
Scandia (try)

Warning! This is the test run before the real book starts publish. A man dies and reincarnated into his game avatar. Basically it.

KAABS · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

The Hunt with Surprises


Kaplan went to the hunting.

Based on his memories he was not fond of hunting; people ridicule him because he could only hunt basic beasts and animals.

'Well, the real one was a pushover, so...'

"We should change that," Kaplan murmured as he went deep inside the woods and increased his speed. He felt sudden air hit on his face thanks to speed he was running with. The feeling made him felt alive, a sense of excitement washed all over him.

'This is fun indeed,' Kaplan thought while parkouring through the woods. He could see all the details even though he was running an extreme speed he could even dream to achieve before.

'Being a demi-tiger is indeed a best decision,' he thought., then he heard couple of animal sounds around thus halted his steps.

"The record of most powerful beast hunted in this town..." Kaplan thought. "Well, Winged tiger seems a bit low level beast," he shook his head; he walked towards the sounds source slowly.

The Thrim Town, which he was currently living, had a large forest. The forests had various beasts, and powerful ones lived in the deep inside of the woods, and the most powerful beast they hunted was Winged Tiger.

'Winged Tiger one of the basic beasts one can hunt,' Kaplan thought as he went deeper in the woods.

Winged Tiger was a 3 meters tall blue tiger when it was on four feet, when it got up it became 7 meters, and had two black wings as its name suggests. It was stronger than wolves, for sure, but still a medium level beast; Kaplan would not even look its face when he was in the game.

"Level 4 beasts are weak, so it shows this towns power level is below the ground," Kaplan murmured as he stopped and turned his head to the certain sound. "I cannot measure my strength in here," he added and sneakily went to the sounds source again.

To be exact, in Scandia, there were not many powerful individuals. If we ratio them over the all the population, only a certain amount would be considered as strong. Well, Scandia had over 9 billion people so, it was still a thing. A pity most of them farmer and common soldier.

Kaplan saw 2 winged tigers; male and female and based on their acting they were about to mate.

'Hmm, two of them..." Kaplan looked at them with interest. 'Will it make me kin-slayer if I kill them?' He thought as he observed them again.

'I am thinking too much,' Kaplan shook his head with a sigh. 'Kin-slayer, really?'

Two tigers were sniffing each other and making noises. It would seem the male trying to impress the female.

'Well, I still do not know my strength... but I would be ashamed if I could not even kill them,' Kaplan thought and slowly walked behind them.

He was about to hunt.



Abray was sitting on the chair while reading a book. The book was about the history of the countries, and why they fall apart or destroyed.

'Immigrants is it...' Abray thought. 'A rather long term plan to destroy a country, but I guess easier than a straight war.'

Amidst in her thoughts, the door knocked and Yaz entered slowly.

"My sultan, I found what happened the Büke Usta," Yaz said carefully.

(AN: Usta means the expert, adept, master etc.)

Abray swung her hair backwards swiftly and looked at Yaz's eyes coolly. 'So did I,' she thought before answering her. 'But she could have a new information...'

"Really, what did you found?" Abray asked coolly.

Yaz inhaled a quick breath to calm her nerves. "They kidnapped her, I do not know where, but it would seem Sultan Selim wants to learn something to blackmail you," she said formally.

'They had Büke, and that was enough to threaten me,' Abray though. "Well, you do not need to worry longer. Büke is already safe," she said with a smile.

Yaz stood there for a second before asking formally. "May I ask why is that My Sultan?"

Abray smiled mischievously. "A storm happened," she said simply and focused her book again.

"Storm?" Yaz questioned.

"Yes, a storm."

Yaz made a curious look, but Abray paid no mind and read her book, and at that exact moment the door opened forcefully by a cariye, hurriedly.

"Abray Sultan, Sultan Arslan ordered all the heirs in throne room," the cariye said with pants.

Abray looked at the exhaling cariye with an innocent look. "What happened?"

"It would seem, Sultan Selim's mansion got destroyed by a storm. Sultan Arslan ordered all the heirs to throne room for protection," the cariye said in a hurry.

'A rather late for it, no?' Abray raised her eyebrow, then sighed. "Fine, let's deal what the father of mine wants this time," she said nonchalantly as she went to the dressing room.

