered.

"Teach the young one well." Zhang Jun looked at Qin Tian with a satisfied fatherly expression.

"Middle finger (F***)." Qin Tian cursed.

"Wang Ge, did my golden finger work?" Wu Jun asked hopefully.

"Of course, it worked, and it worked very well. Without your golden finger,

 I'm afraid we would all be in big trouble."

Wang Ping patted Wu Jun on the shoulder and said.

The anomaly died, but the virus still existed, which was terrifying.

Although the Life Simulator mentioned that the virus's power had decreased, it still existed.

For this reason, if he cleared the stage using violent means, there was still a possibility of continued infection.

He was like this, let alone others.

Therefore, Wu Jun's golden finger played a crucial role.

This was the extraordinary aspect of rule-based golden fingers. The upper limit was terrifying; it directly provided everyone with a group immunity buff.

"That's good, that's good."

Wu Jun scratched his head, chuckled, and nodded happily.

Although he had optimized his golden finger, Wu Jun was still worried that he might have triggered a negative possibility or something useless. If that were the case, it would be embarrassing.

Next, Wang Ping didn't continue with unnecessary words and directly explained the content of this simulation.

Chapter two with tens of thousands of words will be updated around nine o'clock tomorrow morning!

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(End of this chapter)