

tw// panic attack, mentions of panic attack

He stared at the note in his hand, contemplating whether he should really go down to eat. Frankly, he doesn’t think he has the stomach to eat as he still feels like shit, refreshed but still shit, even after that shower. But he figures if he wants to recover faster, then he really needs to eat. He sighed. He walked to hang his towel back to its rack, before walking out of his room.

Now when the note said there was food downstairs, he kind of expected a take out placed at the kitchen table or counter. Food he can just bring to his room so he can eat peacefully. He definitely did not expect for it to come in the form of Wade Ashton, wearing a black sweater and a pair of grey sweatpants, topped with a baby blue apron.

Klyde stopped on his tracks, shocked at the sight that greeted him. This is the first time, ever since they got married, that he saw the alpha in a casual fit, especially in the kitchen, cooking at that. He blinked fast, trying to wake up his mind. Maybe this was just a product of his fever?

He eventually approached him, albeit warily, bare feet padding on the cold floor.

“What are you doing?” he asked, voice still hoarse, as he climbed up a kitchen stool to sit.

Wade casted him a glance, eyeing his clothes, before bringing his attention back in front of him.

“What does it seem like to you?”

Klyde ignored the sass, he’s too sick to deal with it so he just sighed and rolled his eyes.

“What are you cooking?” he asked then. He can’t really smell anything; his nose is clogged. He tries to sniff the air but can’t really smell anything. He’s breathing hard on his mouth.

“Lunch,” the alpha simply answered.

“Can’t you smell?”

“No,” he answered flatly.

Wade sighed, turning off the stove.

“Go seat on the table, this is done.”

He climbed down the stool, jolting slightly as his feet touched the cold floor again. Wade’s eyes narrowed at him.

“Are you not wearing a slipper?” the alpha asked, walking around the kitchen counter to look at his feet. Klyde looked up at him, confused. He’s always been barefoot around the house, but then again, the alpha wouldn’t know that. He can count on his fingers the number of times they saw each other in this apartment.

“No,” he simply answered again.

The alpha sighed again, walking past him and placing the dishes he’s carrying on the table.

“There’s an extra pair by the entrance, go and wear them.”

Other times, he would have raised a brow at how he’s being ordered, although for his own sake. He would have stood his ground. But for some reason, Wade’s tone wasn’t at all commanding. A mere request, it seems. So instead of clashing with the alpha, Klyde just complied. His feet are feeling cold anyway.

When he came back, now wearing the pair of slides, the table is now set. His stomach growled at the sight of food, but at the same time, he feels nauseous. The steak looks delicious, (holy shit Wade cooked steak?), there’s a salad too. He’s salivating, but his stomach is saying no.

Wade must have noticed his struggle.

“If you can’t stomach this yet, there’s a soup,” he said. He looked at him, he almost looks embarrassed?

“Where?” he quietly asked.

“Sit. I’ll go get it,” he left after that. So Klyde sat.

The table is small, just enough for four people. He turned his attention to the alpha, the sound of utensils hitting each other loud in the quiet apartment. Wade came back holding a small pot, he gently placed it on top of a coaster on the table, before leaving once again. He got a small bowl and placed it in front of Klyde. He sat in front of him.


He looked at all the food in front of him, his gaze landing last on Wade who started eating. He glanced down at the bowl in front of him, the pot of soup and then back at Wade. He almost startled when their eyes met.

“What?” he asked.

Wade chewed silently, swallowing his food before opening his mouth to speak.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” he asked as he cut another piece of his steak.

Klyde gulped. Looking at the alpha unblinkingly.

Wade sighed.

“Rehan, I didn’t put poison there. Eat.”

He wants to laugh; how does he tell him that it’s not that. Of course, he knows the alpha won’t poison him. They have a contract after all. How does he tell him that he kind of want to eat steak too?

Klyde internally sighed, finally reaching out to grab a spoon and scoop the soup into his bowl.

They ate silently. He wants to compliment the soup but he can’t really taste it properly, with his nose clogged, his taste buds are also affected. He mechanically spooned the soup into his mouth, enjoying the warm sensation that it leaves down his throat and chest.

“Do you want it?” Wade suddenly asked.

“Huh?” he asked, confused. Did he say something?

“You’ve been staring at my steak. Do you want some?” Klyde’s cheeks colored at the realization. He must have had zoned out while looking at the steak. He averted his gaze at the alpha, shyly eating his soup now.

“Rehan,” Wade called out.

“Hmm?” he hummed in reply, refusing to meet his eyes.

“Do you want it?”

