
Scarlet Midnight

Ruby finds herself reincarnated into an extraordinary world. She is now the Lady-in waiting for Princess Diana and needs to learn how to be, tackling all sorts of obstacles, like magic, evil and ronance.

Sandyit_Novpap · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Previously on Scarlet Midnight.....

She asked what i was talking about and i told her that i was talking about what she was talking about. She seemed confused but never really paid attention

It was a hustle finding a dress for princess Diana as all her dresses were elegant and appropriate. After what seemed liked forever, I finally found a gorgeous emerald green dress that matched with her pale skin. When she tried it I was speechless. "My lady you look gorgeous" I said.

3 days later the prince came to meet the princess. I could see that he was shocked by my lady's beauty when his opened his mouth in shock. Then I heard a pleasant male voice that didn't seem to belong to the prince say "ah, how I wish I find a gorgeous lady like this in the future". When I looked towards the direction of the voice I saw a handsome young man who resembled the prince a little sighing in distress. After the exchange of greetings, the handsome man introduced himself as Caleb, prince Hadriel's younger brother. Once again I found myself sitting beside two handsome men and my lady conversing in a language I don't understand. It was dinner time and I was wondering why they weren't gone yet until I heard Caleb say they're staying for a few days


The next day, I woke up early to prepare a hot bath for princess Diana. After she took her bath I dressed her in a white gown as she wanted to look elegant and innocent, so I painted her lips mild red, put some blush on her face then braided her hair. After I was done, she looked like an innocent but elegant princess waiting for her one and only. She expressed her gratitude and said we should hurry or we'll be late for breakfast; I could see the anticipation in her eyes as we hurried down.

When we got to the dining hall, everyone stopped and stared at princess Diana. The other princesses looked at her with envy and admiration as she was beautiful and most of all she was engaged to the second prince of the most powerful kingdom and the princes at the table looked at her with fondness and some looked at her with infatuated eyes. After she sat down next to prince Hadriel, everyone showered her with praises, they stopped when the king cleared his throat and told everyone to continue eating so they won't be late to attend to their guests that were coming for the ball in the evening. Everyone continued eating after hearing the king mention the ball. This ball was very important because the king was going to choose a wife for his eldest son, the crown prince.

After breakfast, the princess wanted to go for a horse ride with prince Hadriel so she asked me to bring her star; her favourite horse. "My lady, I have brought star here" I said after I arrived with star. After they set off, I don't know why but I watched them ride until I couldn't see their figures anymore.

To be continued.....