
Scarf | A Yeager Story

She was murdered in the first world because the devil who granted humanity the Power of the Titans saw her existence as a threat. In the second, she saw her parents being treated cruelly and how, decades after the rumbling, the world had descended into anarchy. So, for her third and last world, she vowed to give her parents the ending that they deserve. Because they, of all people, have the right to be free. OR In another universe, Eren and Mikasa had a daughter who was determined to give her parents a happy ending. COPYRIGHT! Attack on Titan ⓒ Hajime Isayama Warning: MAJOR SPOILERS! Read at your own risk

Artuven · Tranh châm biếm
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66 Chs

Back in Paradis (2)

Mina's POV

"Ahaha! They wrecked you well, young Yeager!" 

I growled. "Shut your trap, you stupid horrendous being. Instead of being a deadweight, why don't you meditate or do some other shit?"

She pouts. "How boring. Where's the fun in that?" 

Screw you, Ymir!

Just when I finally freed myself from their clutches, with Captain Hange telling me to go first, I eventually found myself staring at a nearby window as it reflected my newly-given look. Gunther was so adamant about giving me bangs, and the captain seemed to agree with him, so I had no other choice but to sigh as I continuously pulled my newly cut bangs to hide my eyes. 

"I have to say, though," Ymir continues as I look away from the window. "Seeing you with bangs reminds me of your original look. The only difference right now is the color of your eyes." 

Sighing in defeat, I whispered, "I can't even disagree, and by the way, did you call me just to tell me that?" 

I felt her shrugging her shoulders and replied, "Yeah, I was bored." 


Fucking hell… "Just because you learned how to communicate with me without disrupting my senses doesn't mean you should constantly do it."

"As I had said, I. Was. Bored."

With one last annoyed sigh, accepting whatever her whims were, I hopped on my horse and took off, heading straight to my next destination. It's a relief to see Gunther and Eld safe while knowing that they won't be able to participate in the upcoming expeditions. But should I be glad that they needed to be wounded for that to be accomplished? Well, it's useless to think about it at this point, especially since our next fight would soon commence.

The cold air brushed through my face while I was thinking about my next plan of action, as I completely ignored how the citizens glared at my passing figure. Soon, Eren will be heading towards the Wall of Sina, where they will try to capture the female titan. With that in mind, I am grateful for the smooth progress of the events. 

"Hey, Ymir, are you still there?" The sound of her movement answered my question, so I continued. "Can you give me back some of my memories from the rumbling?"

Somehow, I envisioned her expression slowly distorting. "That was random, why?"

"I need to persuade someone." 

"Someone…?" The tone that she was using resonated within my whole being as I tried to focus on riding my horse towards the path I often used to go in the old Survey Corps HQ. "Are you planning to share your memories with that 'someone'?

I hummed. "Can't I?" 

"Young Yeager, have you lost your mind?" 

Suddenly, she attacked me by lowering the amount of power she was using to communicate with me, letting out the sound of high frequency once more. Having felt that a month ago, the pain that I used to feel didn't bother me anymore. So, I continued to ride my horse as if nothing compromised my sense of hearing. 

"It's not like I'll share my real name, you stupid ancient being. I'm not that careless." My gaze wandered off to the distant castle as I continued to persuade her. "You told me that the devil will only act if my name was spoken and if the course of events has been immensely altered. With that in mind, even if I share some of my future memories with that person, it won't call upon his wrath."

"But why?" The frequency lessened, relieving me of the pain I couldn't feel. "Won't those memories affect the way you act right now?"

"It will." Of course, it will affect me. "But it's not like I'm asking you to give it all back. It's just… It'll help me accomplish my next plan to ensure the commander won't die. Just provide me with some scenarios that you think will help me persuade that person. I'll leave it to your good judgment."

If you have one. Goodness, Ymir, I pray you have some logic inside your head.

After a few minutes of silence, I eventually reached my destination. I hopped off the horse and proceeded to bring it to the stable, just in time for Ymir to finally make her decision.

"Who do you need to persuade?" 

With a victory huff, I thought of that person's name as Ymir finally cut off our communication so she could do her job. 

