

The warehouse you're looking for is a half-finished metro station, almost a mirror-image of the real one, connected to it by a narrow, blind alley. This is the kind of bad planning that happens a lot around here. Someone has a good idea, good intentions even, but then fails to implement so spectacularly that the result is a hole in the ground, people displaced, fortunes squandered.

A pity, really. But at least someone found a good use for it.

Good being a relative term, of course.

To get to the warehouse, you have to go through the subway proper, traverse it until you reach the far end. There, you find a door that leads to the guts of the station and, once you're past that, you'll exit into the alley.

Unfortunately for you, and perhaps for him, too, keeping an eye on that first door is within the duties of a guy that paces the back of the station, guarding the bits that are not well-lit enough for the subpar CCTV system.