
An unexpected meeting

When I were a kid, I still remember that I had complex with my new appearance. "Dad, why did you cut my hair? The kids will think I am strange..!" I kept thinking while I was walking in the school yard and keeping my bag in my hands. Suddenly, a happy voice took me out of my thoughts.

"Hello there, what's your name?" A kid with black hair was waving at me.

But I ignored him. I thought that no one will love and accept me the way I am now. Then, I stopped. I turn back and I said to him; "Did you talk to me?"

Then I saw his face. He was smiling happily.

"So, you heard me! What's your name? Do you want to be friends with me?" He said then he look down to the ground. "Because I don't have any friends either..."

Then a light of hope was fulfilling my heart.

"With me? Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah! Why not?" He said that while he was looking straight in my eyes.

"Then, my name is Avery Masterson! And I truly want to be friends with you!" I answered excited.

"Nice! I'm Roger Harvey!" He said.

"Will you promise me that you will be friends forever with me?" I asked cheerfully.

"Sure! I promise!" He said and we made a pinky promise.

This is how we became friends forever... I remembered all that while I was travelling by train far-far away until a voice coming from the train driver was reminded me where I was heading to.

"The next station is Tokyo. The doors' train will be opening now."

I was walking for two hours in the streets of Tokyo to find a job in order to get some money for dad and me.

"Where can I go..? I tried looking for a job at cafes but...." While I was thinking that I remembered two managers. The manager No.1 said that he accepts only girls in his cafe because that was a maid cafe. The manager No.25 said that they had many applicants for the job. So, I left without managing to find a good job for me in a cafe, or in a restaurant. Whenever I think about the first manager I keep telling to myself; "I didn't even realized that the first cafe I went to was a maid cafe." Ah, I'm tired! Without even realizing it, I went directly in the front gate of Tashima High School.

I stopped. One more step and I will go to the high school. What was I thinking?!

"Why is this a High school and not another cafe?" I said angrily.

Then, a girl from afar was pointing on me.

"You! Boy over there! You're late for school! Now it's break time!" She said that while I was watching her surprised. "By the way, what's your name?" She asked again.

Some girls had gathered and said among them;

"Isn't he cute? I've never seen him around!"

"Yes! Is he new here?"

Then I approached them and I said; "Oh, sorry for not introducing myself, girls! My name is Avery Masterson and I'm new here!" I said to her as her right hand touched the bag that was hanging on her shoulder.

"I think I am falling in love!" Said a girl whose hair was knotted in brussels.

"So, you are a transfer student? Come with me! I'll show you around!" The first girl said who was pointing on me.

"No! You are wrong!" I said to her.

Then, suddenly a boy came with a dyed red hair.

"Well, who is the transfer student you are talking about?" He said.

A girl beside him was calling his name; "Roger Harvey!"

"Wait, did she said Roger Harvey? Is that you?" I said with excitement.

"I'm confused man! Do you know me? Because I've never seen you before!" Roger lost it. He did not expect from me to recognize him first, even by his name.

"It's me! Your childhood friend, Avery Masterson!" I said to him, while I was pointing on me.

"Hey buddy! Avery! Long time no see! I didn't know that you left your hometown to come to Tokyo!" He said as he was approaching me to make a handshake.

Oh, yes! I have never told him that I am a girl. But it's fine! Dad wants also to protect me so I hid my identity.

"Well, Avery why did you come here? How have you been?" Roger asked me.

"Well..." I was trying to say but the words didn't come out of my mouth....

Avery, the girls like you a lot, haha ;p

I'm just kidding!

Hope you guys enjoyed the previous chapter! I will try to update it as soon as I can!

Vugeralcreators' thoughts