Guess I won't be sleeping tonight, not that I need to.

Upon stepping inside the castle, memories of our time cleaning it suddenly bombarded my vision. The neutrality of my expression remained, but it can't be compared to how I felt. 

I sighed. This is getting… a bit annoying.

"Huh?" I stopped. "Did I just…"

Thought of it as annoying?

"Mina?" Thankful for the sudden distraction, I focused on whoever called me and turned around, surprised to see the commander with Mikasa, Armin, Jean, and a few other recruits. "It is you!" 

"Armin," I gave him a small smile as a greeting. "It's been a while."

"You changed your hairstyle." Mikasa intervenes as she reaches out to touch it. Such an action almost made me faint. "Did you cut it?" 

I awkwardly chuckled. "Gunther did. I couldn't stop him earlier."

Mikasa then smiled as she patted my head. "It suits you." 

If I hadn't had the mission of saving Eren in the future, I would have thought that I could happily die right now.

As Jean began to greet me as well, Mikasa pulled me along with her as we made our way toward the kitchen. Coincidentally enough, hearing Captain Levi's wise words to Eren almost made me want to offer him tea, like how Petra used to teach me.

"No one knows how things will turn out." He says, making me agree with him wholeheartedly. 

Commander Erwin then finally opens the door, revealing us to Eren and Captain Levi. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

I stood between Mikasa and Jean as Eren openly showed his surprise at seeing us standing alongside the commander. "You guys…"

Without wasting another second, one that I deeply respect the commander for always doing, he spoke, "We have identified a person of interest who may be the Female Titan. This time, we won't let her escape." 

Upon taking a seat on the chairs, the commander immediately briefs us about his plan to be conducted at the Stohess District two days from now on. With a map of the district laid out in front of us, I did my best to 'memorize' it while listening to the commander's voice. Not that I need to since I already know it. 

All of it is just for the sake of appearance, one that the commander might have noticed, much to my dismay.

Thank goodness that he's deliberately ignoring it, I thought to myself as I continued to 'listen.'

"We will stake everything on this plan." He says with utmost conviction, then proceeds to lay out the plan in a more detailed manner.

My drifting mind eventually wandered back after hearing Eren's voice, questioning the commander. "As for the target, are we sure she is in Stohess?" 


He can't remember? 

It's not that I saw it, or someone told me this information back in World Number Two, but knowing that he fought with the female titan, he must have seen the unique stance that Annie always uses. 

Nonetheless, the commander answered. "Yes, our target is a member of the Military Police."

"Military Police?" 

The commander's gaze then locked into my figure before he once again spoke. "Mina was the first to notice who the female titan was, and Armin helped verify it. They believe that the target also killed the two captured Titans. As per Mina's conclusion, she is a former trainee from the 104th, the same as you." 

Eren's reaction proved my hypothesis of him not remembering their fight. Seriously, just how forgetful was my father when he was younger? "Haven't you fought her, Eren?"

"H-huh?" His green eyes continue to tremble even after connecting with my gaze. "What do you mean?" 

I sighed. "Back at the expedition and during our time as trainees. You often had bouts with her." 

Just how much did you hit your head, Eren? And why am I starting to get worried? Goodness, for the love of Ymir!

After noticing the confusion on Eren's face and how surprised mine was, the commander seems to have pitied us before announcing to the whole group who the female titan is. "The name of the girl we believe to be the person of interest is…"

"Annie Leonhart." He finishes, finally falling Eren into deeper despair. 

Seeing him with that reaction, however, baffled me. Did he really believe that everyone within this wall is friendly? 

I hummed, leaving Armin to answer Eren's questions of why we even thought of considering our 'friend' as the female titan. 

How naïve, Eren.

It's exactly because of your naivety that people began to rely on you even more, which eventually led to your demise. 

Why is it that the people who wanted change to happen in this world would always be chosen to suffer the most? Why would they always be the first to fall and won't experience the change that they wholly desired? Why… is the world so unfair towards the just? 

Such thoughts lingered inside my head even after the meeting had been adjourned, leaving me the determination that I needed to proceed. 

Soon, my plan to defeat the devil will begin. 
