

Confused and dazed, Saya wakes up in a post apocalyptic world with her grandfather's sword in hand. With Giant robots, Murder happy mages and mythical creatures who would be more than happy to erase her existence, Saya must embrace her darkness in order to challenge her destiny. The moon calls.

Chibueze_eze · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs


The man charged at her spinning his Spear as he leaped thrusting his Spear forward only to blackout for a few seconds.

Using her left leg Saya had pushed herself back dodging the spear and at the same time executing a back snap kick with her right leg smashing the man's head into the container.

"Whoa!" Saya was surprised at how fast she had moved but the man didn't go down has a turned and slashed at her legs.

Saya jumped backwards in a backflip and landed on the top of the container which was about eighteen feet high.

"What... How did I....."


A sharp pain shot up her left thigh has she fell on one knee.

"Damn , the shooter , I forgot about her"

Saya thought as she ran across the container each step more painful than the last.


Three shots were heard as she jumped to the next container barely dodging the bullets.

He looked back , the shooter was chasing after her.

"Shit" Saya said as she kept running jumping to the next container.

Suddenly she saw a shadow moving parallel to her on another container.

"The man I fought earlier?" Saya thought.

"No it's someone else" she jumped off the container.

In front of her was the man with the spear above her was the man like shadow now holding two swords .

Somewhere behind her was the lady with the crossbow gun.

"Oh God" Saya thought as she was mid-air.

"These people are about to kill me."



"Ugh my head" Saya groaned as she got up.

"Did I pass out again?." She thought as she stood up from the bed.

"I have got to stop passing out." She said looking around hoping she was not in another tent.

"Grandpa's sword!!!" She ran her hands down her waist to her legs.

"Is this what you are looking for?"

"Aaaaah" Saya shrieked as she saw Nero sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Did you really not see me?" Nero asked.

"I mean I was right here when you woke" she continued.

Nero handed over her sword back to her.

"What happened last night?" Nero asked.

"You didn't come back that's what happened!!!" Saya yelled.

"We were attacked , I'm pretty sure some people didn't make it out of the explosion" she continued.

"And you?" Nero asked.

"I was attacked by three people and I think I lost , I'm surprised I'm not dead." Saya said

"Oh really?" Nero stood up.

"So there were three of them , we only found two." Nero headed towards the door.

"Two?" Saya asked.

"Yes , two dead shinobis" Nero turned to Saya.

"Let's go " she said.

'Dead? as in Dead but how?' Saya thought as she followed Nero out of the room.



"Hey sis you're home , what happened? why did you stay so long you promise you would only take two days but that was a week ago." A young girl cried out as she jumped into Nero's arms , well technically she crushed Nero since she was bigger than Nero (being the short stack that she was).

"Oh and you brought a friend " she continued as she finally noticed Saya.

"Yeah Alice this is Saya, Saya this is my little sister Alice." Nero said taking off her armor plating.

"Do you have to use the word little? I'm 15 years old for goodness sakes I deserve a little respect." Alice yelled.

"Whoa!!" Nero yelled as she fell trying to remove the metal Boot she had on.

"I hate these things!!" She again.

"And Saya will now be staying with us." she added.

"Really? Alice smiled.

"Wait wait I did not agree to that. Saya yelled.

"Oh do you have any other place to go.?" Nero asked.

"Well played." Saya said in defeat.

"And Alice." Nero yelled from the floor.


"Saya we'll be trying out for the sutera academy." Nero said she got up.

"What's that?" Saya asked.

"It's a school where fighters are trained." Alice said now carrying a tray of dishes.

"When did you?" Saya asked as she didn't even realize Alice had left in the first place.

"You must be tired , come on let's eat I'll show you to your room later." Alice called.

"Ooh I see Sumyrr was here." Nero at the sight of the dishes.

"Yes she was and she wants to talk to you about something , she wouldn't tell me what though." Alice said setting the food down on the table.