"I will dress and come, you can wait outside," Abray said.

"My sulta-"

"No," Abray cut her off. "If anything happens, I'd take the blame, wait outside please," she said.

"Yes, my sultan," the cariye said and left the room.

Yaz looked at Abray with awe, and Abray smirked at her reaction.

"It was just a warning," Abray explain to her the situation. "Next time he touches someone on my side, he will lose some limbs."

Yaz gulped and bowed. "Do you need assistance, my sultan?"

Abray made a thinking pose. "Hmm," she hummed and smirked. "Do you know how to make hairstyle fit to show for the ruler of the country?"

"I can make a quick one," Yaz said.

"Good," Abray said and sat. She looked at herself in the mirror and smirked at Yaz in reflection. "Come on, impress me," she said.

Yaz smiled and sighed. "Yes, my sultan."



If one person told him he would fight with two large feline monsters before, Kaplan would tell him to fuck off. Yet, at that moment, he was facing two winged tigers, and winning but...

'This is a disgrace,' Kaplan thought as he dodged another slash by female tiger. 'I cannot even win against two simple winged tigers easily,' he growled.

'I should've killed them with just a wave.'

Make no mistake, Kaplan could easily win against them. But, considering the great scale of powerful people, he must've killed them with a single basic hit.

Two tigers had surrounded him and started to attack him coordinately. Their teamwork was surprisingly perfect, and they left too little weak spot to break their formation.

It was a pity for them Kaplan was just stronger than them.

'If I knew how to do magic,' Kaplan thought. He knew he could use magic, at least in the future, and he would be able to win easily.

Kaplan looked at two tigers with his amber eyes. He looked at attacking tiger in front of him and grabbed both of its paws and broke it. He heard the other from below and kicked it on the face, crushed its skull.

"This won't do," Kaplan growled. "With this power alone, I can only win against basic mobs!"

He grunted and crushed the remaining tiger's face after whined some more. He had to find a way to be stronger.

He grabbed the tigers and started to drag them, but not too soon later a yellow panel appeared in front of him.


[Since you've been fighting, you have gotten stronger]

/ Your stats are updated! \

/ Strength+ \

/ Stamina+ \

/ Dexterity+ \

/ Eye Sight+ \

[Special Condition Met!]

[The System: Unlock the system by killing a beast stronger than level 2.]

[Reward: System Unlocking, status boost for a week.]

[Mission Accomplish: Kill your first beast!]

[Rewards: [Fire Meditation]]

[Fire Meditation: Learning any magic that fire related will improve when you made this meditation]

- Fire magics damage +30 (For 12 hours)

[You have unlocked your race special trait: [Eye of the Tiger]]

[Eye of the Tiger: One says it is the last thing you'd see when you die is the eye of the tiger. Your look could intimidate people weaker than you.]


"What the Fuck!?"



Markus was having a bad day. He learned if he did not pay some of his depth in next week, he would lose his house along with all furniture, and they'd put him into jail.

'I need to find a way to earn money,' he thought as he went to the Bordi's house. He knocked the door twice and waited nervously.

One of the Bordi's bodyguards opened the door. He was a were-bear with brown hair and eyes, taller than Markus by far, and bulkier than he could ever hope.

The bear-man narrowed his eyes. "Whatcha want?" He growled loudly.

"I need to see Bordi," Markus answered. He was sweating by the guy's aggressive behavior. If he decided to attack him, Markus would be dead, for sure.

"Wait," Bear-man growled and shut the door loudly.

Markus wait like an eternity before the door opened by an ugly yellow suited man.

"Markus, my friend. How can I help you?" Bordi, the ugly yellow suited man, spoken like Markus was his best friend.

"I need to gamble," Markus said with a pleading look.

"Hmm. You know if you have money..."

"I have two hundred altın," Markus interrupted him with haste. He really needed the money at that time.

"It is only enough for low tables, Markus..." Bordi muttered and sighed. After some thinking, his bloodshot eyes widened in excitement. "But fine. If you win, you win; but if you lose, I want a compensation."

"What is it?" Markus asked.

"Well, I want to open a brothel you see..."