
Scandal Modeling

"Let's forget about last night's events, and go back to our respective activities. Please don't let anyone know, especially the media, because that will complicate my career," said the woman The man looked at the woman with a cold expression because he wanted her too so nothing agitated would happen. But he still has to be careful with this woman because she could sell high prices even though there are other things hidden. *** "What you are carrying is my child," said the man with a sharp gaze The woman frowned and she realized that the man realized what she was hiding. The woman was silent and did not answer because she was confused about what to do and what to say to her. He was sure this man would not easily talk about it if he didn't find out first, and he was quite grateful for that. "I want us to get married, because I don't want my child to be born without a clear bond," continued the man. ----- United because of a scandal and end up loving each other, winning is weird but that's love, you don't know where to lean on or to whom you are sure that love sometimes seems selfish because you have to have it.

Fiia_1602 · Thành thị
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"Your body is getting fuller, queen, the size of your clothes has changed a few centimeters. Do you rarely exercise now?" Ask the fashion designer

"Woohoo right? It's true that lately my appetite has increased, "replied the queen

"Hmm okay I'll increase the size by 1 cm. But you have to keep your body in good shape so that it doesn't get worse. Okay"

"Don't worry Fara, I'll make sure Queen won't gain any more weight," said Berta

"That's good" Fara said

This afternoon the queen is having her measurements taken for the upcoming fashion show, and Fara Everless is one of the internationally recognized fashion designers. This designer is known for his work and is recognized internationally, so it's no wonder that Queen is very happy to be entrusted with demonstrating her best clothes at a single fashion show event which will be held in the next two weeks.

After measuring the queen's body, they finally chatted for a while to be able to say hello because it had been a long time since they had talked like this because of their busy schedules. Then after that queen finally left Fara's company because she wanted to enjoy the evening to night with no distractions from work.

"Alex, please stop at the cafe in front there" said the queen while showing the cafe in question

"Queen, remember you can't eat anything anymore!" Say yes

"Eh, I'm surprised at you queen, it's not like you usually eat a lot lately. Did something happen?" Lily inquired inquiringly

"I don't know, maybe because I have a lot of work coming up and I need extra energy," the queen replied.

After arriving at the desired cafe, Queen jumped out of the car, followed by Lili and Berta. A warm cafe atmosphere with classic decoration looks aesthetically pleasing when visiting and relaxing at this cafe. Visitors who come are mostly lovers or friends who chat with each other and drink coffee and cakes at this cafe.

"Welcome to The Cafe" said the employee

Queen nodded her head and went straight to the cake window that teased her and displayed the cakes that tantalized her tongue.

"I ordered this, this, this, and that" said the queen showing some of the cakes she wanted to taste

"Queen, is this too much?" Ask Lily

"You don't have to talk much, I really want to enjoy it" replied the queen

Berta had been watching Queen's interactions and behavior and simply shook her head.Then they waited at the table that had been chosen and while waiting for their order they were busy with their cell phones. The order they ordered finally came and the queen immediately took a picture of the meal she ordered to be able to share on her social media account.

"Are you sure the queen will spend it?" Asked Lily surprised

"Shut up, I'm enjoying this beautiful and delicious cake" replied the queen with a mouth that was chewing and eyes that twinkled with pleasure.

"This cafe is very busy, lots of young people who enjoy their afternoon or evening at this cafe," said Berta, breaking the silence.

"That's true, but as far as I know this cafe is indeed viral among young people because it's a good place and the food is delicious too" replied lili

"Yes I agree, but I just found out that this cafe is viral. Even though earlier I just randomly chose it because I accidentally saw it earlier, "replied the queen

They end up chatting like friends, discussing their opinions on various topics and, of course, teasing each other for the sake of laughter.

Time didn't last until the food ordered by the queen ran out, of course it also made the two friends wonder, but they were happy when they saw the face that radiated from the queen.

Then they went back to the queen's apartment to deliver the supermodel to her residence safely. Even though on the previous road he had been offered to buy dinner first, but queen said she was full so she didn't stop by much anymore and went straight to the apartment.

