

Confused and dazed, Saya wakes up in a post apocalyptic world with her grandfather's sword in hand. With Giant robots, Murder happy mages and mythical creatures who would be more than happy to erase her existence, Saya must embrace her darkness in order to challenge her destiny. The moon calls.

Chibueze_eze · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
9 Chs


" Okay this is .... What am I looking at?"

CHAOS as far as the eye could see .

" Where the hell am I " Saya shakily stood up gawking at what seemed to be a massive bloody battle field.

The air thick with the smell of iron.

" This is a dream right ? I mean it has to be ." Saya finally realized the taste of iron in her mouth .

Bringing her hand to her mouth she realized.

" BLOOD!!! " She screamed internally.

She was covered in it.

Falling down on her butt , she scrambled messily for cover to no avail.

Surrounded by corpses , body parts and of course BLOOD .

The ground itself seeped in red and reeking of iron made her head spin .

" Hey you!!!!! " Saya shook back to reality at the sound of someone yelling .

" Huh ? " Saya gawked at the stranger .

' She wasn't there a second ago , was she ? ' .

" Wha! " As if out of a fairy tale , the stranger was dressed in armor that reminded Saya of the medieval shows she enjoyed .


" A child? " A female voice sounded from the stranger's helmet .

" Who are you calling a child . You're one too!!" Saya snapped .

The stranger was indeed pretty short at five foot four .

" Hmph I'm over four hundred years old little one. " The stranger spoke , pride dripping in waves from her tone as she puffed her chest .

" Just what the hell is going on ? Where am i ? What's going on? How did i get here ? " Saya resumed panicking.

" Come with me if you want to live !!." The stranger suddenly yelled .

"Why'd you yell ?!! " Saya yelled back .

' Why'd she use such a cliched line too?' Saya cringed internally .

" Look i don't have all day , can you fight? I mean you have a sword with you so I'm assuming you can at least protect yourself ." The stranger asked.

" What are you talking about? I don't have a swo... Huh?" . Saya finally realized that tied on her hip was a katana .

" But how? This is grandpa's most prized... How did it get there?? How did i get here?? Aaaargh I'm back to where I started!! " Saya resumed yelling .


" Are you coming with me or not? " The stranger asked sounding annoyed .

" I won't just follow a stranger to who knows whe....".


" What's the hold up let's go!!" Saya jumped and dragged the stranger into a run .

" Lead the way!! " She yelled.

" Uh sure " the stranger answered.

" But I've got a faster way , come on Anni!!" The stranger yelled .

' What's she going on about no...way ' Saya's jaw dropped at the unique sight before her .

Surrounded by a majestic aura , it ran/flew through the sky donning a radiant white glow that seemed to scream holiness.

Soundlessly it landed before them

" You have a friggin pegasus?!!!! " Saya screamed in excitement .

" I have no idea what that is , but this is a flying horse " The stranger puffed up her chest once again .

" Huh?? " Saya stared at the stranger as if looking at an idiot .

" Now get on " The stranger jumped onto the flying horse pulling Saya with her .


The horse shot up at an outstanding speed leaving dust in it's wake .


" Quit yelling!!!" The stranger snapped.

"No!!" Saya snapped back .


" Hang on" . Saya noticed a streak of red chasing after them , her eyes widening as the streak multiplied four times.

When it got closer she finally realized what they were.

" Friggin fireballs?!!! " Saya yelled.

" Tch ... And they're homing too " The stranger said after making a Sharp turn and watching the balls of fire change direction to chase them .

" Homing fireballs?!!! " Saya resumed panicking once more.

" Quit moving so much , i got this " The stranger pulled the flying horse upwards into a massive loop and then once the flying horse reached the peak of the loop .

" She jumped!!!!! " Saya screamed at the top of her lungs .

The stranger leaped downward towards the attack and with a stroke of her sword deflected all eight fireballs sending them each flying into the distance .









The sky turned white from the explosions .

The stranger landed back on the flying horse as it finished it's rotation.

" Pretty cool huh? " She asked.


" She's lost consciousness". She readjusted Saya's head to rest on her chest as she kept flying through the sky.

" You have your old man to thank for this Saya " She muttered , a soft smile underneath her helmet .