
Scarlet Midnight

Ruby finds herself reincarnated into an extraordinary world. She is now the Lady-in waiting for Princess Diana and needs to learn how to be, tackling all sorts of obstacles, like magic, evil and ronance.

Sandyit_Novpap · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

My lady and prince Hadriel arrived when it was time for lunch. I took my lady and prince Hadriel's horses to the stable and hurried back as I had to dress up my lady so she and her fiancé can receive

the guests who arrived early enough to join for lunch. I dressed up my lady in a pink gown and left her braids as it was. After I was done, she told me to go and get dressed as I was going to join them

to receive the guests. I took a quick bath as I was sweaty, after taking my bath, I put on a light brown gown and tied my hair in a low ponytail then hurried downstairs to join them.

After lunch, my lady had desert with the princesses from the other kingdoms who had come to compete for the wife of lady Diana's older brother, the crown prince. After having desert and having fun, it was time for an afternoon nap. I followed my lady to her room to help her change her clothes so she can have a nap, "go and have a nap too, Ruby. Wake me up when it an hour to the ball"

"okay" I replied. After I came out of her room, I went to my room to have a nap too as I was also

very tired from working and receiving guests. I didn't sleep for long, after washing my face I went to

my lady's room to run her bath. I woke her up after I was done running her bath. After bathing, "I

want to look elegant and superior" she said when I was looking for a dress for her. I found a yellow

ball gown for her and made her hair into a messy bun and painted her lips wild red and put some

blush on her face to give her a look of innocence. After dressing my lady up, she told me to dress up

well so I wouldn't embarrass her. I put on a red ball gown and packed all my hair to one shoulder

and painted my lips red as well and after checking my look, I put a faint blush on my face. I joined my

lady so we could go downstairs together and wait for the carriage to take us to the hall the ball was taking place.

When we arrived downstairs almost all the princesses and princes were there. They rushed to praise

my lady for being beautiful and having a good lady-in-wait. We met prince Hadriel and his brother at

the door after a servant informed us that our carriage was here. Prince Hadriel asked us to join them

in his carriage because it was big enough to carry all of us. My lady agreed and now here we are

sitting in the carriage with awkwardness maybe just for me. When they were chatting; I didn't meanto eavesdrop; but I realized my lady asked about prince Hadriel's older brother a lot, so I wondered whether there was something going on that my lady didn't tell me as she always shared anything about her love life to me. After thinking for a while, I thought maybe she was trying to keep the conversation going. Finally, we arrived at the ball.

When we stepped out of prince Hadriel's carriage, all eyes were on us, and the people around were whispering about how good looking we were. I have to admit, I was shocked when I realized I was also part of the good looking people they were talking about cause I always thought I was slightly better than average looking people.