At ten in the evening, the queen felt her stomach was very hungry. She looked for delivery orders at several restaurants that were still open, but unfortunately she had to wait quite a long time for her order. Finally, the queen took the initiative to eat at that restaurant so she wouldn't have to wash the dishes, etc.Accompanied by Alex the driver and his bodyguard, he departed for the restaurant that had been booked.He even ate at midnight to fill his stomach, which sounded like it was begging to be filled; of course, he didn't report it to his manager because if he knew there was a queen, he'd be full of the manager's chatter instead of eating full.


In the morning, when Lili was sleeping in the guest room, she overheard someone vomiting something. The sound was clear because it was coming from the kitchen sink.

"Hoekk.. Hoekk…"

"Oh my gosh, queen," Lili exclaimed.

Lili helped the queen get something out even though she was blocked, so she wouldn't help, but Lili still helped her by massaging the nape of the queen's neck.

"I'll get some warm water in a moment," said Lili after seeing the queen stop vomiting liquid.

"We're going to the hospital, okay, so we can get immediate treatment," said Lili worriedly.

"No need, I just need to rest, Lili," replied the Queen, refusing

"But look at your pale face with your limp body like this, we have to see a doctor"

"No need, please take me back to the room" he said

Lili couldn't force the queen for now because, even with her condition, she was very worried so she could only obey the queen's wish that she would lie in the room again.

After delivering the queen he cleaned up the messy kitchen with groceries everywhere. He immediately made the meal that the queen wanted, Lili knew her boss' favorite meal, so she made it.

Evening time had come but it happened again when he was about to eat dinner. The nausea he felt came back, he couldn't hold it anymore now. His body was extremely weak; he needed vitamins to boost his energy levels.

Arriving at the hospital with the help of Lili and Alex, he was immediately examined by a doctor. What Queen was worried about was that she had eaten wrong. Because of her strange eating pattern, she believed that she was eating wrong.

"Well here he is, even though he is still small but he is healthy" said the doctor

"Hah ? What do you mean doc?" asked the queen confused

"This is your child, the shape is not yet visible but he is already growing and developing well" explained the doctor while pointing at the monitor

Queen remained silent, unable to respond or answer anything, as did Lili, who could only cover her mouth in shock.

"He's 12 weeks old" he said again

"Is the queen really pregnant, doctor? So it's not because he ate something wrong or got food poisoning?" Lily finally raised her voice and inquired.

"No, her appetite has increased because now something is growing in her womb, so it's no wonder why her appetite has increased," the doctor explained

"In the first treatment, you will definitely feel nauseous which is quite frequent, but that's not a problem. Later I will give you vitamins to relieve nausea, "he said again

The doctor then cleaned and corrected Queen's clothes and headed to his desk to write down a prescription.

"Here's a prescription for vitamins and you'll come back next week to check again," said the doctor

Queen didn't speak at all, when he arrived at the doctor's room he answered all the doctor's questions and carried out the suggested examinations. Starting with the first doctor, the obstetrician didn't ask many questions about the whole process.

When Lili arrived at the apartment, she prepared all of the food and medicine that the doctor had prescribed for Queen.Meanwhile, Queen just stared at the balcony of her apartment with a confused mind.

"Queen, eat and drink the medicine first," said Lili

"Lili, is it true that there is a baby in my stomach?" ask queen

"Yes, that's right queen" said lili after a pause

"I remember lili that that night I didn't use protection and I forgot to inject the contraceptive pill. Can I raise this child, Lili?" He said it again while looking at the night sky

"You can do it, I will always be beside you to keep you company," said Lili

"Should I abort this baby or keep it in my womb?" Ask the queen again

"Don't abort your womb, you have to take care of her, she is your queen's blood," prevented Lili

"Should I tell the man about this baby?"ask queen

"I'd like you to tell him, and if he accepts, that's fantastic. But if he refuses, you can hide it so he can't take it someday," replied Lili spontaneously

"I don't want him to know Lili, I don't know how that man is" Queen replied doubtfully

"Okay, it's up to you queen. I will always support you" Lily replied

"Now you have to rest queen, it's a shame your baby will catch a cold if you stay longer on the balcony," said Lili again

Queen obediently went into his room to rest from the shocking news. Plus she was confused about what steps to take next, what was clear was that she had accepted the baby in her womb while she continued to stroke her stomach.


You can already see signs of pregnancy, but you just realized that because you've never been pregnant before, so don't be surprised

Thank you

Nice Too Meet You


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