He glanced at the steak, looking delicious in front of him. He peeked a glance at the alpha’s half eaten steak on his plate too, before bringing his gaze back to his bowl.

“I did not just cook it for me, eat it if you want. It’s yours,” he briefly met the alpha’s eyes, looking at him amusedly before finally reaching for the plate. He grabbed the fork and knife too.

He pushed his bowl of soup aside, salivating at the food in front of him. He almost moaned at the first bite. The taste is dull on his tongue, his fever is really shit, but he still loves the flavors that exploded in his mouth. He ate happily, stuffing his mouth with food. He still ate carefully, trying to get a feel of what his stomach can handle.

Wade eventually continued eating. They ate in silence again, only the sound of utensils lightly hitting the plate can be heard. He occasionally sips from his soup, focused on his steak. When he’s done eating, he gently pushed his plate away. He reached for his glass to drink and only belatedly realizing that the alpha has been done eating long before him, and was watching him eat the entire time.

“What?” he asked, almost choking.

He feels so full, the throbbing at the back of his head still present though. He thinks the meal he ate today is more than all the snacks he ate for the last week. What has he been doing?

Wade only shook his head before standing up, starting to gather their plates.

“Let me. You still have to go back,” he said, trying to take the plates from Wade. Wade only tightened his hold on them.

“No,” Wade replied firmly.

“But you have to—”

“I’m not going back, Rehan.”


The alpha sighed. He seems to do that a lot around him.

“I’m not going back,” he calmly repeated.

Klyde is taken aback at that. What does he mean he’s not going back?

“But the office and—you just held a meeting—I –You can’t—”

“Rehan, hey, hey,” the alpha called. He didn’t even notice that he was rambling. His scent turning sour at his distress. He’s so concerned about his company that he panicked at the thought of neither of them not being at work.

He startled when he felt a hand grip his arm, Wade immediately let go when he felt him jolt.


“Relax, hmm?” the alpha soothed.

Klyde’s breathing is coming out fast and in short breathes, verging on a panic attack. His scent is going wild in the room, the smell both sour and bitter from his distress. The alpha tried to touch him again, and he didn’t flinch this time. Wade’s touch is gentle on his arm, warm hands running up and down his clothed arm. He struggled to regain his even breathing. It’s taking a while before he eventually calmed down. It was like magic. He can’t smell it, but he knows the alpha must have let out a soothing pheromone to help calm him down, and it worked. His breathing turned even. But now, he feels sleepy.

“Feeling okay now?” Wade asked quietly. Klyde only noticed their proximity now, the alpha’s warm breath fanning on his fringe. Any other time, he would have freaked out at the lack of distance. But he feels so sated right now, sleepy and content.

He hummed in affirmation.

Wade slowly let go, he let out a small whine at that. The alpha gently shushed him.

“You need to rest, hmm? I can still smell your fever.”

He almost snorted at that. He can smell his fever? It sounds odd. He has only ever heard of it in history books. People before them with more heightened senses. They still have heightened senses until now, especially the alphas. But it got less and less over the years, the result of evolution. If Wade is still able to do that, then he must be so in touch with his wolf.

It took him a while to finally step back, blinking blearily up at the alpha.

“Go to your room and rest, I’ll clean up here.”

This time, he did not bother protesting. He carried his tired limbs up the stairs and to his room. He walked slowly, verging on just passing out on his feet.

When he reached his room, he slowly slid under his blankets. Almost purring at how content he feels. His pillows are cold, making him hum in appreciation. He sat back up, fluffing them up even more, and arranging his pillows in a way that satiated the itch in him. He plopped back down, sighing as he did so. This time he’s really purring. Deep gentle rumble coming from the depths of his chest, making its way out of his throat.

He thinks, when was the last time he felt like this? Omegas only purr when they feel safe or content. Does it mean he feels safe here? In Wade’s apartment? He feels safe around an alpha? He cleared his throat; it only amplified his purr. It resonated in the small room.

It was definitely because of the pheromones Wade let out earlier, he thinks.

His brows furrowed, his headache returning at the train of his thoughts. He hugged the pillow on his left, burrowing himself in his bed even more. He pulled his blanket up his chin.

He should stop thinking of irrelevant things. Instead, he should be thinking of more ways on how he can save his company faster. He opened his eyes at that, debating whether he should contact his secretary to know what is happening in his company right now. His fatigue eventually won. His eyes closing. It’s getting hard to keep them open by the second. His body became one with the bed, too relaxed that he can almost not feel them.

After a few minutes, his eyes finally slid shut. Breath evening out as he gave up and finally succumbed to the darkness. The lunch he spent with the alpha replaying at the forefront of his mind.