
Saying Farewell

Set in ancient China. To protect her older twin sister's marriage, Bai Qing married the prince of another kingdom they didn't think anything would go wrong. When Bai Qing married everything went well until she couldn't produce an heir which became a reason for drama to happen in the inner harem and for her downfall.

Spiderpuzzle · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Bai Qing Is Alive

As planned, Bai Ling sent out an ambassador to let Tian Qi know that her sister is dead and see what his reaction would be. She wanted to know if the prince was living happily after what he had done to her sister. 

"I am an ambassador from the Min Kingdom, I would like an audience with the prince." the ambassador said to the knights but they turned him away 

"The prince is not seeing anyone at the moment." one of the guards said to him but at the same time an eunuch came along since they were in front of the prince's palace. 

"Who do we have here?" the royal eunuch asked the guards

"He said that he is an ambassador from the Min Kingdom and he wanted to have an audience with the prince." the guards said to him and he nodded

"Please come inside with me." Eunuch Su said to him and brought the ambassador inside

"Please wait here, I will let the prince know of your arrival." Eunuch Su said to him as he opened the door and went inside, as the ambassador waited outside he could hear distant talking and things being thrown and shattered. 


"Your Highness." Eunuch called out to him but there was no response so he walked over closer to the prince and he threw bottles at him 

"Your highness, there is someone here asking for an audience." Eunuch Su said to him but he threw more things and even a jug of wine that was nearby towards him. 

"Please your Highness, it is someone from the Min Kingdom." Eunuch Su said to him and he sat up sobering up.

"F-From the Min Kingdom?!" Tain Qi asked him and Eunuch Su nodded his head

"Yes, your highness." Eunuch Su said to him and the prince quickly got up, tidying himself and closing his bedroom door 

"Let him in." Prince Tian Qi said as he walked over to his seat, seeing the life in his eyes again the eunuch smiled with happiness since for the past two months he had been lifeless and even more so after the crown princess left.

Eunuch Su opened the door and invited the ambassador into the palace

"Please come right in." Eunuch Su said to him and he walked into the palace. The first thing that he noticed was the strong smell of liquor in the room, he smiled at the prince and paid his respect

"I am an ambassador from the Min Kingdom, Lu Shian." Lu Shian said to him and he nodded with a smile 

"Please be at ease, tell me how she is." Tian Qi said 

"Who?" Lu Shian asked him and he smiled brighter 

"My wife, Bia Ling. How is she?" Tian Qi asked and Lu Shian nodded

"That's what I came here to tell you." Lu Shian said and with how serious his face was, Tian Qi dropped his smile and worries washed over his face 

"Wh-what's wrong? Did she get worse?" Tian Qi asked 

"I came to clarify some things with you. The princess that you marry is the Younger sister of Princess Bai Ling who is now the crown princess of the Min Kingdom, her name is Bai Qing. The Min kingdom sent their most sincere apology but since the two are twins they thought that it was fine but since she has been disposed of and punished, they thought that I should come and explain to you as well." Lu Shian said to him but Tian Qi didn't care who he married if it was the older or younger sister but he just knew that it was Bai Qing who spent time with him and not her sister. He was worried that she might've been punished after going back. 

"Tell them that I do not mind, they sent the right person since I didn't know her name back then. But tell me, her condition. Is she doing better? Did anyone give her a hard time after her return?" Tian Qi asked him and the ambassador shook his head 

"The princess was welcomed back warmly by her family before she passed." Lu Shian said to him and Tian Qi nodded but after a while, he stopped 

".....Did-Did I hear you right? After she passed?" Tian Qi asked him and he nodded 

"At first they thought that there was no need to tell you what happened but as you were once her husband." Lu Shian said to him and it hurt him so bad 

"I was not once her husband, I am still her husband and I want to bring her back to be buried here. She's still my wife and if she is dead, she should be honored as my wife." Tian Qi said to him but he shook his head 

"I'm afraid that that is not possible. Since you sent the princess back to the Min Kingdom, they take it that you divorced her. Thus the royal family is not asking for your opinion or permission, they just thought that they should let you know about her passing, that is all." Lu Shian said to him and he slammed his hand 

"I've said that I didn't divorce her! She's my wife!" Tian Qi said to him, getting mad

"I don't mean to anger you, Your Highness but that is all I'm here to inform you about. I will be returning to the Min Kingdom in two days, that is all I came to say." Lu Shian said to Tian Qi 

"Take the ambassador to the guest room, we will depart for the Min Kingdom tomorrow." Tian Qi said and went back to his room

The following day Tian Qi ordered everyone to get ready to head out to the Min Kingdom, he was determined to bring her back even if all he could do was bring an empty body back with him.

It took them three days and three nights before they arrived in the Min Kingdom, and as soon as he could her went to her palace. There he found her lying pale on the bed, he rushed to her side; he couldn't believe that she would leave him like this. 

Tian Qi was hoping that she would stay at the Min Kingdom only for a few years then he would go beg for her forgiveness and the two of them would come back to the Su Kingdom.

He picked up her hand, it was warm but he just thought that it was because he wanted to feel her warm hand instead of her cold hand. Tian Qi sat there holding her hand for a long time while crying and after a while, the finger started moving. He looked up and saw her staring at him as if she just saw a ghost. 

"Wh-Why are you here?" Bai Qing asked him as she backed away from him but he took hold of her hand 

"A'Qing? You're alive?" Tian Qi asked her as he got closer to her but she backed away even more 

"Some-Someone! IS THERE SOMEONE OUT THERE?!" Bai Qing screamed and a few maids ran into the room 

"Your Highness." The maids called out and ran to her side, blocking him from her 

"Who are you and what are you trying to do to the princess?" the maid asked him but he was still in shock; he was told that she had passed away but she was right in front of him alive and breathing. 

"I'm her husband, I'm her husband." Tian Qi repeated to them and they looked at their master for confirmation but Bai Qing shook her head 

"I don't know him, take him away." Bai Qing said to them and the maids looked back at him

"Please leave or we will have to call the guards." one of the maids said to him and at that same moment Ming Ru came into the room

"A'Qing." Ming Ru called out to her as he was about to walk into the room and when he noticed what was happening inside he looked around once again before he continued on

"Greeting Your Highness." Ming Ru said to him. Tian Qi remembered this man because he was the miracle healer who came into the palace to help detoxicate her. 

"YOU!" Tian Qi yelled at Ming Ru, Bai Qing tried to get up but she was all bundled up and was about to fall but Ming Ru caught her. 

"Let go of my wife!" Tian Qi said but Ming Ru didn't let her go, he helped her back onto the bed and had her laid back down

"You need to rest up, we've to go to the temple in a few days." Ming Ru said to her and she sighs as she laid back down on the bed 

"Take him out. Make sure I don't have to see him." Bai Qing said to Ming Ru as she turned her back towards Tian Qi.

Ming Ru dismissed the maids and asked that Tian Qi also leave her as well using her health as an excuse; he had no choice but to do as Ming Ru has asked.