
Chapter 39 - Normal Class

"Let's change the topic before it gets awkward."

Itsuka slightly smacks Camie for starting a topic that makes things uncomfortable. She is curious about who will have a crush on her boyfriend.

On the other hand, Itsuka wanted to know more about them before talking about how they felt. She finds it strange that after spending the whole school break slowly getting used to the harem situation. 

"Fufufu~ well I do not mind letting anyone join me and my Kacchan. I'm curious about having a threesome."

They all blushed at the bluntness of their classmate. She giggled glancing at each one of them before landing on the vine-haired girl.


The Vine-haired girl, Ibara appeared to be an innocent holy girl who had reacted more than the others. She recalled her boyfriend mentioning saving a vine-haired girl from the exam. 

Itsuka shook her head while also wondering when they would do it and how it would feel. Though, they already agreed to do it in order before trying something new. 

"Oh come on, aren't you curious~?"

"I am, hey I heard that you three are with Midoriya? Is that true?? How is it going?? Can you tell us about him??"

Mina asked curiously how someone could have a relationship with multiple women. She can't deny that she's interested in the speedster.

"Well...I can't say our relationship is perfect, especially having to share him but we do our best. He prioritizes us over himself or anyone in general."

Itsuka didn't mind sharing her thoughts about having relationships with Izuku. The girls were intently listening more so with the bubbly duo.

"Yeah, he's too selfless for his own good but that's what we like about him." (Jiro)

"Right, also if you girls need any help with your quirk feel free to talk to him. He's obsessed with quirk and will find ways to improve your ability."

Momo spoke from personal experience and without Izuku then her quirk would be less unorthodox. 

"He sounds like a hero nerd, no offense?"

"Hahaha none taken but hero nerd is understatement."

Itsuka giggled imagining once they started telling him their quirk it would be mutter-fest. After a while they finished changing and headed home leaving the other girls curious about the speedster.


Next day, everyone else was already in the class standing around and talking to one another. But when a few of them saw Izuku come in, they immediately went over to him. A spiky, red-haired boy with jagged teeth was the first of the class to actually introduce himself to Izuku.

"Yo, Midoriya!"

He called out Izuku with a toothy grin. 

"Yesterday you told me that my quirk has room to grow, now I'm so pumped up to try it.!"

"Will do, maybe once we get the chance to use our quirk in action."

Izuku responded with a smile. He 

respected this young man a bit for not feeling down due to the obvious gaps between them.

A yellow-haired boy with a black lightning bolt design in his hair, Denki Kaminari was beside him, supporting himself on a desk. 

"Man are you guys sure you aren't monsters? I still can't forget how you did yesterday. How did you guys get so strong?"

"Training. Train until your body collapses and so long you're breathing then move. That's what my master did you me when I was training"

Izuku nodded his head. Denki paled hearing his words while Kirishima was amazed by what he heard.


"Yeah, how else can you get strong when you can't train yourself both mind and body? No worries, I only collapsed...2..3...230 times while training."

He could still remember how Master Splinter beat him to train both mentally and physically.

"That's manly hardcore!"

"Who is your Master, Midoriya?"

The one who spoke was the tailed quirk young man, Mashiro Ojiro. 

"Master Splinter, though, I've also learned from a few more masters."

"Whaaaaat!? Master Splinter!? I heard from my parents that he was a legendary figure in Martial art that had retired but who knew that I would be one of his disciples' classmates. What is he like in training?"

"Hmmm. Compared to Aizawa-Sensei then he would be considered the kindest person you've ever met."

His words made them shudder imagining how strict his training regime can be. Izuku wasn't exaggerating even spent a whole month on a mountain alone to survive.

Though, his mother wasn't aware of it and hadn't found out since she would likely pass out. 

"Hey, hey, have you guys heard that All Might is going to be teaching here at U.A?" 

A pink-skinned girl with horns excitedly said.

"I bet he was an awesome teacher, Mina!" 

Said an invisible girl.

Izuku cringed, remembering the first time All Might taught him how to use his Quirk. He shook his head and turned towards the pink skinned girl.

"He sucks." 

Bakugou said, turning everyone's attention towards him and earning an 'eh?' from almost anyone in the room

"He sucks at teaching so bad that the nerd had to teach him how to teach us."

Izuku, Momo, Itsuka and Jiro all let out a chuckle remembering their trainer. 

"Wait, how come you guys know that?" 

Said Ochako.

"Hold on, are you saying that you two have been taught by AllMight himself, Kero?"

Said by the frog quirk girl with the other looking shocked.

"Holy cow is that true?"

Denki turns his attention to Izuku.

"Yeah, we spent training with him and I could confirm his suck at teaching."

They were unsure if he was telling the truth but decided to listen after recalling their quirk from yesterday. They thought it was due to being a student of the number one hero.

"If he's bad at teaching, why did they allow him to teach here?"

Camie, who sat next to Bakugou asked curiously.


Iida adjusted his glasses.

"Please refrain from saying disrespectful words to our 'possible' teacher and the number one hero!"

"I think only they can talk bad about All Might." 

Said the invisible girl as she turned towards Izuku. 

"Though, how bad is he, Midori?"

"Well he just lacks experience when it comes to teaching but after a while of 'teaching' us had probably improved by now. However, don't expect top class teaching."

"Also, Hi, I'm Mina Ashido," 

Said the pink skinned girl with a 


"Seeing you closer I finally understand why you have harem, Midori-kun!"

His harem snapped their head towards Mina and narrowed their eyes while Toru and Ochako were surprised at her straightforward action. Of course, this action was not missed by Camie who was looking at her.

'Oh my~' 

She nudged her boyfriend who looked at her with a raised brow before she pointed at Momo. Bakugo looked over his shoulder and saw their reaction and silently snickered. He leaned towards Camie and whispered.

"Let the nerd deal with girl problems. It's rather interesting to watch, much better than the old hag's nagging."

"You shouldn't say those words about your mother."

Bakugo shrugs.

"She knows I don't mean anything by it. Oh, and she's asking when are you going to visit again."

"I'll stop by your house later."


The students converse with each other until classes officially begin.


Everyone sat in bored silence as the English teacher, Present Mic, the same teacher who had instructed the students taking the practical exam, wrote down four different sentences on the board.

"Now, which one of these four sentences is 


Their teacher asked in a rather bored tone.

'So normal.' 

Izuku thought he was extremely bored even when his perception slows down whenever he grows impatience. Though he should've expected this. U.A might be a Hero School, but there is still a word School there. A few students raised their hands.

"Alright! How about you little listener!" 

Present Mic shouted with a smile, pointing at Izuku. He raised an eyebrow, he wasn't raising his hands, so why was he picked? In the end though, he just sighed.

"The last one."

"Ding ding! Correct!" 

Present Mic shouted, giving two thumbs up. Izuku did study English but it's hardly perfect. 


Second subject was math and the class 

watching Momo answer the problem on the Second subject was math, and the class watched Momo answer the problem on the board with Ectoplasm, the cloning hero, watching her, and nodding a few times. After a while, Momo put down the chalk and turned towards Ectoplasm

"It's done sensei."

Ectoplasm nodded 

"That is correct. You may return to your seat."

Izuku was staring at the board in slight amazement.

'Sometimes I forget how smart she is. I wonder who's smarter of the two, her or Melissa? Though, comparing them would be unfair when Momo focuses more on chemistry while Melissa on Machinery.'